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Dinnertime arrived, and Harry sat down anxiously at the Gryffindor table. He hadn’t been able to find either Daphne or Susan after his meeting with Fleur. If he didn’t see them during dinner, he’d start to get worried.

Harry glanced over at the staff table, where Bellatrix was looking very grumpy as Lily rubbed her back, though the look on his mother’s face let him know that she thought Bella had brought all this misfortune on herself. Tonks was on Lily’s other side, and his cousin was trying and failing to not be too obvious as she gawked at Fleur.

Someone slid in next to him, and to Harry’s slight surprise, it was Angelina.

“Sup, teammie?”  The beautiful girl asked with a grin as she wiggled her bum into the seat, rubbing it against Harry’s thigh in the process.

“Hey, Angie.” Harry smiled. Then, her hand settled on his lap. Harry coughed, looking around him to see that no one was paying attention to them. Katie and Alicia were deep in conversation with the twins and Lee Jordan, and if any of them had noticed Angelina’s new choice of seating, they didn’t mention it.

“What’s got you so jumpy?” Angie giggled.

Harry shook his head. “I mean, we haven’t exactly come out publicly with this whole coven thing. Right now, people probably think-”

“That your dueling partner has a lot to talk to you about? A lot of dueling related stuff.”

Harry felt like an idiot. “Right.”

Angelina snorted. “Besides, I’m going to talk with… who’s the boss here, is it you? Lily? Bellatrix?”

Harry shrugged. “I don’t think there’s supposed to be a boss here, Angie. We all just work together.”

“Quidditch teams have captains, though.” Angelina noted.

“Quidditch teams don’t fuck each other.” Angelina opened her mouth to speak. “Most of the time.” Harry appended.

“Anyways, I’d like to have another meeting. I feel like we should just rip that bandaid off and make things public, with the shitstorm over Bella’s cheating, it might be better to just let this get rolled into that rather than waiting for it to die down to start a new fire.”

Harry mulled over Angelina’s words, and had to admit they made a lot of sense. “For someone who was sort of hesitant to be a part of this, you’re pretty gung-ho now, Angie.”

Angelina shrugged as she stole a bit of Harry’s minced pie. “I like to think things through, but if I commit to something, I’m all in.”

Harry thought that was a trend among all of them. Every single member of the coven seemed to be headstrong, to a fault even. Maybe it was what brought them all together, people with strong personalities that somehow made it work when they all tangled up together.

One of those strong personalities slid into his other side at that very moment. “Hey babe, Angelina.”

Daphne looked disheveled, with what appeared to be some sort of burn or rash peeking out from under her collarbone. But Harry didn’t care to ask about that, he trusted his girlfriend implicitly, and he’d been worried about her.

“Daph, where have you been?” Harry asked as his girlfriend kissed him happily, reaching around him to give Angelina’s thigh a squeeze. “It’s so cute when you’re all concerned, Harry.” she grinned, “We need to meet up, everyone, I have some news.”

“That’s perfect, I was saying we needed to meet as well.” Angelina said. “Maybe we should come up with some way of setting these things up. A charmed galleon or something.”

“Mum could do that.” Harry said before focusing on Daphne. “What’s the news, Daph?”

Daphne giggled, shooting him a sultry look. “That’s for you to find out tonight, Potter.”

Harry felt heat rise up his neck as he considered the possibilities. Then, he remembered his previous commitment, “Damn it! I agreed to help Tonks with something.”

“Tonks?” Daphne asked. Angelina just looked confused, not knowing who they were talking about.

Harry pointed towards the staff table. Tonks saw it, and she waved and winked at Daphne as the girl absently waved back. “What’s your cousin doing here?”

“Long story. But the thing is, I owe her a favor, and she wants to collect. I agreed to meet with her right after dinner.”

“What does she want you to do?” Angelina asked.

Harry saw no issue in telling them about Nymphadora’s problem. “She needs help bagging a bird.”

That girl needs help bagging someone?” Angelina asked incredulously.

Daphne, for her part, didn’t seem too surprised. “I can definitely see it.” she’d grown up with Tonks being awkward around her, especially in recent years. She didn’t really understand why Harry always described his cousin as cool and collected.

“Anyways, I think we’ll have to do that coven meeting tomorrow.” Harry said.

