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Harry and Daphne had been distracted all class, filled with concern over Bellatrix.

“Seriously, what did she think was going to happen?” Daphne whispered harshly as they left the classroom.

“I don’t think there was much thinking involved, Daph.” Harry said, slinging his satchel over his shoulder.

“I swear, when I see that woman I’m going to slap some sense into her.”

The two of them stopped in their tracks when they saw a short, stacked redhead approaching them.

“Hey there, Susan.” Harry smiled at her, wondering what the girl had been up to. It’d been a while since he’d last seen her around, and he and Daphne had been unable to make any moves on her.

“Hi, Harry.” Susan greeted, able to do so without blushing. “Daphne, can I pull you away for a second?”

Daphne glanced at Harry before shrugging. “Sure, what do you need, Susan?”

Susan grabbed onto Daphne’s hand, tugging the girl away without sparing Harry another glance. Before Harry could reflect on the odd interaction, a familiar voice called out from behind him.

“Wotcher, lover boy?”

“Tonks?” Harry turned around to see his cousin, wearing those deep crimson auror robes that stood out majorly against the mostly black Hogwarts robes everyone else wore. Not that Harry would have any issue spotting her bubblegum pink hair in a crowd anyways.

“The one and only.” Nymphadora said as she pulled Harry into a hug, trying not to notice how her little cousin seemed a bit more solid than even back in the summer.

‘What’s brought you to Hogwarts?” Harry asked, a bit worried that the Ministry had elevated Bella’s Seamus incident all the way up to a criminal matter.

Tonks pinched his cheek, pulling back when Harry tried to swat her hand away. “You, actually. The Ministry seems to think you and ol’ Drakey are going to spark the first great wizarding war, So I’m here to keep you two crazy kids in line.”

Harry groaned. “That’s all bullshit, it’s all-”

“Your mum told me already.” Tonks said, stopping her cousin before he rambled on.

Harry sighed as the two of them began walking aimlessly, no real direction in mind. Well, Harry had a rendezvous with Fleur, so he was heading in that general direction. “Sorry about all this, Pinkie, I know it must suck to be pulled from legit work to babysit a bunch of brats.”

Tonks shrugged. Harry was one of the few people, maybe the only person, actually, that she could be completely candid with. “Honestly, Har, I’ve been thinking of giving up this whole auror gig.”

“What?” Harry let out a surprised laugh, “You? Didn’t you take remedial potions for like three whole summers just to be able to become an auror? What happened?”

Nym sighed in an exaggerated manner, wrapping an arm around her younger cousin. “It's not as glamorous as it looks from the outside, Harry. Did you know you have to file a report every time you discharge your wand in public? One time, I hit this old bint with a stunner, you would have thought I’d stomped out some baby unicorns the way everyone reacted.”

“What did the old lady do?”

Nymphadora waved him off. ‘It doesn’t matter. What matters is, once this whole Hogwarts detail is done, I’m quitting.”

Harry whistled. “Got a backup plan?” He grinned, knowing his cousin had given absolutely zero thought to her next career.

Nymphadora proved it, as she took on a contemplative look, rubbing her chin for a few moments before finally speaking. “I dunno. I might take a gap year, follow the Weird Sisters’ tour around for a bit til I figure something out.”

“You still like them? The Weird Sisters?”

Nymphadora looked highly offended, stepping away from Harry and shooting him a betrayed look.

Harry rolled his eyes. “I’m just saying, their last album felt like more of the same.”

Tonks put her hands at her hips. “Oh come off it! What, are you in your edgy teenage phase now, Harry? Listening to Eye of Newt?”

“The guys who have dementors at their concerts?” It was Harry’s turn to look offended. “Is your opinion of me really that low, Nymphadora?”

Tonks smacked him on the shoulder for using her name, and Harry stuck his tongue out at her. “Though, Daphne did put me on to this new group called Basilisk Fang, I think you’d like them.”

“How are things with Daffy?” Tonks changed the subject.

Harry smiled, a genuine, bright smile, though he obviously couldn’t tell his cousin the full reason. “Brilliant.”

“Wow.” Tonks looked taken aback by just how happy her cousin seemed to be with his girlfriend. She needed something like that, and she could already picture herself holding blondie’s hand while the two of them stomped around in a mosh pit. “Listen, Hardy Har Har, remember that little favor you owe me?”

Harry thought back to the summer, which felt like a lifetime ago now, and remembered his first time with Bellatrix. “Y-Yeah.”

“Well, I’m cashing it in, right now.”

