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Next chapter will be the end, and I mean that for real this time!


“Now open up and say ‘Ah’ honey.”

Rose rolled her eyes, “I'm ten, grandma, not five!”

Emma chuckled from her dentist's chair. “You'll forever be my little munchkin, Rosie dear.”

Rose pouted before opening her mouth, allowing her grandmother to lean down and inspect her teeth.

Wizards didn't have dentists. It wasn't seen as necessary, as any kind of issue that emerged could just be fixed with magic.

Emma's dentist brain simply could not accept that. Magic or no magic, it would always be better to have good dental hygiene and prevent tooth decay and the like rather than to just reverse damage whenever it was noticeable.

And so, Emma had taken it upon herself to see that the extended Potter-Weasley family's oral health was in tip top shape. That included bi-annual cleanings.

Today, her granddaughter was due.

Emma inspected Rose's mouth, and as always, there was nothing to worry about. Little Rosie never gave her any trouble, being as meticulous as Hermione had been in flossing and brushing thoroughly twice a day while avoiding excessive sweets.

The cleaning went by quick, and as Emma removed her gloves, she noticed a frown on her granddaughter's face as she inspected her teeth in the hand mirror.

“What is it, Rosie?”

“My teeth are still huge.” She said as she angled the mirror under her buck teeth, “Everyone else has a perfect smile. Meanwhile, I have these two giant rabbit teeth coming out of my mouth. And mum and dad won't let me get them fixed!”

Emma held her hand out, “Rosie, come with me, I think we need to have a little talk with your parents.”

As luck would have it, Harry and Hermione were in the room upstairs. Everyone else was out for some reason or the other, which was very convenient, as this would work best as a Granger only conversation.

Rose followed along as her grandmother led her upstairs, and neither one of them even so much as flinched as they began to hear the tell-tale sounds of flesh smacking against flesh, along with some very familiar moans.

“Yes! Yes! Keep pounding that pussy Harry pleaseeee!”

Emma had been wrong. Harry and Hermione weren't in a room. They were smack dab in the middle of the hallway, with Hermione bent up against the wall as Harry fucked her from behind.

Hermione moaned as Harry tugged at her hair, her face turned sideways against the wall as her mouth hung open.

Harry's cock slammed in and out of Hermione's gushing cunt, the grotesque sounds of her squelching quim echoing across the narrow hallway.

Emma tisked. “You couldn't even make it to the bedroom?”

Harry grunted as his balls slapped against Hermione's clit, the impact making the brunette's knees buckle as he triggered a sudden orgasm in her. Harry let Hermione quiver around him and then collapse forward onto the floor, his shaft sliding out of her quim and dragging a thick drizzle of her cunt juices along with it.

“I-I warned him that this wasn't proper! But he doesn't listen!” Hermione whined, trying to catch her breath as her pussy still quivered, feeling the echoes of Harry's member against its walls.

Emma rolled here eyes at her daughter's words. Sometimes, she wondered if Hermione only kept up that proper, prudish act because she knew it turned Harry on.

“Your cleaning's done, baby?” Harry asked Rose, who nodded slowly, eyes completely fixated on the thick cock that was slimy with her mother's juices.

“Actually, there's something we need to talk to you about, don't we, Rose?”

Rose gulped, suddenly not that interested in bringing up her insecurities to her father.

Harry looked genuinely curious. “What is it?”

Emma gave the girl's back a light shove. “Come on now, dear.”

Rose took in a deep breath. “Why can't I get my teeth fixed?”

Harry looked taken aback, blinking quite a few times before he let out a light chuckle.

He stepped forward, leaving behind a whimpering Hermione as he approached his daughter and her MILF grandmother. Emma and Rose were both wearing nothing more than crop tops and knickers, and Harry could see their soaked crotches along with the stiff nipples that poked through their shirts.

“Rosie, I thought it was obvious. Why do you think I have you suck my cock more than anyone else?”

Rose pouted. “B-Because my pussy's not as good?”

Harry was actually stricken by her words. He fell to his knees, grabbing onto his daughter's face, staring into the honey-brown eyes which shone bright behind her glasses.

“Baby, is that what you really think?”

Harry dipped forward and claimed her mouth in a hungry, loving kiss. Rose moaned into it, the young girl leaning her body forward, wanting her daddy's hands to grope her pre-teen body.

Harry pulled back lightly, emerald eyes boring into her own.