Daphne shook her head. “No, it's fine. You can go help Tonks out, once you’re done,” Daphne gave him another sultry look. “Remember we’ll have a surprise waiting for you in Lily’s quarters.”

Harry shuddered, filled with anticipation now.

“Can I go with you, Harry?” Angelina asked, surprising the other two.

“To help Tonks?”

Angie nodded. “If she needs help with girls, it’d be good to have a bona fide specimen there, right?”

Daphne sent Angelina a questioning look, and Harry was certain that either one or both of them knew legilimency, because their facial expressions changed as if they were having a mental conversation. That conversation ended with Daphne blushing and Angelina grinning, and Harry, in the middle, confused as ever.

"Alright then, it's settled. You guys go help out your cousin. Once you’re done, meet us at Lily’s.”

After dinner, Daphne gave Harry a lingering kiss and a mischievous smile before running off towards the Hufflepuff table. Harry caught Tonks’ eye and nodded towards the exit. Bella and Lily both looked at him and Angelina curiously, but their attention was drawn by Daphne, who seemed to be calling them over. Between the sea of students all making their way out of the hall, Harry didn’t have a great view of the proceedings.

Whatever it was, he’d find out later on. Right now, he needed to help his hot cousin get laid.

What a weird thought. Why would Tonks have any issues getting laid? Harry was one of the few people to have seen her in what could be called her ‘natural’ form, and she was absolutely gorgeous. Add in the fact that she could change anything about her appearance at will, plus just how damn cool she was. She’d always been the older cousin that had put Harry on to cool adult things, a sort of mini-Sirius in many ways. He didn’t know why she’d be having any problems.

She was acting a bit weird when he and Angelina met up with her outside the Great Hall. The moment she saw Angelina, her whole body stiffened and her face paled considerably, her hair turning from bubblegum pink to a mousy-brown.

Harry waited for her to introduce herself to Angie, but when moments passed with Nymphadora just opening and closing her mouth as Angelina looked at her expectantly, Harry decided to intervene. “Nym, this is Angelina, my dueling partner. Angie, this is my cousin Nym. You can call her Tonks.”

Angelina smiled. “Nice to meet you, Tonks.” she held out her hand.

Tonks’ fingers twitched as she awkwardly held her hand in the air before finally grabbing onto Angelina’s, maybe a bit too roughly, and shook it stiffly. “Wotcher…”

Angelina’s smile became just a little bit strained as Nymphadora continued shaking her hand past the point where she should have relinquished it. It didn’t help that Tonks’ palm was a bit sweaty.

“Alright, erm, let's go on then.” Harry tugged Tonks’ by the elbow, managing to break off the awkward handshake and get the trio moving to what was rapidly becoming Harry’s own personal meeting room.

There wasn’t much Harry could do about the awkward silence as the three of them walked through the halls on their way to that room, but he decided they’d just have to bear it. Once they made it into the room where he’d met with Fleur multiple times now, Harry cleared his throat as his cousin decided to just stare at her shoes.

“Right, Nym, Angelina’s here to help us out with your little problem.”

Angelina nodded with a smile. “Harry told me you want help hitting on girls. Well, practice makes perfect, doesn't it?”

Tonks gulped, her hair turning an ashen white that actually looked really good on her. “You want me to just… hit on you? Right now?”

“Yeah, pretty much. Just, pretend Angie’s that girl you like. That way, we can see what you need to work on.”

Angelina made a show of fluttering her eyelashes at Tonks in an exaggerated manner, resting her chin on her hand as she sent Tonks her best bedroom eyes.

Tonks flushed, and even Harry had to admit that Angie was doing a very good job of it, as evidenced by his cock jumping to life just from a glance at her sultry expression.

“Now, Tonks, Angelina is into you, so this should be easy as pie. Just go up to her and start with the romancing.”

Tonks steeled herself. “Right.” she bit her lip, taking a considerable length of time to come up with something to say. Just as Harry was about to offer some more encouragement, Tonks finally spoke.

“Hey girl, you’ve got a fat ass. I bet it’s a struggle to squeeze into a toilet seat.”

Angelina looked disgusted, and Harry smacked himself hard in the forehead, not able to comprehend how Tonks could have thought that line was anywhere near good.

“What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?” Tonks asked nervously.