“What do you need?” Harry asked with trepidation. There was a reason why he’d thought long and hard about asking Nymphadora for a favor, she could be ruthless when it was time for her to collect.

“I need your help… getting a girl.” Tonks’ face flushed in embarrassment.

“Getting a girl? Why would you need my help?”

“It doesn’t matter, I’m cashing the favor in and that’s what I want, ok!”

“Alright, alright.” Harry begged off, feeling that he’d gotten off lightly. “Listen, I have to meet someone right now, how about we meet up after dinner and talk strategy?”

Tonks decided to ignore the sudden urge to ask Harry who exactly he was meeting with, “Sure thing, and you have to see this through to the end! Favor isn’t paid till I have my arms around the bird.”

Harry hastily agreed. It didn’t seem like such a difficult endeavor. His cousin was hot, cool as hell and could morph herself into whatever form she needed for success.

In fact, he took the time to stare at her ass lightly bounce under her robes while she walked away. Yep, there was no girl in this school who would be able to resist her wiles.

Daphne had been quiet the entire walk, even as Susan continued to drag her down more stairs and corridors. The other girl looked very determined, and Daphne knew that whatever it was, it wouldn’t be anything dangerous. This was Susan, after all, she couldn’t hurt a fly.

When Susan opened the door to the second floor girl’s bathroom, the same bathroom she’d been crying in after the first Art Club meeting, Daphne decided to speak up. “What’s going on here, Susan? Why are you bringing me here?”

The bathroom door closed behind them and Susan turned around, a soft smile on her face. “Oh nothing, you’ll find out soon enough.”

Daphne blinked a few times, confused as to why Susan was pointing her wand at her. She remained confused all the way until she was hit by the jet of red light.

“You are late.”

Fleur had her arms crossed under her chest, pushing her perfect breasts up in a way that had Harry instantly hard.

“Sorry, got sidetracked by a family member.” Harry excused himself. “Anyways, there’s something I want to ask you about.”

Fleur answered by way of an expectant look, and Harry couldn’t help himself, he brushed a loose strand of hair from her face, smiling as the tattooed blonde sent him a weak glare.

“How would you feel about joining a coven?”

“Coven? “ her eyebrows disappeared all the way up to her forehead. “What exactly have you been getting up to?”

“Is that a yes or a no?”

Fleur let out a breath. “I’m assuming your girlfriend is a part of it? And she is not my biggest fan at the moment.”

Harry cringed slightly. “Yeah, that is a problem. But, if we get Daphne on board, then I’m sure none of the others will have a problem.”

“And who are these others?” Fleur asked curiously.

“State secret, until you join. If you do want to join?” Harry leaned his head to the side, urging Fleur to commit either way.

Fleur thought about it. She’d read about covens in passing, it seemed that they didn’t really exist outside of old tales. She considered Harry’s offer, and begrudging as she was to admit it, it was a tempting one. Fleur had lost everything, and she’d lost herself in her pursuit of revenge. She’d been isolated for so long, becoming a part of something greater than herself, to know that you always had others to love and cherish you and have your back, it was a very enticing idea.

“Oui. I’ll accept.” She finally said. She was rudderless, perhaps it was time to just go with the flow and see what came off jumping in with this handsome british boy. “That still leaves the rather massive issue of Daphne.”

Harry had been grinning from ear to ear ever since Fleur had accepted. Now, he was deep in thought, considering the problem.

Daphne was stubborn. She would never let Fleur try and explain herself to her, not after she’d committed such a cardinal sin. But, there was one particular trait of his girlfriend’s that he could exploit.

Daphne loved movies, she loved narratives, she loved stories. And Fleur was clearly dragging along the most textbook tragic backstory in the world. They could make a short video with Fleur explaining her backstory. Or hell, take it one step further, and use Fleur’s actual memories, with Harry editing them down for dramatic effect.

He wasn’t sure if Fleur would go for it, and he would understand completely if she refused, but he had to try.

“Alright, this is going to sound crazy, but hear me out.”

Daphne’s eyes cracked open slowly. This was her first ever time waking up after being stunned, and she would not recommend the experience to anyone. It felt like when you massively overslept and somehow woke up feeling worse than when you went to bed.

It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the dim light, especially when her nose was assaulted by the sweet and spicy scent of incense that permeated the room.

It was a room. A small, intimate space that put the most luxurious hotel room Daphne had ever been in to shame. The bed she was on was made of the softest silk she’d ever felt. There was a bathtub filled with roses against the wall and a fountain next to the tub that streamed out a pink liquid. The steam from the pink liquid had an intoxicating aroma, especially when it mixed with the incense. All around the room, there were natural accents, shrubs and flowers and vines growing freely throughout, adding a garden-like feel to the chamber.