“Rosie, your pussy's amazing. It's incredibly tight and it tastes oh so sweet. I ask you for blowjobs so much because I love seeing that cute, innocent face of yours while you suck me off. I love when your little teeth can't help but scrape against daddy's cock, no matter how hard you try.”

Rose was shuddering now, Harry's words making her little pussy tingle something fierce.

“Y-You like it when I s-suck you, daddy?”

Harry licked his lips as he stood up, his cock, which had almost flagged completely, was now semi-erect. Just how Rose liked it to start off with. It would be nice, thick and meaty, it'd feel massive in her small hands, but it would still have some bend and give to it.

Harry's dick bumped her lightly on the nose, and Rose reached out to grasp it with both hands, stroking up and down the shaft as she opened her mouth wide.

Harry looked down at his baby girl. She looked so damn good, a young Hermione with some of his features mixed in. Her big, circular glasses were just like his old ones, and as her mouth opened, her buck-teeth, such clear markers of her young age, made his cock twitch in her hand.

Rose wrapped her lips around his head, her front teeth ever so lightly scraping against his shaft.

Teeth in a blowjob were almost never ideal, but this was a very major exception.

Harry hissed as his daughter took a bit more of his shaft into her mouth, suckling on his head while those innocent brown eyes looked up at him with love and lust in equal measure.

Emma had left them to have their moment. She was kneeling in front of her own daughter, licking Hermione's pussy. She set a deliberate, languid pace as she sank a few fingers into her own cunt. She wasn't looking for release for either of them, she was just keeping them warm for when Harry needed them.

Rose had popped his cock out of her mouth and she was now lathering his glans with her tongue, the pink appendage gliding smoothly over the sensitive skin, almost thin enough to slip between his cumslot and into his urethra as she licked him all over.

All the while, her mouth hung open and Harry got a wonderful look at those prominent front teeth, just a little sliver of daylight present in the gap between them.

It made Harry's dick oh so painfully hard. And then Rose would shoot him that innocent look, and she would take his cock into her mouth and bob her head while her bee-sting little boobies looked as if they were about to puncture a hole through her cutoff shirt.

His cock began to pulse inside of Rose's mouth, and his little perfectionist, sensing that the end was coming, reached up and cupped his balls, lightly massaging them with her palm.

“Fuck!” Harry groaned as he knew he was past the point of no return.

One shot of his red hot seed blasted the back of Rose's throat, who happily gulped it down as Harry took a slight step back.

The next shot sprayed her open mouth, some of it splashing against her teeth, then the next few shots hit her face.

Rose found herself unable to see as her glasses became clogged up by her father's thick gunk. She felt more shots spray onto her hair and collarbone before her mouth was filled once more. Daddy's cock gave its last few mighty twitches inside her mouth, directly feeding his precious seed into her belly.

Rose wanted to keep on suckling on his cock, but Harry pulled out, popping out of her protesting mouth.

Rose removed her glasses in order to see why her daddy had left her hanging.

She frowned as she saw that her grandmother was between her mother's legs, hypnotically wriggling her thick bum in a gesture that was practically begging daddy to fuck her.

Rose licked up the cum that was beginning to cake up on the lens of her glasses as her grandmother let out a muffled moan into her mother's pussy. Daddy had knelt in front of the horny MILF and was now plowing her from behind.

Rose crawled over, determined not to be upstaged by her grandmother.

Harry stroked into Emma, who was now eating Hermione out much more furiously. He felt Rose crawl up under him, and while he was confused, he didn't stop pounding the mature woman.

Rose managed to wedge herself under where her grandmother was being reamed by her father. Syrupy-thick juices began to drip onto her face, mingling with her father's rapidly drying cum.

But Rose has a goal, a target that she had aquired.

Her grandmother might have stolen her daddy from her, but Rose could still win the war.

Emma's clit was right there, throbbing with each thrust from daddy's monstrous shaft.

Rose giggled as she raised her head up, closing her mouth over her grandmother's clit and sucking the little button into her mouth.

Emma screeched into Hermione's cunt, her face falling forward and pushing her nose into her daughter's pussyhole. This triggered another orgasm from her daughter, who rode her face for all it was worth. Emma tried to recover, but the cock in her pussy and the young mouth on her clit could not be overcome.

Rose grinned triumphantly as she felt her grandmother's orgasm explode. She quickly grabbed her daddy's cock by the base, squeezing it tight to ensure not a drop of cum escaped his balls as Emma Granger's walls spasmed violently around it.

