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First of all, thank you for your support.

I have tried to contact you to see what you would like to see in terms of generating some images, but we have not been able to get in touch.

No problem, as I will now share the City Destroyer collection with you.


In the heart of an unsuspecting city, an inexplicable phenomenon was about to unfold. Under the cover of night, a meteor shower unlike any other graced the skies, casting an eerie, pulsating light across the urban landscape. Unbeknownst to its inhabitants, this celestial event carried with it a sinister energy that would awaken something dark and powerful within a group of unsuspecting girls.

As the meteors streaked across the sky, their radiance filtering through windows and casting an otherworldly glow over the city, ten girls of diverse backgrounds and lives slept soundly in their respective homes. Little did they know that this night would mark the end of their innocence and the beginning of an unholy transformation.

One by one, they awoke in their beds, their bodies wracked with an inexplicable sickness. Clutching their heads in agony, they felt their muscles convulse and expand beyond human limits. The pain was excruciating, as if their very bones were shifting, their bodies undergoing a grotesque metamorphosis.

As the pain intensified, their fear turned to desperation. They cried out, their voices echoing in empty rooms as their surroundings began to tremble. Objects shattered, walls cracked, and the very foundations of their homes seemed to protest against the unnatural energy that surged through their veins.

Their bodies radiated an aura of malevolence, an energy that crackled with an evil intent. The city itself seemed to respond to this dark transformation, as if the fabric of reality was being twisted and bent to accommodate their newfound power. The streets trembled as the girls' energy surged out of control, tearing through buildings and structures with an insatiable hunger.

Yet, as their surroundings crumbled, the girls themselves felt a strange sense of euphoria. The agony of their transformation gave way to a twisted pleasure, an intoxicating rush that came with the realization of their newfound abilities. Their reflection in shattered mirrors revealed a grotesque beauty – their bodies had morphed into sinewy, muscular forms that bore little resemblance to their former selves.

They reveled in their monstrosity, their evil smiles mirroring the destruction they left in their wake. Laughter echoed through the crumbling streets as they reveled in their own malevolent power, delighting in the chaos they had unleashed upon the city. Their innocence had been replaced by a thirst for dominance, a hunger for control that had twisted their once pure intentions.

The city's inhabitants cowered in fear, unable to comprehend the force that had been unleashed. Panic spread like wildfire, as news of the monstrous girls reached every corner of the city. The ten friends had become an unholy force of destruction, an embodiment of power that disregarded all morality and humanity.

As the night wore on, the girls' malevolent joy persisted, their powers growing stronger as the city fell further into chaos. Buildings crumbled, and the city's skyline became a testament to their reign of terror. They reveled in their dominion over the city, embracing the dark ecstasy that their newfound bodies and power brought them.

By the time dawn broke, the city was left in ruins, a mere shell of its former self. The girls stood amidst the wreckage, their monstrous forms illuminated by the fading moonlight. As the first rays of the sun touched their monstrous bodies, their evil laughter echoed through the stillness – a haunting reminder of the power that had consumed them.

In a world forever scarred by their malevolence, the ten girls stood as a testament to the corruption that power could bring. Their innocent dreams had given way to a nightmarish reality, their once-cherished friendship tainted by the darkness that now resided within them. And as the city lay broken and defeated, it was a chilling reminder that even the purest souls could succumb to the allure of power and become monsters in the night.



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