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Hello there, my dear patrons.
Remember last year when I told you that 2021 would bring changes in the mechanics of patreon commissions? well, the time has come, and there are 2 big (and necesary) changes. One of them starting in February and the next one starting in March.

Warning: Long post is long!


That's right, fellas. The imfamous "luck based slots" is over starting February.  And makes perfect sense. I mean, some of my patrons are busy at their jobs and don't have enough time to send their requests, and things get way more complicated when I don't have a proper hour to open the slots besides the 5th of each month. So, considering that I have right now just 10 patreon commissioners, I designed a way more fair slot system (the moment I get more patreon commissioners, I'll have to change it again ^^; ).
But, before telling you the new slot system, allow me to remember you which are my current patreon commissioners:

From these 10 patreons, just 2 pay me $3 but haven't asked me for a commission for years now, so I designed this system based on the 8 active patreon commissioners.

1. KazeSolarFlare.
2. GoldLinaric.
3. YowLife.
4. Tom.
5. Jacob Osborn.
6. Rick Elme Kappa.
7. Dee Dubya Gee.
8. Christopher Bright.
9. Annonymous patreon (M).
10. Annonymous patreon (R).

So, how's the new slot system? Simple, to have a fair chance to all patreon commissioners without depending on luck, all of you will have your pic bimonthly. For example, Let's say that Kaze got his commission in January, that means that he won't have a slot in February, but he will have his slot secured in March. That's much better, right? No more luck, just fair play. I divided the list in 2 teams:

Team 1:
1. KazeSolarFlare.
2. Dee Dubya Dee.
3. Tom.
4. Rick Elme Kappa.
5. Annonymous patreon (R).

Team 2:
1. GoldLinaric.
2. YowLife.
3. Annonymous patreon (M).
4. Annonymous patreon (R).

Now, you probably already noticed 2 things:

1. Christopher and Jacob aren't in any team. Again, they haven't asked me for pics in years, so, until they don't start asking me for one, I'm not adding them in any team yet.
2. Annonymous patreon (R) is in both teams. How so? Well, he's the only $10 patreon commissioner I have, so, since he pays more, of course he can have a pic every month.

Okay, befor going to the last change let me give you and advice and a waring:

If you don't have a slot certain month, but really want me to draw you a pic, you can pay extra $3 and I'll do it.

Please, don't cheat. If you don't have a slot in certain month, please don't cancel your pliedge that month. I mean, I can't stop you to do so. Supporting me is not your obligation, but have in mind that I'm drawing you pics at a ridiculously cheap price, so canceling your pliedge the month you're not having a pic, would be a lack of respect for my work (You're paying less than $10 for God's sake!) If your not paying your pliedge for any reason that, please tell me with anticipation and everything is ok, but if you cheat twice, without giving me a valid reason, then I'm afraid I'll have to stop you for keep been my supporter for good.

And now for the last change.


Man, oh man. Probably the change I was afraid to do the most, since I'm risking on lose clients, still, this is something that had to be done considering my current situation.

As you know, since I opened my patreon back in 2015, I've been charging $3 for my patreon commissioners, and it was ok considering my talent and the simple rewards. But now that times are not easy here in Colombia, my regular job is not enough for my day to day (even more with this stupid COVID situation), so I have to earn a little more cash. So, starting March, patreon commissions will cost $4. 

Why $4? Again, for my talent and the simple rewards, I think this is a fair price. And why since March? Well, I just wanted to give you some time instead of suddenly change the prices.

So yeah, that'll be the new changes in my patreon starting next month. I really hope these changes don't bother you and, once again, you have my infinite gratitude for your continuous support.

Have a good one!



Hey, this all sounds a lot more fair for everyone, including you! $4 is still very reasonable 👍👍

Rick Francis K

I'm pretty sure you're dealing with honorable patreons here, so no worries at all ;)