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Okay, another journal about daily life.

It’s been a month since the school year began and, of course, it hasn’t been easy. I don’t know how school years work in different countries, but here in Colombia, each school year is numbered from 1st grade until 11th grade. I’m in charge of the last 3 years of high school (9th, 10th and 11th) which means that I have to teach English to kids between 14 and 18 years old… you know: adolescence at its finest… -_- yay. These 3 grades are divided in 6 classes: 9A and 9B, 10A and 10B, and 11A and 11B, each class has around 25 students which means that I have to give classes to 150 teenagers from Monday to Friday, 8 hours daily. Pretty standard for a teacher; and, to be honest, it’s a pretty good schedule compared to other schools where I had worked before where I had 18 CLASSES, 450 STUDENTS, 12 HOURS DAILY, MONDAY TO FRIDAY!! (2018 was heavy AF)

So yeah, I’m pretty happy where I am right now, The salary is not as high as I want to, but it’s ok, and thanks to my patrons and regular clients, I can have a semi-decent life, even to dare getting married next October. 

There’s an old saying in my hometown which goes: “I’m beaten up, but happy!” (Rough translation). And that’s how I feel right now. Working with teenagers is hard, REALLY hard, but if you earn they respect, they can be great people. And despite of how time consuming my work is, I still have brief times to enjoy my free time doing things that I love such as going to the movies with my fiancée, play with my PS4, and of course, drawing. Heck, even thanks to my job I’ve been able to try new things in my artist life. I gave Clover my very same job to cope with some of the hardest stuff in a teacher’s life (I assume you prefer to watch a sexy Irish teacher dealing with that stuff instead of the real non-sexy Lucky-JJ XD), and I even started practicing traditional art with my infamous doodles (BTW, the “Final Fantasy waifus doodle series” is coming soon) since I only have time to draw digital pics on Sundays. I’m also really happy writing “The Redemption of Chia”, which keeps my imagination flowing, and now I’m adding a new thing: I have an Instagram account now. I created it last year to try to get more clients, but who would know? People on Instagram don’t give a sh*t about my art, so I stopped using it. However, I decided to give it a second chance, this time just to upload some photos about my daily life. So yeah, if you want to follow me there, you can find me as “luckyjj3”, just don’t expect me to upload my art there, just some random photos. 

I think that’s it for now. Break is over so I gotta go back to work. ^^ Thanks for reading.

Tons of good luck for ya!


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