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As we are approaching the one year anniversary of the existence of Purple !(in 1 month )

I'd like to thank all of you, new supporter, old supporter, long supporter, everyone that make my dream of being able to draw for a living to materialize little by little.


For the people who follow me for a long time you know how uncertain this whole things is for me and stress me too, as things stand for now ill continue to draw and post as usual, 

I want to add a little note on my situation, im growing on social almost everywhere and on patreon and it keeps growing ! 

i managed to get the minimum wage for 4 months in a row *kinda* and if it keep going like that i won't stop what i do here ! As long as people are interested in what i do ill keep doing it ! 

So yeah... Thank you all
It mean the world to me, i don't have word to say how much im gratful for the support