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Okay, in a past status update I wrote in Deviantart, I said that the "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" was the main reason why I restarted "The Redemption of Chía", but I forgot to mention one more thing: a little indie colombian video game called "Cris Tales". It was released last year in all plataforms (I have it in my PC and PS4), and it's a love letter to classic JRPGs and classic fairy tales, but with a touch of colombian folklore. I love the classic gameplay mixed with a touch of time-space magic to make it a little more original. I ADORE the art style, I love how the cities and places have that touch that imediately makes you notice famous colombian places, like the town of Saint Clarise with Cartagena, or the Rainbow Lake with Caño Cristales. Heck, even your pet companion: Matias the frog, has a evident inspiration in the golden poison frog and the main character of "El Renacuajo Paseador" (The Walking froglet), a children tale from famous colombian writer Rafael Pombo. It's an incredible game, except for 3 major flaws: the loading times are way too slow, the story is kind of "meh", and the most important one: the characters are boooooooring. Their designs are incredible, I give you that, but there personalities are so cliché and so little developed that you can't make click with any of them (at least in my case). But, from all characters, Zas is the exception. Not only her design is the best, but she actually HAS a personality, and it's hillarious.

Anyway, I hope you like the pic and GO PLAY "CRIS TALES" IF YOU CAN!!



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