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I just saw "The Suicide Squad". Definitely a huge improvement from the first movie. Never I thought that my favorite character would be Cleo Cazo, AKA Ratcatcher 2. By her aspect alone in the trailers I thought she would be the typical cliché angry teen (f*cking hate those), but she ended up been so lovely and her backstory was heartbreaking. I definitely had to draw her as soon as I come home.

Funny thing: Today was my father's birthday. He would have turned 61. 4 years ago, on this exact date, my fiancee and I invited for his birthday to watch a movie, and what movie was that? Yep, "Suicide Squad". He liked that movie back then, but I bet he would loved this one even more.

^^ Hope you like it.



Rick Francis K

wooooow, your father liked that movie even besides that Joker xd. Nah jk hahahah, i'm pretty sure it's a great movie .


My dad was a man of simple tastes XD