Harry chuckled. His little girl could be both resourceful and vindictive when she put her mind to it.

Rose unlatched her mouth from Emma's mound, pushing at her grandmother's thighs to slide her off her daddy's cock.

Emma collapsed forward onto her daughter. Both Grangers ended up piled up into a mess of limbs as Rose grinned up at her father.

“Looks like the old ladies couldn't get it done, daddy.” She stood up, hand still squeezing Harry's shaft.

Harry chuckled. “Guess not.”

With her free hand, Rose slid her panties down until they pooled at her ankles, revealing the cleft of her tight little slit.

Harry sprung into action, lifting his squealing daughter up and slamming her against the wall right next to Hermione and Emma.

“Daddy!” Rose felt a thrill run up her spine as her back impacted the wall, her legs wide open in anticipation of her father's incestuous fucktstick.

Harry drilled her into the wall, his cock spearing through her underage cunt. Her lips and walls were spread wide as Harry's dick burrowed its way deep into his daughter's ten-year-old cunny.

Rose shrieked. Daddy had fucked her plenty of times before, but he was so big, and she was so small, it was too much to ever get used to.

Harry's hands went under her top, squeezing around her budding chest as he fucked her roughly, her ass slapping against the wall with each powerful thrust that left her legs flaying about.

Rose's back arched as daddy tweaked her nipples, moans being ripped from her throat as her pussy was being beaten and battered raw.

“Rose!” Harry grunted, and he hilted himself in her cunt as he filled her underage womb with his virile seed.

Rose was cumming, letting her body go limp as her daddy held her up. He was filling her, filling her up completely with his semen, and Rose prayed to magic itself that daddy's seed would fill her womb, that it would find her eggs and completely ravage them until she had a belly full of her own little sisters.

Harry pulled back from the wall and carried his baby girl over to the bedroom, his cock never once leaving her quivering cunt.

“Keep it moving girls! Just one more lap! Come on, you got this!”

Ginny and Angelina were leading the group as they jogged their way around Potter manor. Trailing behind them, a lot more winded and sweating profusely, were the girls.

Dora was actually acquitting herself quite nicely. While she didn't play any sports, she was still a very active and athletic girl, and she managed to more or less keep up with the former quidditch star's pace.

Everyone else was varying degrees of huffing and puffing, dragging along stitches on their sides as they stumbled their way through the final lap. Jamie, Victoire and Lily were doing marginally better than Rose, who looked like she was on the verge of a heart attack.

Finally, they finished their run, and as Ginny handed out water bottles, Angelina couldn't help but notice that the girls seemed a bit more surly than usual.

She knew these workouts were grueling, but they had all agreed to them, and she thought the girls had realized their benefits by now.

“What's got you lot so sour?” Angelina asked, reverting back to her quidditch captain voice.

The girls, hands on their knees and panting as sweat dripped down their faces, exchanged frowns, but did not answer.

“Come on now.” Ginny jumped in, hands on her hips, “Might as well save yourself the hassle and tell us now.”

Dora sighed, the fifteen year old taking it upon herself to speak for the rest of her sisters. “We just think its a bit shitty that Roxanne gets to bugger off on this every time.”

Ginny and Angelina were less than impressed by the girl's language, but decided to focus on what she'd said.

“Dora, that's not nice of you. You know Roxie has a spell of the flu.” Ginny chided.

“For the third time?” Jamie chimed in defiantly. “Don't you think it's convenient that she always gets sick whenever we have to workout? Or she twists her ankle or something?”

Angelina's mouth hung open, a retort dying in her throat as the wheels in her head began turning.

“She was throwing up.” Ginny said defensively, though the certainty in her voice had vanished.

Lily scoffed. “Yeah mum. There's these things called puking pasties, didn't they have them in your time too?”

Ginny's eyes widened as she glanced over at Angelina, who's expression had turned hard as stone.

“Ginny, go and take the girls out for ice cream, they deserve it.” The girls all cheered at this. “I need to have a talk with my daughter.”

As Angelina stomped over to the house, the girls all whispered amongst themselves, and Ginny pretended not to hear them.

“Maybe we shouldn't have done that to Roxie?” Rose said worriedly.

“Fuck that.” Victoire snapped. “She's been getting away with it for way too long. We're out here sweating while she gets to sit on her fat ass.”

