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Well, my story won't be possible anymore, but I still want to try something different and tell you a little about the design process of the characters, so let's begin with Chia and Molly.

WARNING: Long post is long.


Okay, let's start with most important stuff: How are Chía and Molly related? Simple: They are the same person. "WHAAAAA?" - you're probably saying (or not ^^; ) - "How is this possible?" - Simple. You see, even when the story was supposed to be original, it was still sligthly based on the mythos from the Chibchas and Muiscas (one of the many indigenous tribes in Colombia). According to some stories, Chía was the Goddess of the Moon, but she didn't really enjoy that title (and obligations that came with it). She was more like a "rebel spirit" who wanted to enjoy the pleasures of life, that's why she decided to change her name to Huitaca, and with this new name, new titles were added to her, those being the Goddess of arts, dance, music, witchcraft and lust (and still the moon one). Because of her rebel attitude, Higher God: Bochica, turned Chía (now Huitaca) into a white owl and banished her to the moon.

For my story, I tried to respect most of the original source, but made a few aspects different, being the following:

1. Huitaca got tired of her new name and changed it to "Molly" 'cause it sounded more "exotic" and different from the typical names of her region.
2. I got rid of her titles of Goddess of arts, dance and music, but kept the lust one and added a new one: Chaos (to make her more corrupt and evil).
3. Unlike the original story, she renounce of her Goddess of the moon title once she became Huitaca.
4. In my story, as Molly, she was the responsible of plant the seed of corruption and evil in all mankind (before that, they were all pure goodness). In the original story, she was just very horny, and men always fell by her charming sexy, party girl personality.
5. In the original tale, Just Bochica beat and banished Huitaca. In my story, It took several gods an apocalyptic war against the forces of darkness (now commanded by Huitaca) to finally beat and banish her to the moon.


For Chías design, I tried to make a modern version of a typical chibcha suit. I also wanted keeping it simple, to make Chía look more humble and fragile now that the gods cursed her to be a regular human, but still giving her some "magical" details related to her godly origins like her moon shaped pupils, the celestial fabric she wears as a dress-thingy, a little control over water and being able to transform into a white owl.

Speaking about her eyes, they were supposed to be a visual guide of her quest of regaining her title as a goddess. As you can see, her pupils are moon-shaped and, depending on the phase, it reveals how much of her full power she has regain:

- New moon (2%): Her first aspect at the beggining of the story. She's completely blind in this state, but thanks to the little power she still has, it's not a problem for her to move around. Sadly, that's the only ability she has at this point.
- Crescent moon (25%): Her default design for most of the story. She now has little control over water and can transform herself into an owl.
- Half moon (50%): Way more control over water in all of its states (gas, liquid and solid). Heck she's basically a water-bender like the Avatar series.
- Full moon (100%): She's literally a goddess now!! She can control the entire water of the world and, during the night, she can also control darkness and little of time-space.


For those who follow me for a long, long time, you know that Molly is one of the oldest characters I've ever created (2001-2002). Back then, I didn't create her as a chibcha goddess, but as a sexy fire spirit. Her design is based on a suit used by Pink in her music video "Just like a pill". but over the time, and when I was getting more interested in colombian mythology, I changed her origin as my version of Huitaca (But I kept her name 'cause it sounds cute... and I was already used to call her Molly). Infact, if you check my super old pics of Molly, you can see that, back then, she was already drawn alongside the moon, giving you hints about her origin. 

I used to draw her ultra dark and edgy too, but now I only try give her the right amount of "edgyness" to be taken serious.

For my story, I was trying to avoid some cliches, one of them was the "main character with a hidden dark evil power he/she tries to get under control" one (like Ryu from Street Fighter. When Chia had a change of heart and became human, she truly got rid of her evil self, that's why you would never had to worry about her struggling with her Molly persona trying to take control of her body. The title was "The Redemption of Chía", meaning that she had zero interest on recover her evil powers and wanted, well, to redeem herself. Moly was supposed to appear only in flashbacks.

Aaaaaaaaand that's about it.

Hope you like this long descriptions about these characters and if you want to see more, well, let me know it. 

^^ Hope you like it.



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