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 Soul Calibur has always been one my favorite fighting game franchises, being SCIII my absolutely favorite until this day. 

It has been almost 8 years since I played the last main entry in the series, being SCV, and I have to adminte that despite enjoying it a lot back in the day, it was only because the online matches I had with my best friend  using our OCs. But as for the main game, it was a bare bones lackluster experience.

When SCVI was released in 2018 I felt so bad being unable to get the game and resume those epic fights with my friend. But hey, better late than never. Last week I finally got the game and so far I love it. 2 well developed story modes, a pretty cool art gallery (I'm a sucker for galleries in fighting games), kickass soundtrack, beautiful and improved gameplay and pretty amazing online mode. Yeah, this game was a way better game than SCV... still, there are 2 things that still bothered me about it:

1. The "Libra of Soul" is a nice adittion for a story mode where your original character is me main protagonist. Still, is too text heavy that after a while I ended up stopped caring about the story, skipped every dialogue and making up an original story in my mind. Not even close as how freaking EPIC was "Chronicles of the Sword" back in SCIII, which was also a story mode for original characters and it was a perfect blend between Age of Empires and SC, heck it even had cutscenes with your OC for key moments of the plot (which was pretty good as well). Again, "LoS" was not bad, but pretty shallow after a while.

2. The Character Creation was way better and improved as it should... except for one key detail: the equipment and accesories are barely existent!! You don't have enough pieces to create the characters you want and they ended up looking kinda generic. Can you unlock more equipment like previous game? Well, you can get +100 piece of creation if you want, but guess what. all of them are DLC!! f*cking DLCs!! Extra characters are one thing, but blocking 70% of the character creation behind a paywall is greedy as f*ck!! not cool Bandai-Namco!!

Oh well, besides that I still loved the game and I managed to create a good bunch of my OCs having the equipment that I had at hand, such as Clover, who has a nice dress (more detailed in the game that in this pic) and Seong Mi-Na's fight style. (I also created come characters from my upcoming story and some others from my cancelled "Bamung").

^^ Hope you like it. 



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