“I almost wish we could stay and see what happens.” Jamie said with an evil grin.

Inside the manor, Angelina passed by the Delacours, who were playing some French board game that they constantly tried to get everyone else into, but was far too complicated and convoluted for their simple British brains to comprehend.

The veela were getting very heated. And they didn't even hear Angelina as she stomped her way up the stairs.

Roxanne's room was the fourth door down to the left. While in practice, everyone ended up in the same room or in some haphazard configuration that depended on that day's sexual escapades, the girls all still had their own rooms that they could personalize and mark as uniquely theirs.

Roxxanne's door was slightly ajar, and Angelina slowed her roll enough to step lightly as she softly pushed against the door, her frown only growing at what she saw.

Her nine-year old daughter was laying flat on her stomach facing her television, not a care in the world as she was completely entranced by the video game she was playing. She was controlling a blonde elfish boy in a green tunic as he sailed around on a dragon boat.

Angelina took a moment to admit that the game's colors were very vibrant and eye catching.

But it still didn't stop her for being very miffed at her daughter. She was supposed to be out with the others keeping in shape, and she'd instead been skivvying off to laze around and play video games while her father ate her pussy!

Angelina couldn't help but shake her head. Harry was always so dominant, but their little girls always had him wrapped around their fingers.

Harry was laying in the bed behind Roxanne, face buried in her little pussy as he licked away at her young, creamy cunt.

“Daddy!” Roxanne hissed as she wriggled her bum against his face. “Slow down a bit! I just found another submarine!”

Harry gave her pussy a loud slurp before his face reared up, “Sorry, honey, I'll try to be gentler.”

Roxanne glanced over her shoulder. “Could you just get on top of me and put it in? But don't move at all.”

Harry shrugged. Scooting up to do just that.

Roxanne was tall for her age, around five-foot four. She had inherited her mother's ridiculous ass, though Angelina's chocolate skin had turned just a few shades lighter with Harry's genes mixed in. Roxy also had her father's emerald green eyes, which made her look positively exotic in conjunction with her skin tone and beauty.

But, it was also clear that all the lazing about had had its effect as well. Roxy wasn't fat, nowhere near it, but she did have a bit of chub to her. Not that Harry found it any less sexy as he slid his body across hers, lining his cock up with her pussy and pushing in as he lay down atop her.

Roxanne was being smothered by her father, his cock nice and snug in her pussy.

She sighed. This was the life, feeling nice and secure with her daddy inside of her while she played her favorite video game. If only she had some snacks around. Perhaps she could ask daddy to summon some oreos for her…

“Daddy!” She snapped again, making her father freeze. “No moving! I need to focus on the game!”

“Sorry, baby. It's just, kind of hard not to move when I'm in this sweet little pussy.”

Roxy scoffed. “Well try harder, daddy! I need to one hundred percent this game soon before Lily beats me to it!”

“That's enough!”

Angelina's voice caused both father and daughter to jump in surprise, and Roxanne's controller went flying off her hand and onto the floor.

“A-Angie?” Harry asked guiltily, despite logically having nothing to be guilty about. He was just fucking his underage daughter, nothing else!

“Roxanne Euphemia Potter, what do you have to say for yourself?”

The young girl was practically cowering with fear as she quivered nervously at her mother's gaze. “M-mum! Daddy's made me feel way better! My fever is completely g-”

“Cut the shit.”

Roxanne's jaw clicked shut at her mother's foul language.

“Angie, what's going on?”

“What's going on, Harry, is that our baby girl is becoming a spoiled little slacker who's going to turn into a vegetable if she keeps this up.”

“Muuuum! I just hate running! It burns real bad and its no fun!” The girl whined.

Angelina raised an eyebrow, “Well, why didn't you say so? There's other ways to do cardio, you know?”

Roxanne gulped, her mother's words sounding very ominous. “Y-Yeah?”

Angelina grinned wide, showing off all her teeth. “Of course! Harry, start fucking that little brat, now!”

Harry took a moment to get started, but after an insistent look from Angelina, he began to slowly move in an out of his daughter's pussy.

“Daddy!” Roxanne moaned as her father's cock rammed into her cunny.

“Harder, Harry. Way harder!” Angelina insisted.

Harry rapidly picked up the pace, hips slapping against Roxanne's soft and doughy body as he slammed his cock into her.

“W-Wait! S-slow d-down!”