Daphne tried moving, but she found that she was tied to the bed, realizing that her restraints were actually vines. Opposite her, there was a statue of a woman. She was beautiful, curvy with just a little bit of chub on her stomach and large breasts that the sculptor had clearly taken great pains to detail accurately.

And standing between Daphne and the statue, naked as the day she was born, was Susan Bones.

Susan’s breasts really were out of this world. They were even bigger than Bella’s! The short girl had thick, stumpy legs that supported an ass that Daphne thought would look absolutely delicious pressed against her face.

But, priorities!

Why had Susan brought her down here? And why was she tied up?

“You’re awake.” Susan said, her tone even as her voice echoed through the chamber. “You must be terrified.”

“Not really.” Daphne said.

Susan glared. “Not really? I brought you down to the legendary Boudoir of Whispers, and you’re not even a little bit terrified?”

Daphne gasped. “The Boudoir of Whispers? But, I thought that was just a legend?”

Susan smirked. “It was a legend, Greengrass. A rumor, passed down by generations upon generations of Hogwarts students. Until this year, that is, until it was rediscovered by me… the Heiress of Hufflepuff.”

Daphne’s eyes widened. “The Heiress of Hufflepuff? Susan, you’re the Heiress?”

Susan cackled with glee. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to see your reaction, Greengrass.”

Daphne wriggled around in her bonds, feeling a bit uncomfortable. “Susan… do you not like me?”

Susan’s eyes narrowed, letting Daphne know exactly what the redhead thought of her. “Do I not like you, Greengrass? After you took my man? After you so callously snatched the most wonderful boy in the world from me?”

Daphne opened her mouth, only to be hit by a silencing charm from Susan. “No, you’ve spoken enough! It’s my turn to talk, it’s your turn to listen!”

Daphne gulped, but she settled back, allowing Susan to continue.

“I’ve always been quiet little Susan. Poor little Susan, letting everyone walk all over her. Letting some stupid blonde bint take her man away from her! But things changed after that failed audition, Greengrass. I ran into that bathroom, and while there, I discovered something wonderful.”

Susan walked up to the bed, running a hand through Daphne’s smooth blonde hair, which made the Slytherin shiver in pleasure.

“I discovered I’m a badgermouth, the inheritor to Helga Hufflepuff’s great legacy! And down here, I discovered the truth.”

“People say Hufflepuff left the school after a disagreement over whether House Elves should be freed or not.” Susan scoffed. “As if! Helga Hufflepuff left Hogwarts because she believed in the old ways, the ways of true magic, the ways of real love!”

Even knowing she couldn't verbalize, Daphne mouthed ‘real love?’ at the increasingly unhinged redhead.

"Yes, the old ways. You see, Hufflepuff didn't believe in monogamy. Her little dispute with the other founders? She wanted them all to join together as a coven, to wield the powerful magics of their ancestors! The other founders rejected her, but not just that, they derided her, called her a degenerate!"

Susan was seething, and it was really unfortunate that she still just looked absolutely adorable, even as she continued with her diatribe.

"I learned all this, in the Boudoir. I learned it is my destiny to bring back the old ways, to form a new coven, a coven that will bring us back to our roots." She gave Daphne a twisted smile. "And you, Greengrass, will be the first to witness the birth of this new world. I'm going to keep you down here, and when Harry comes looking for you, following my trail of breadcrumbs, you'll have to watch as I take my man back and we create our own coven." Susan shot her one final smirk. "If you behave, I'l even let you be our pet."

Daphne was blinking uncontrollably. In the movies, people could communicate through blinks, using horse code. She didn't know horse code, but she hoped that Susan would get the message.

And she did, Susan lifted the silencing charm, expecting to hear cries of despair coming from the blonde.

“Susan! If you wanted to be part of a coven, you should have just asked!”

“W-W-What?” Susan sputtered, her shoulders sagging as she lost her composure.

“Yeah! Isn’t it crazy, how we both got the idea at the same time?” Daphne giggled. “And you’re as crazy about Harry as I am, which is definitely a prerequisite. I don’t know if the ritual Bella is planning to use is the same one as yours, but I’m sure you guys can compare notes.”

Susan gaped at her, now in complete, abject shock. “Bella? Is that… are you talking about Professor Black?”

Daphne nodded. “One and the same. She’s the one who came up with the idea on our end.”

