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Last year I did a character description about Chía: the main character of my cancelled novel. Since that pic was almost ignored by everyone, i didn't continue with that series I was planing to do. However, since it's been a while since I gave those characters a spotlight, I decided to do another character description, this time with the second main character of the story: Ofelia.

WARNING: Long post is long.


Alright, Ofelia appears in the first arc of the story: "The Mohan arc". In this tale, Chía meets Ofelia when she is rescued alongside other women from The Mohan (a creature from colombian mythology known for kidnapping young and beautiful women and force them to be their wives). After a hard battle which ends with Chía activating her powers, Ofelia returns home just to discover that her parents dissapeared during her captivity. For this reason, Ofelia decided to follow Chía in her quest of redemption, hoping to get some information of the whereabouts of her parents in the process.

As you can see, Ofelia's story is not that complicated. She's just a girl looking for her missing parents while she helps a former goddess to recover her powers, both facing powerful demons and corrupt deities in the process. But don't think that she lets Chía to deal with the hard work by herself. Despite her kind and fragile look, Ofelia is a capable fighter who can take care of herself thanks to the training her parents gave her. But we'll talk in more detail about it later. For now, let's talk about her design and personality.


As you can see, Ofelia's design is heavily based on the typical colombian "campesina" (peasant in spanish) with little to no changes in her costume. Pyshically, I tried to give her a traditional, yet distinctive look. I gave her golden eyes, freckles and even some chipped teeth. I named her "Ofelia" after the name of a late great aunt I used to visit in my hometown when I was a little boy. I also gave her glimpses of her personality to make a complete tribute of how much I loved her. And speaking about personality...


As I said before, I used glimpses of my Great aunt's personality to define Ofelia's. So, as a typical peasant girl, Ofelia is incredibly humble, kind, helpful and a little shy. She talks with a heavy paesant dialect from the Boyacá region, being "sumercé" her most used expression ("sumercé" is a polite and respectful way to say "you". It's used a lot in the Boyacá region and it's mostly used by peasants or old people. Example: "Would "sumercé" like to drink something?" or "Sumercé is a good person"). 

Ofelia is a good tailor, which comes in handy when she makes clothes for both Chía and herself (my great aunt was a tailor as well). As a curious habit, Ofelia loves to take care of her hair. That's why she's always combing her hair and using the best hair products she can. 


Time to adress the elephant in the room: What's up with that evil Ofelia design? As I told you before, her parents trained her in hand to hand combat and the use of the machete as a deadly weapon. The reason of this is that Ofelia comes from a long lineage of demon hunters. However, due to her kidnapping and following dissapearance of her parents, her training remains inclomplete. She's a formidable fighter against humans, but she can't stand a fight even against low-level demons. However, everything changes when she grabs the family machete: The Demon Butcher, which, alongside the bracelets she wears, were the only possesions her parents left before their dissapearance.

You see, The Demon Butcher has slayed a lot of demons for years, and the blood from those creatures enhances the power of that weapon. The more demons it kills, the stronger the machete becomes. However, once a demon hunter retires and has to pass the machete to a new one, the blade has to be cleansed and exorcized in order to avoid that all the hatred and grudge that powers the weapon consumes and posseses the new and rookie hunter (a veteran hunter will never have this problem due to his/her strong mind). Naturally, once the Demon Butcher is exorcized, its power resets to level 1 (let's say that fully powered is level 1000), but with the pass of time, as the hunter slays demons and becomes stronger, the machete gets stronger as well until he/she has to retire and pass the machete to a new rookie hunter, starting the process all over again.

Ofelia couldn't finish her training and the machete coudln't be exorcized. However and without option, Ofelia travels with the machete because she knows that it is too dangerous to be left alone. She knows she can't use it 'cause it could be super dangerous, not only for her but for everyone around her since she loses all control and attacks whatever comes into her way. However, thanks to the Goddess Bachue herself who blessed her bracelets, she can fight using the machete without being taken by her curse for 10 minutes.

Aaaaaaaaand that's about it.

Hope you like this long descriptions about these characters and if you want to see more, well, let me know it. 

^^ Hope you like it.



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