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Representing Batman today with my outfit! Wanted to show you guys so I made my first gif. Sorry the gif turned out so big...haha...

(Some said the gif didn't work so its now a 7 sec awkward video on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx16NXydTs4)

Hope you're having a fantastic friday!! 😊

If you haven't yet, be sure to vote on the 2nd cosplay poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/2nd-cosplay-poll-20186623 

I'll be taking pictures of the cosplay that wins this weekend!

And of course, the Black Widow pictures AND video will be up soon! I'll be posting those up early next week! Even though a lot of the video is about showing off my cosplay, I like to go with a little story in each of my videos. The theme for my Black Widow video is.... what happens when the Russian spy GETS SPIED ON!  hehe ❤️

If you have any video ideas with certain characters you'd like to see, let me know! 






That’s adorable! Aaah! I wanna get Amanda one! Where’d you get it??