“I’m sorry, but why the fuck would you say something like that?” Angelina asked her.

“I-I don’t know… this is why I need help, for Merlin’s sake!”

“Maybe we need to look at this from a different angle.” Angelina suggested. “Harry, you should hit on Tonks just to show her how it’s done.”

Tonks scoffed. “Please, like my little cousin could ever hit on me.”

Harry took that as a direct challenge, and he never backed down from one of those. He stepped up to Tonks, surprising her with the sudden closeness of his presence. Tonks put her hands up, ready to push him away, but when her palms fell on his chest, Harry wrapped an arm around her waist, “Believe me, Nymmy, I’m not so little anymore.” his eyes raked over her form, looking like he was seconds away from devouring her.

Harry may have gotten into his role a little too well, as he pressed his growing erection directly onto Nymphadora’s front.

Tonks felt goosebumps run all over her body. She’d never been into guys, but the way Harry was holding her, the way his words were backed up by the thing she could feel pressing up against her thigh, it was definitely getting to her.

“T-That was a fluke!” she exclaimed, managing to push off of Harry as she tried her best to hide just how much his actions had affected her.

Harry for his part was starting to see things clearly. He was already fucking his mother. Tonks wasn’t even his first cousin, even if they’d basically been raised that way. Maybe the answer wasn’t to help her get with some girl, maybe the answer was to fuck her into submission and have her join the coven. That way, she’d have all the pussy she could ever want.

“My turn.” Angelina stepped up, sensing how the temperature in the room had gone way up and wanting to throw a few more logs into the fire. “Hey there, gorgeous, I like your shirt.” She said, eyeing Tonks’ breasts under her Weird Sisters t-shirt, which she’d subconsciously made larger after Harry pressed against her.

“Oh…uh, yeah. They’re my favorite band.” Tonks said.

“Really?” Angelina pushed up against Tonks’ side, grabbing the metamorph’s hand and placing it directly on her succulent ass. “They make really good music.” Angelina purred into Tonks’ ear.

“You like the Weird Sisters?” Tonks asked her incredulously, “Yeah right! Name three songs?”

Harry and Angelina looked at each other, mouths hanging open as they just couldn’t believe how bad Tonks was at this.

“Nym, new strategy.” Harry said, already working on the buttons of his shirt while Angelina made a show of arching her back as she pulled her tank top over her shoulders.

Tonks’ mouth went dry as she saw the two of them remove their clothing. She saw Angelina’s naked torso; that perfect chocolate skin with those light pink nipples that contrasted so beautifully with her slightly darker areolas and her dark skin. Harry, with a body that was much more solid than she would have ever expected filled with wiry muscles, a sharp V-taper working like an arrow pointing downward to a place that Tonks was finding more and more enticing by the second. She could also see the beginnings of body hair on her cousin, a faint trail that began at his belly button and led down to his crotch, as well as a light smattering over his chest.

“We’re going to fuck you first. Maybe, if you get laid, the awkwardness will go away.”

It was embarrassing that Tonks’ first thought was ‘That won’t work, I’ve already tried’.

Her next thought was that there were probably several dozen reasons why she should say no to this encounter. From the fact that Harry and her were related, the age difference, Harry cheating on Daphne, Mercury being in retrograde, among other things.

But that thought barely lasted a second in her head. Tonks was frustrated, randy and oh so desperate for a nice shag.

She took off her shirt, exposing her large, perky chest along with a chiseled figure with the faint outline of musculature. The perks of being a metamorphmagus, you could shift your body in ways that should be impossible. Right now, Tonks had modeled her torso after a fitness model (Whom she’d spotted in a magazine she’d been… perusing after finding it in muggle London), but her breasts were those of a woman with a much higher percentage of body fat, having that plump softness to them that only three square and hefty meals could provide.

Tonks found herself wrapped in between them, With Angelina coming up on her front and Harry pressing up against her back. It was an explosion of sensation, between her younger cousin’s chiseled front and very prominent erection pressing up against her back and Angelina’s soft but firm body pressing up against her front. Nymphadora couldn’t help herself, she immediately reached forward and took big handfuls of Angelina’s ass, shuddering in pleasure as she squeezed the soft jelly. In a bout of inspired mimicry, Nymphadora’s own ass ballooned in size, molding itself around Harry’s hard cock, which began to sink into her softness.

