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Hey everyone,

Melody visits you in your dreams to tell you your next mission.

"Hey, I`m speaking to you trough your dream. We have something important to discuss."

"The next femdom might be an even bigger monster than the first femdom herself. "

"I dont know her whereabouts which is why I have created a plan"

"She abducts young people from your world and drags them to her home. The town she collects them from, stopped producing kids, so I guess she will be very happy to see you there. I can make you look way younger than you are to confuse her into thinking your just a child."

"You will stay in your child form until you beat her, so I advise beeing smart about facing her, because your sword will be to heavy for you to use."

"I will transform you back as soon as you defeated her and teleport you back to me, where we plan our last fight against the first femdom."

"You`re gonna wake up in the town I told you about, but don`t worry I will be there waiting for you."

"Sleep well now <3."

Chapter 6 will be a very big scene aswell, also with many tasks and minigames. I am currently about 80% done with the scene without testing it. I had a lot do to so I couldn`t really work on it this week but I will try my best to upload tomorrow or at the latest on monday. 

Cheers Fetixxer



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