Susan plopped down on the bed, still looking a little crestfallen. “So… you’re not in complete despair because I’m going to snatch Harry away from you?”

“Do you want me to?” Seeing Susan’s incredulous look, she elaborated, “I’m really into acting. I have some pretty good range. You missed my audition, but I can pull off despondent really well!”

Susan sighed. “I’ve been silly, haven’t I.”

Daphne shook her head. “No honey, not at all! It’s Harry, he makes us witches do the craziest things. But, Susan, I’m being serious, if you want a spot in this coven, it's yours.”

“E-Even though I’m the Heiress of Hufflepuff and I'm evil?” Susan sniffled. Daphne really wished she was free from her bonds, so she could give the poor girl a hug and feel those huge breasts up against her own chest.

“What’s wrong with being the Heiress of Hufflepuff? I’m starting to believe Bellatrix is a legitimate psychopath, compared to that, Heiress of Hufflepuff is nothing!”

Susan teared up. “Oh Daphne! I had you all wrong!” The stacked redhead launched herself at Daphne, wrapping her arms around her neck and pressing the blonde’s face into her ample bosom. “I made you into such a bitch in my head, and you’re actually so nice!”

Daphne couldn't help herself, she had a facefull of titty, and she had to open her mouth to suck in one of Susan's ever-so-succulent nipples.

"Daphne!" Susan mewled, biting her lip as she instinctively pressed the blonde's head deeper into her chest.

"S-Should I let you loose?" Susan was completely red-faced now, her heart beating a mile-a-minute as the girl that she'd spent so much time hating was now sending pleasure surging throughout her body.

Daphne pulled back slowly, and Susan moaned at the sight of her pouty lips as they wrapped around her nipples, giving them one last loving caress before finally letting them go with a wet pop.

"No, leave me tied up." Daphne said with half-lidded eyes. "Can we please, act out what was going to happen?"

Susan stammered, "I-I'm not sure if I can-"

"I know you can, Suzie." Daphne's baby blue eyes set Susan aflame as they pleaded with her, "All that anger you had just a minute ago, you remember it, don't you? Just tap into it."

Susan still didn't look wholly confident in herself, and so Daphne decided the girl just needed a little jump start. Daphne closed her eyes, needing only a few seconds to immerse herself in her role.

When she next opened them, she was looking at Susan in a mixture of pure hatred and defiance. "Harry will never fall for your tricks, you twisted bitch!"

The redhead jumped at Daphne's sudden insults. She gave the blonde a searching look.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Or does all your blood just go to those cow udders instead of your brain?"

Susan saw red. She reared her hand back and slapped Daphne hard across the face, making the Slytherin's head snap to the side from the whiplash.

Susan gasped, realizing what she'd just done.

When Daphne turned her back, the blonde reared back and spit on Susan's face.

Susan couldn't believe it. Daphne had spit on her face! What the hell was wrong with that bitch?

She looked into Daphne's eyes and she understood, it all clicked. Daphne was supremely turned on right now, and if Susan just went with the flow, she could easily act out her role.

Susan's entire demeanor reverted to how she'd been just five minutes ago. Her back straightened out, her eyes keeping a superior sneer as she grabbed Daphne roughly by the jaw.

"You really think Harry will be able to resist me, Greengrass?" Susan's hand trailed down Daphne's neck, to where the vines binding her were pressing into Daphne's pretty little chest.

Susan squeezed one of her breasts painfully. "You have the body of a girl, I have the body of a woman. Greengrass, when Harry sees me, he won't even spare you another glance unless I say so."

Daphne strained against her ropes, her breath hitching as her rapidly dampening pussy rubbed up against her restraints. "You'll never get away with this!"

Susan laughed darkly, "I have, and I will." She licked her lips. "Now, let me show you the power of Helga Hufflepuff, the greatest of the Hogwarts four!"

Susan dragged her hands down, and through some form of magic inside of the room, Daphne's clothes were torn off of her while her bindings remained intact. Daphne hissed as her torn clothing slipped away, leaving exposed skin to rub up against the rough wood of the vines.

Susan was on top of her, and the shy girl turned into a wild woman as she released what must have been years of pent up sexual energy. Guided by the will of her ancestor, the inexperienced girl knew exactly what to do to drive the blonde wild.

Susan kissed and sucked at Daphne's pretty, perky little breasts. Her hands ran roughly down the contour of Daphne's tight little body, marveling at the perfection of it all. Where Susan was all softness and curves, Daphne carried not a single ounce of excess fat outside of her surprisingly supple ass and her milky breasts.

