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I love it. Will you create a continuation version where's she's completely immobilized and on display inside the box? What will keep her pacified?


Understood. I guess I wanted to see how she'd be kept from speaking. Painting on her makeup suggests she won't be getting fitted with a gag mask. Maybe the bunny ears, when activated, have a mind pacifying effect? Maybe I should stop asking questions and just enjoy your wonderful work of art ;)


thats the power of imagination :3 Myself im not a big fan if everything is given to you in every scenario, because everyone have different liking and i can't draw them all, so if my drawing can help you thinking of stuff you enjoy my job is done hehehe <3 Question like this are welcome,they can give me idea from time to time ~ Thank you ! <3 tho ill come again on a theme like this don't worry :3 Also someone asked whats floor 1 of the factory, so may have a whole building to think about a t some point xD we will see !