“Already out of breath.” Angelina tisked, hands at her hips as she glared at her daughter, who's blushing face was now turned sideways onto the mattess. “We're going to have to build that stamina up, one way or another.”

Two hours later saw a glassy eyed young girl, who was positively drenched in sweat, trying desperately to catch her breath.

They were in the living room, with all her sisters, aunts and grandmothers going about their evening as if nothing was going on. Her sisters shot her nasty smirks, glad that she was finally being punished.

Daddy had somehow lifted her legs until they were behind her neck. His hands had gone under her armpits and were clasped behind her in a full nelson, leaving her completely helpless as her father's gargantuan cock sloshed in and out of her nine-year-old cunt. His heavy balls slapped against her clit with each thrust, and Roxanne's pussy was drooling juices all around her father's swollen shaft.

Meanwhile, everyone else was making their hundredth attempt at learning that stupid French game.

“D-Daddy… p-please!” Roxanne wheezed out. She had lost track of her orgasms long ago, and now was just trying to regulate her breathing as the burning in her chest continued to grow.

“Alright, you can give her a break.” Angelina said as she clicked on a stopwatch.

As gently as he could, Harry let Roxanne topple off of him onto the couch in front of them.

“Don't worry stud, I'll keep you warm.” Abeli said. The older darkskin woman hopped into his arms, impaling herself on his cock and seamlessly setting a rhythm as she began to ride him.

Harry stumbled backward slightly, Abeli was a grown woman after all, but he adjusted quickly and began to rock her sexy chocolate body onto his cock.

“This doesn't make any sense! Don't you have instructions in English?”

Apolline turned her nose up. “You do not trust me, Ginevra?”

“I'm just saying! Every time you guys might be losing you come up with a new rule and suddenly you have even more peasants than before!”

“Can we all just play on the PS3? I've got some new multiplayer games that you old phillies can handle.” Dora offered.

“How bout we do wand tag?” Lily asked excitedly.

“You just want an excuse to hold a wand,” Victoire told her.

“Yeah, so?”

Meanwhile, Angelina was closely observing her daughter. Once she felt that Roxanne had had enough recovery time, she blew a whistle that startled the young girl.

“Enough rest! Hop back on, cowgirl this time, no slacking!”

Abeli hopped off of Harry's cock, giving the handsome stud a wink and a kiss before she went to rejoin the family game night.

Harry sat on the couch and gave his daughter a sympathetic smile as the exhausted girl climbed atop his lap and sank down onto his cock.

Harry wrapped his arms around her waist but did not dare move under Angelina's watchful eye. Roxanne began to ride him, and even though she was clearly very winded, she still couldn't help but feel overwhelming pleasure as she bounced on her father's cock. In this position, his head was hammering away at the thin lining that separated her pussy from her womb, and she could feel each thundering blow as his cock threatened to tear down her walls.

Exercise wasn't so bad when she did it like this.

Roxanne actually began to speed up, picking up strength as she threw around the weight of her young body, putting all her focus on milking her daddy's cock.

Harry began to moan as Roxanne took over, riding him with grit and determination, her previous exhaustion completely forgotten.

“Gods! Baby, I-I think I'm about to-!”

Roxanne slammed home one final time, and this time she came down with so much force that her father's freight train barreled through her walls and crashed against her cervix. There was a perilous moment where, while her mouth opened wide in a silent scream, her lower body twitched, fighting against the force that wanted to punch through her final barrier.

And then daddy's cockhead burst through that ceiling right into her womb, and Roxanne yelped as her lap met daddy's for the first time.

His entire cock was inside of her. It was pulsating and throbbing something fierce, the shaft stretching her cunt while the head did the same to her womb.


The balloon popped, and her little underage womb was painted snow white by burst after burst of daddy's incestuous seed.

Harry pulled her snug onto his chest as the gravity of what had just happened fully hit her. Her legs felt dead, she felt absolutely exhausted, and she was sure she wouldn't be able to move an inch even if she wanted to.

Harry kissed the top of her head as Roxanne rested against him.

“I hope you learned your lesson about exercise, honey.”

Roxanne snuggled deeper into her father's chest, choosing not to respond to her mother's words. She would definitely try to be more active from now on, but she was definitely not going to be picking up running any time soon either.

She had found a much better way to get her heart up and running.

The sun was setting over the vast fields of Ottery St. Catchpole. The ruins of what had once been the Burrow took on an almost transcendent beauty as the oranges, blues and purples of night and day intermingling played out overhead the rubble.