The Susan of yesteryear would have been self-conscious, wondering if Harry would really fall for her and the slight pudge in her belly that would never go away, no matter how hard she tried to diet down. The Heiress of Hufflepuff, though… she knew that she would have Harry's cock at her mercy, begging for release.

She trailed kisses down Daphne's flat stomach, finding smooth, creamy skin the entire way down.

Daphne's skin was turning red, though, and filling with goosebumps as the softness of Susan's mouth contrasted with the stiffness of the vines. Susan kissed down her legs, peppering them all over her thighs before she focused on Daphne's sopping wet core.

And Daphne was absolutely drenched now, her movements having rubbed the vine against her needy slit.

Susan touched the vine and it disentangled itself from around Daphne's peach,

"Do your worst!" Daphne taunted in a breathless voice.

Susan felt excitement surging through her as she snapped her fingers. The vines that had loosened, now two separate threads, trailed down the side of Daphne's lower lips, forcing a shuddering breath out of the girl as they pressed against her rosebud.

"No! Please! Don't!" Daphne gasped as the vines mercilessly pushed into her anus. She tried to squeeze her thighs together, but they were being held open by the restraints that Susan commanded.

"Not so high and mighty now, pretty girl." Susan drawled as she leaned forward, taking a whiff of Daphne's sweet honey before she plunged her tongue into her wet heat.

“Morgana!” Daphne screamed as Susan ate her out while the vines in her ass circled inside of her canal. It wasn’t just those, the other vines that kept her in place began to move as well, kneading her breasts, pinching her nipples and tightening and loosening around her body, squeezing moans of ecstasy out of the girl as they constricted her like a snake.

And then Susan began to chatter and squeak into her clit.

Daphne’s world exploded as Susan used her badgertongue to great effect, leaving the girl a writhing mess. Her entire body was trembling, with her clit being at the epicenter. The vibrations of Susan’s tongue were taking her for a wild ride. She tried to buck and rub herself on Susan’s face, but the vines obeyed their mistress’ intentions and kept her set in place, twisting and turning every which way until she could take no more.

Daphne came, and Susan forgot herself as she tasted so much of her. She continued on even as Daphne screeched and begged for her to stop, to please let her come down from the cloud of pleasure that she’d been jettisoned into.

Finally, Susan backed off, letting Daphne rest as her vines receded, leaving a half-drunk girl covered in rope burns and breathing heavily.

Daphne opened her eyes, looking down at the redhead, who’s innocent demeanor had now returned in full. “W-Was that good? Did I do ok?”

Daphne couldn’t help it, she laughed hoarsely. “You did amazing, Susan, you did fucking brilliant!” Daphne ran a hand through Susan’s red locks, pulling lightly on them. Susan got the message, scooting up until she was level with Daphne.

“Hold me, please.” Daphne asked, and Susan felt heat grow in her cunt as she did just that, wrapping her arms around Daphne and pulling her towards her. Daphne was a few inches taller than her, but Susan was much more stacked, and in the blonde’s current state of weakness, it was easy for Susan to feel bigger than the other girl.

“Hey, Susan.”


“If all the myths about Hufflepuff’s secret chamber are true… Is it also true she left some sort of monster behind to protect the school?”

Susan giggled, stifling it behind Daphne’s shoulder. “Let me show you.”

The redhead chattered, and Daphne could hear the sound of sliding stone and the patter of clawed feet entering the room.

Daphne raised her head, enough to see over the edge of the bed and see the cutest, most ancient looking badger she had ever seen.

“He’s adorable!” Daphne squealed. The Badger was startled by Daphne’s loudness, and the girl quickly covered her mouth to stem her natural reaction.

Susan soothed the badger with a few words in badgertongue, which the animal responded to in kind.

“What are you telling him?”

“I’m telling him that you’re sorry, and that you didn’t mean to startle him.”  Susan said. “He’s hard of hearing, and as a heads up, he’s got a bad hip too, so try not to handle him too roughly.”

Daphne’s eyes widened as she looked down at the aged badger now with concern. “Is he alright?”

“He’s fine, he’s almost a thousand years old, he’s in great shape all things considered. The House Elves actually feed him daily, too. He’s got gastrointestinal issues so he needs a really specialized diet.”

“Wow.” Daphne said, “What’s his name?”

Susan smiled. “I named him Mortimer.”

Daphne’s first thought was that Mortimer was a terrible name, but as she looked down at the aged badger as he slowly ambled his way over to the opposite corner of the room, she decided he did sort of look like a Mortimer.



Lol. Lmao even

Zitronen tee

Okay. Never expected that. Perfect.