“Merlin, that’s unfair.” Harry moaned as his cock was engulfed by his cousin’s now ridiculously proportioned ass.

“I may not be a talker, but I’m a very good doer.” Nymphadora quipped as she ground her ass against Harry while groping Angelina.

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Angelina grabbed onto Tonks’ face, licking her lips before claiming the pink-haired woman’s lips with her own.

Tonks’ hands went wild kneading Angelina’s ass through her pants as she shared a passionate kiss with the darkskin girl. She did dislike the fact that there was clothing between her and all the ass she could handle, and so she decided it best to remedy that situation sooner rather than later.

It seemed that Harry had the same genius idea at the same time. And so it was that while Tonks was peeling down Angelina’s tight black pants, Harry was doing the same to Tonks’ jeans, while saving a hand to remove his own pants and boxers in one go.

When they reset, they were still in the same embrace, but completely naked, and the three of them found that that made all the difference.

“Good grief, Nym” Harry groaned as his cock was now hotdogging raw flesh. “I should have done this a long time ago.”

Nymphadora giggled in between kisses with Angelina, shaking her ass side to side, taking Harry’s cock along for the ride.

That seemed to give Angelina an idea, and much to Nympadora’s disappointment, she pulled back from her. “Harry, lay down on the couch.”

Harry glanced behind him, measuring the distance before he took a few awkward steps back onto the couch.

Angelina gave Nymphadora a mock glare. “Don’t make it any bigger than it already is.” She warned.

Tonks gave her an impish smile, now finally finding herself comfortable in the gorgeous girl’s presence. “Auror’s honour.”

Angelina smiled, wrapping her arms around her waist as Tonks added just a few more inches to her height, enough to be on equal footing with Angelina.

Harry wondered what exactly Angelina was cooking up as she whispered into Tonks’ ear. Whatever it was, the anticipation was getting him very excited. He sat back and observed as the two gorgeous booty queens, one with now shoulder length pink hair and porcelain skin, the other with bouncy black curls and chocolate skin, knelt down on either side of him, facing away from him.

He didn’t know which way to turn his head, not sure which thick piece of ass to focus his full attention on. He could see their pussies as well, and while Angelina’s lips were fat and juicy as ever, Tonks slit was a tight line.

Except suddenly her lips puffed outward, swelling until they matched Angelina’s exactly.

“What? You said I couldn’t change my ass.” Tonks chided at Angelina’s glare. “Hell, I can do this too.”

Nymphadora’s skin began to darken. Her skin, which she had always kept at the porcelain end of the spectrum, quickly blew through the usual English shades of ‘white to slightly less white’. It became tan, making her look like one of those sun-kissed Italian or Spanish models that vacationed in seaside villages, before it darkened further still.

She stopped several shades short of Angelina’s mocha tones. As Harry took stock of Tonks’ new look, she looked like nothing if not an Aztec goddess taken human form, an Aztec goddess with wide hips, an absolute dump truck of an ass, head-crushing thighs and shocking pink hair that just made her look all the more surreal.

Harry’s cock hardened even more, somehow. And then, both girls dropped their asses, backing them up, fluttering their thick rumps until Harry’s cock found itself encased in the world’s most wonderful prison, sandwiched in between a pair of thick, brown asses.

Harry groaned as they began to grind, bouncing their asses up and down as Harry’s cock received the most wonderful massage on earth. Angelina had much more rhythm to her movements, but Harry wasn’t about to complain at all about Tonks as his cousin’s pillowy cheeks moved hypnotically.

“Which one is better, Harry?” Nymphadora asked, biting her lips as she extracted a lot more pleasure out of the situation that she thought she would. She’d never been into guys, but feeling her cousin’s absolutely monstrous cock rub up against her crack was making her reconsider, or at least make a very specific exception.

“The one that’s all natural, of course.” Angelina said, shooting Tonks a raised eyebrow over her shoulder.

“Mine is natural too.” Tonks said with a pout.

“I think there’s another test we can run.” Harry said, his cock begging for something more.

“Oh? And Wha-EEEP!” Tonks was cut short as Harry sprung into action. He turned sideways into his cousin, bumping Angelina lightly as he pressed his cockhead onto his cousin’s rosebud. His cock had dripped plenty of precum, enough for him to inch forward and penetrate Tonks’ thick ass.