Harry and Molly were the only ones who had bothered to come. Molly because they were still her sons and Harry because of a warped sense of duty.

Charlie was tapping away at the marching drum that hung from his neck while Bill put in his best effort with the flute, though he kept missing more notes than he hit. Percy was pacing back and forth while George stood at attention an Ron tried not to let himself get distracted by the butterflies.

“Gentlemen, these are the moments that try men's hearts. We are setting off into a conflict, not just for our own lives, but for the hearts and minds of our people. I am not exaggerating when I say that the fate of our entire world hangs in the balance of this coming battle.”

Percy spoke with the resolve of a general, and his brothers hung to his every word.

“Men, after all we've been through, I feel like a bond has formed between us. I'd even go so far as to consider you my brothers, my own flesh and blood. Now, as we ride off to crush the Hedwigist menace, let us join in one final chant. HAIL POTTER!”


Percy smiled proudly before turning to look reverently at Harry. “Oh almighty Potter, please, will you give us your blessing so that we may smite those heretics once and for all?”

Harry hastily waved his hand in the sign of the cross. “You're blessed.” He said in a bored tone.

Percy grinned triumphantly. “With our god's blessing, victory is all but assured!”

The Weasley boys cheered in unison. Harry felt it best not to tell them that Jean had received his blessing five days prior. At this point, Harry just hoped that both sides would wipe each other out and bring an end to this whole mess.

One by one, the redheads stepped up to him and bowed before heading to where Percy was holding an old sock, their international portkey.

Ron was the last one down the line.

“Are you sure you want to do this, mate?” Harry asked, knowing Ron likely had no clue what was going on around him.

Ron grinned. “Of course I do, mate! Perce said I'll get to ride a horse!”

Harry sighed. “Well, as long as you're happy, Ron.”

Ron's expression turned serious, and for a moment, Harry thought his old friend had had a fleeting moment of lucidity.

“Harry, tell ‘Mione not to take my drawing down from the fridge, will ya?”

Harry shook his head as he chuckled. “Consider it done, mate.”

“Dora! Hey, Dora!”

The fifth year Gryffindor looked up from her plate of eggs and bacon to see a seventh year Ravenclaw boy with wavy brown hair and hazel eyes standing behind her. Around her, her friends all sighed longingly as they looked up at the boy.


He grinned, showing off his perfect white teeth. “You're gonna root for me today, right?”

Dora gave the teen a confused look. “I mean, you're the Hogwarts champion, so yeah?”

His face completely lit up at her response. “Brilliant! You know, there's going to be an afterparty in the Ravenclaw common room, you and your friends are welcome to swing by!”

With one last lingering look, the teen left the group of now giggling girls behind.

“Merlin, Dora! How lucky can you be? I would positively die if pretty Ricky flirted with me!”

Richard Smith earned the nickname ‘Pretty Ricky’ quite early into his Hogwarts career, and the seventh year had become a teen heartthrob, the wet dream of practically every single girl at Hogwarts.

Dora, meanwhile, didn't really seem to care. The fifth year, who's now trademark bob with the long side-bangs was currently a bright purple to go with her violet eyes, just shrugged. “He was flirting with me?”

The girls around her groaned in frustration. “Are you serious, Dora? I could understand it when you rejected Longbottom and even Zabini, but Smith?!” Her best friend, Laura Davies, seemed to be especially upset about this.

Laura was a gorgeous girl, half-Chinese with sleek raven hair and a petite frame. But next to Dora, she might have always felt second fiddle, and she disliked how her friend rejected every boy that came her way.

“Maybe she chases for the other team?” Nadine Carrow, a heavier set girl with a cute face and dirty blonde hair, suggested cheekily.

The others giggled, but Dora didn't take the bait. “Maybe. Who knows?”

“Ughh.” Laura glared at her. “You're the worst sometimes, Dora.”

“I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks so.” Came a new voice from behind them.

Dora rolled her eyes as her friend group turned to face a pair of otherworldly beauties. Her fourth year and second year sisters.

Victoire and Jamie had come over. Both girls looked absolutely gorgeous in their short Hogwarts skirts and tight blouses. Victoire was a Ravenclaw while Jamie had been sorted into Slytherin, but that did not prevent the sisters from remaining as close as they'd always been.

“Hey, Dora, daddy wrote to me-” Victoire's emphasis on that word was not lost on her sisters, “And said that he'll be here right before the task, but that we can spend some time together right after.”

