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Unfortunately, we have had a very difficult year and it looks like the next year will not be easy either.

I wish everyone a lot of strength for the period ahead.

In the meantime, I am trying out new techniques that will produce even better and more consistent results. Supporters will see the new videos soon, but it will be a long time before the exciting animations arrive in the free uploads.

As generating such videos takes a lot of time and (electricity), your support is very important. I ask everyone who likes what I do and can afford it, not to hesitate to support me. Thank you very much.

Finally, I will show you a video made with this new method, for which the story was also written by an AI.


Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived an innocent young girl named Lily. She was kind and gentle, with a heart full of love and a soul full of light.

One day, while out gathering berries in the forest, Lily stumbled upon a strange vial hidden amongst the ferns. Intrigued, she picked it up and examined it more closely. It was a potion, unlike any she had ever seen before.

As she held the vial in her hands, she couldn't resist the temptation to try it. She uncorked the bottle and took a small sip, hoping it would give her some kind of magical power.

But little did Lily know, the potion was a muscle growth potion, created by a powerful sorceress with dark intentions. As the potion coursed through her veins, Lily felt an intense heat spreading throughout her body.

She fell to the ground, writhing in pain as her muscles began to grow and bulge. It was as if her entire body was being transformed, from the inside out.

As the transformation completed, Lily stood up, no longer the innocent girl she once was. She was now a powerful, evil being, with bulging muscles and a heart full of darkness.

The sorceress who had created the potion appeared before her, a sly smile on her lips. "Welcome to the dark side, my dear," she said. "You are now a warrior of the darkness, bound to do my bidding."

Lily, consumed by the power of the potion, could not resist the sorceress' commands. She became a fearsome warrior, wreaking havoc and destruction wherever she went.



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