“FUCK!” Tonks screamed as her cousin’s cock filled her. She tried using her metamorph powers to adjust to his size, but it seemed that in the heat of passion she only made it worse, tightening even more around him as Harry pushed all the way into her canal.

“I guess you win this one, Nymphadora.” Angelina said, taking much pleasure in using the hated name. “I have a reward for you.”

Tonks was a bit too busy getting assfucked by her cousin to respond or even look at Angelina, but when she next opened her eyes, she saw a perfectly round, perfectly thick ass being held up by a pair of hands.

Angelina dropped her cheeks on Tonks’ face, satisfied with the light smack it made when it collided. After Bella’s punishment, Angelina found that she very much enjoyed having her ass worshiped, and seeing as the pink haired auror seemed to be a degenerate, she would give her a chance to do just that.

Angelina backed her butthole up into Tonks’ face and Tonks immediately got to work, elongating her tongue as she slipped it into Angelina’s ass and let it grow almost as deep as Harry’s cock was in her own canal.

Angelina gasped at the unusual sensation as the metamorph began circling her tongue inside of her anus. She kept moving her ass side to side, rubbing the cheeks onto Nymphadora’s face, who paused in her licking to take a big whiff that left her head swimming,

Harry was watching all of this as he began to slide in and out of Tonks’ tight ass, his hands squeezing the hell out of her immaculate brown cheeks as his cousin’s canal felt like it was hanging onto Harry’s cock for dear life.

Angelina went from standing in front of Tonks to being forced to kneel in front of her on the couch as her. Angelina was bent all the way over, and Tonks couldn’t help but eye her dripping wet pussy with those succulently fat lips out of the corner of her eye.

In the second moment of synchronicity, this time between Harry and Tonks, The two cousins both independently decided that they wanted to slide off one road and merge into another.

And so, Tonks reeled her tongue back to normal size, pulling out of Angelina’s ass and diving forward, gripping the other girl’s ass as she began to feast on her dripping peach. Harry, on the other hand needed to be in his cousin’s sweet pussy, he needed to fuck her cunt and explode inside of it like Merlin intended, and so he pulled his cock out of her ass and plunged right into her waiting hole.

He had to stop himself from cumming, and he wasn’t all the way successful, as a small drip of his seed spurted out into his cousin’s warm embrace. Tonks’ pussy was piping hot, and the fact that she looked like an exotic Aztec or Incan princess only added fuel to his fire.

Tonks’ tongue was going on automatic as she pleasured Angelina’s sweet pussy. Harry’s cock in her pussy was a revelation, and as much as she would always want to fuck pretty girls, she wanted to spend every waking moment of her life with this living, breathing slab of godly man-meat lodged deeply inside of her pussy.

Harry began fucking in earnest, grabbing a handful of Tonks’ now light pink hair for purchase. His pelvis slapped against the soft, bubbly flesh of her ass, which was bouncing madly with each thrust. Tonks soon lost even the coherence to eat Angelina out, though the black-haired girl didn’t seem to mind, she turned around and cradled Tonks’ face against her clit, letting her lap at it weakly while Harry fucked the living daylights out of her from behind.

Harry became a man possessed, increasing his pace until it turned maddening, with Tonks’ ass turning red from the constant impact of Harry’s pelvis. Tonks’ eyes rolled to the back of her head, her pussy absolutely constricting Harry’s cock as she shook with a powerful orgasm.

Harry wasn’t too far behind. The thrill of fucking his cousin, of knowing that he would continue fucking her from now on, the uniqueness of her exotic look, it all proved too much, and Harry made sure to push in as deeply as he could before gifting his favorite cousin a large helping of his virile seed.

Her pussy quivered as she was filled, and Harry felt a great sense of relief as he unloaded in her. Finally, when his balls were completely empty, Harry pulled out, his cock still hard, nowhere near done.

When he glanced at Angelina expectantly, the girl put a hand up. “As much as I need that cock in me right now, I think we should go introduce Tonks to everyone else. Daphne has something cooking, and I think it’ll be very interesting.”

“I guess you’re right,” Harry said, “But I am getting into that pussy tonight.” 

Angelina grinned. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


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