Dora's face bloomed into a genuine smile. “That sounds great. I can't wait to show him how ready I am for my O.W.L.S”

Her sisters left, and Dora turned back to curious looks from her friends.

“Are you seriously going to skip Ricky's afterparty to hang out with your dad?”

“I think we have our answer.” Laura said. “Dora's just a daddy's girl, always has been.”

Once more, Dora was not phased at all. “You can count me as a proud daddy's girl, then.”

Her friends groaned once more as Dora returned to her food.

She liked her friends and school. Hogwarts was wonderful. Hanging out, studying, getting into a spot of mischief, it was all great. But Dora and her sisters dearly missed their father during the school year, which was why they made sure to return home every single holiday, being among the very few that actually went home for Easter break.

This year was a special one at Hogwarts, because the Triwizard Tournament was being held in the school for the first time since her father's win.

Dora wasn't as caught up in all the excitement as everyone else, but when her father had told them he'd been chosen as one of the judges for the tournament, she'd suddenly developed a new appreciation for the event.

Feeling watched, Dora looked up, and a glance at the Ravenclaw table revealed that Ricky had been staring at her.

She felt bad for the guy. All her friends called him handsome, but she just couldn't see it. She compared him to her father, and found him wanting in every single category.

Dora, Victoire and even Jamie had had to deal with the fact that they were gorgeous girls in a castle full of horny teenage boys who didn't realize they had no chance. The girl's hearts belonged to their daddy, and there would never be another man for them.

Harry had wanted to see his daughters before the task, but when one had a stable of horny women to run through, every minute was accounted for.

He'd just barely managed to shower after plowing Apolline and Angelina together before apparating off to Hogwarts. He'd received a warm welcome from Headmistress McGonagall, and while Harry had been back to the school many times over the years, the soaring wave of nostalgia he always felt never really seemed to diminish.

He caught sight of his girls in the stands and waved at them, proud to see them sitting together despite being in different houses.

The first task was once again being held in the Quidditch Pitch. He was sitting on a platform at one end of the stands along with McGonagall, Madame Maxine, some eastern european guy that was the Durmstrang Headmaster, and Anthony Goldstein from the Ministry.

“What's going to be the task anyways?” Harry asked. He was a judge but not a tournament organizer, so he hadn't been made privy to the particulars.

“Oh, I think you'll get a kick out of this one, Potter. Much safer than when you had to face that dragon.” Goldstein said. “The champions will have to face a boggart!”

Harry frowned. “That's it? A boggart?” He'd faced one as part of the maze during the third task, a boggart was child's play.

“Its a very special Boggart, The Department of Mysteries lent it to us, they've been running all kinds of experiments on it. This Boggart can be tweaked beforehand, have parameters set on it and the like.” Godlstein sounded quite excited, and he was clearly eager to see this special Boggart in action.

“What kind of parameters?”

It was McGonagall who answered him. “I've had the privilege of testing it out beforehand, Mr. Potter. They have restricted the Boggart to only transform into the creature the person fears the most, not any abstract or complex fear. And it cannot be dispelled by a simple ‘riddikulus’ either!”

Harry was now deep in thought. “So for all intents and purposes, the champions are going to face an extremely dangerous magical creature? How are they supposed to beat it?”

“Oh, that's the genius of it all. The boggart's strength will be proportional to the champion's fear! As long as the champion is able to overcome that fear, the boggart will become frail and easily beatable!”

“Huh.” Harry nodded along, a frown on his face. “But then, what if they're like, really, really scared?”

Goldstein's smile faltered, but only slightly. “Don't worry about that, Potter. We've got top of the line boundary wards protecting the audience and each champion has a pin that functions as a portkey that will whisk them away if they're in mortal danger, it'll be fine!”

Harry sure hoped so.

As luck would have it, the Hogwarts champion was the first one up. The young lad looked rather confident, and Harry swore he saw him wink into the crowd right around where his daughters were.

Professional Quidditch announcer Lee Jordan announced him as Richard Smith, and Harry assumed he must be Zacharias Smith's son.

The boy swaggered over to the center of the pitch amidst loud cheers, with the female half of Hogwarts being extra enthusiastic in their support.

“Smith is an excellent student. I'm sure he'll do well.” McGonagall whispered over to him.

Smith was facing a wardrobe which was jostling about, the beast inside eager to come out.

“Let the first task begin!”

Upon Lee's exclamation, the wardrobe doors burst open, and immediately everyone's eyes widened as a massive feline sprouted out of nowhere.

There was a Nundu in the middle of the quidditch pitch, its size so gargantuan that Harry could see the boundary wards shimmer against the creature's back.

Smith's face had paled, but he raised his wand up firmly and incanted clearly.


The smirk he'd been sporting instantly fell off his face when the giant leopard did not turn into a harmless little kitten. His face paled considerably, and Harry wondered just how the young man would recover from this.

The answer was: He wouldn't. His wand slipped from his hands, he let out a girlish scream and he turned tail and ran for his life.

“Not a great performance from ‘Ogwarts, I'm afraid.” Madame Maxine giggled as she sent a seething Minerva a mocking grin.

While Smith sprinted away for safety, Harry noticed that the boggart was shifting. Its body was filling out, becoming thicker, more robust.

The creature took in a deep breath, and when it exhaled, a purple cloud of noxious gas burst out.

“Wait, It shouldn't be able to do that!” Goldstein screamed.

Luckily for Smith, the Nundu had not aimed its pestilent breath at him. Unluckily for everyone else, it had aimed it at the boundary wards, which quickly dissolved under the creature's destructive breath.

Panicked screams began to fill the quidditch pitch as people seemed primed to stampede. There was now a fully grown, full powered Nundu, completely untethered and ready to rampage.

“Oh Merlin, Merlin! His fear was so great, its practically a full Nundu! We're so fucked!” Goldstein had his head in his hands as his own panic began to set in.

McGonagall was a bit more level headed, but even she seemed terrified. A Nundu was an undertaking that even a team of a hundred trained wizards struggled with, much less a school full of children.

Harry sighed as he stood up from his seat. “Accio Firebolt!.”

Harry thanked his lucky stars that Ginny and Angelina had donated a batch of Firebolt 7.8's to the school after retirement. While the brooms were old hat by today's standards, they would more than make due for now.

Being in the nearby broomshed, it took the firebolt mere seconds to zip into Harry's grip. Lord Potter hopped on, and in a mirror of his performance all those years prior, zoomed off to face a beast.

Only this time, Harry didn't fly away, he flew directly at the giant nundu.

People stopped running away as they gawked at the saviour of the wizarding world as he bolted directly towards the massive beast.

“What in the blazes is he thinking?”

The nundu swiped a paw the size of a carriage at Harry, who expertly weaved around it. He never once faltered, not even when the Nundu took another deep inhale, ready to unleash it's toxic breath.

Harry let the monster's inhale speed him up before slipping upward. He cocked his arm back, and just as the Nundu was about to unleash hell on earth, he punched it square in the nose.

It was instant, the creature yipped like a kitten as it began to rapidly shrink back, and as the stunned crowd looked on in awed silenced, the giant Nundu was reduced to a tiny little mouse.

Harry landed in front of the cowering mouse. Harry gave it a swift kick and the boggart bounced off into the wardrobe, which slammed shut.

Cheers erupted throughout the entire crowd as Harry rubbed the back of his head, an embarrassed smile on his face.

“Sorry, sorry. Just trying to help.” he said as he made his way back to the judge's table. On the way, he passed by the Hogwarts champion Smith, who was on his hands and knees, a distinct smell of shit coming off of him.

“Sorry lad, didn't mean to steal your thunder.” Harry said.

“I-I don't want to play anymore!” Smith yelled as he began to cry.

The task had to be suspended, as the safety wards had been torn down and the boggart refused to come out of its wardrobe.

“Potter, how the fuck did you know that would evem work?” An incredulous Goldstein yelled hoarsely.

Harry shrugged. “You said you just had to not be afraid of it. So I just wasn't.”

Harry left a stunned group of judges behind, trying to ignore the looks of awe and praise that followed him. He just wanted to spend some time with his girls.

Up in the stands. a gaggle of girls watched as Harry Potter slowly approached them. Dora, Victoire and Jamie were quite happy, but behind them, their friends were all quite flushed.

“Dora.” Laura was fanning her face as she spoke. “Can we go to your afterparty instead?”


Cerlang Mendelev

Awesome chapter in an awesome series by an awesome writer! Can’t wait for the finale, though I could read this forever and never tire of it

Hadrian v.E.

Time for Harry to knock up Laura and co. and father even more gorgeous daughters.