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“Lazarus Pit?” Bellatrix glanced over at Andromeda, who shook her head. “Never heard of it.”

“That is understandable, it is a tale that is mostly told in the Middle Eastern and North African traditions, though it is also known in parts of France and Spain.”

“I was not aware of it either.” Tom said “It sounds like something that would have piqued my interest, but In my travels, I wasn't exactly seeking out children's stories.”

“I've heard of it.” Hermione piped up from Darcia's side.

“Oh?” Flamel raised one of his blazing eyebrows.

“W-Well, there's actually a muggle comic book that includes it. Its like an underground pool that can heal any injury and even raise the dead.”

The others gasped as Flamel looked at the bushy-haired girl with interest. “Muggle fiction… how interesting. But yes, the legend goes much the same way, a boiling pool of magic that had the power to mend all maladies and return people from death's door.”

“And it's real?” Andromeda asked.

“It's what I partially based the Philosopher's Stone on.” Flamel said, “though, the stone is not quite as powerful as the pit.”

“So we just take Narcissa to this pit, and she'll be good as new.” Bellatrix said before her eyes narrowed. “But it's not that simple, is it? It never is.”

Flamel chuckled. “Astute observation, Ms. Black. No, the Lazarus Pit is a supremely powerful magical nexus, the convergence of several leylines, it can do magnificent things, but like all magic, it requires sacrifice. In the case of Lady Malfoy, a soul for a soul.”

“So someone has to sacrifice themselves in order to save Cissy?” Harry asked with a frown.

“Equivalent Exchange, Mr. Potter. One of the immutable laws of magic that can never be violated, regardless of power.”

“Thankfully, we have a spare soul here among us.” Tom said with a dawning smile.

“Tom…” Andi trailed off, unsure of what to say.

“It is fine, mistresses. I have a purpose, and it is to serve you to the best of my abilities. If my sacrifice can bring Mistress Narcissa back from the brink, then I will gladly give my life.”

“There are, of course, other sacrifices.”

“Other sacrifices? A life isn't enough?” Darcia asked incredulously.

Flamel smiled. “Mercifully for you, it is a sacrifice that I must make. The location of the pit is heavily guarded. I am one of the few people that are aware of it, but for me to divulge it, I must make a sacrifice myself.” Nicholas looked down at his left arm, inspecting its entire length before he rested his wand at a point on the lower half of his forearm. “That should about do it.” he glanced up at them. “Last chance, anyone thinking of backing out?”

No one answered. They all just sat there, frozen, glancing between the man and his forearm.

“I'll take that as a no.”

A flash of crimson left his wand, lopping off the half of his forearm with his hand attached. The severed half plopped down to the floor as a gusher of blood burst out from the bloody stump, rapidly beginning to pool on the floor.

Flamel stared down at his bloody stump, ignoring the growing puddle of blood that was getting dangerously close to staining his dragonhide boots.

Everyone stared at the man in horror. Well, everyone except for Bellatrix and Tom, who were impassively staring at the gory scene as if it were just another day at the office.

Harry wanted to yell at the man to do something, to mend his wound before he passed out from blood loss. But then, he glanced back at the pool of blood, and his mouth hung open.

The blood began to take shape as it spread over the prussian blue carpet. Before their very eyes, Flamel's blood stretched and shrank, moving in odd ways, as if pulled at by a magnet. Patches darkened while others raised up off the floor, lightening in color to contrast with the darker areas surrounding them.

“It's a map!” Hermione gasped once she realized it. The others had caught on as well, and it was Darcia who first realized what it was a map of.

“The tropics.” she whispered.

Wizards weren't really taught geography growing up. For most purebloods, the makeup of the world outside their little bubble was a vague mystery, but Darcia knew this area fairly well, Daphne used to point it out to her whenever her family went on vacation.

“The caribbean?” Andi finally said in recognition. “I thought you said it was a north african legend?”

“Myth and reality are separate things.” Flamel said calmly as the bleeding began to slow. His face was rapidly draining of color, it was only a matter of time before he collapsed onto the floor. “The Lazarus Pit is not located in any single place, its location shifts according to the whims of magic itself. This map I have revealed to you will only hold for perhaps a month or two, then it will shift again.”

Flamel flicked his wand and the Philosopher's Stone leapt out of his coat pocket. The ruby red stone twisted open, and Flamel drank a wine-colored liquid from inside, taking deep gulps as his hand began to reform in front of their very eyes.

When Flamel had finished drinking the elixir, his left arm had regenerated completely, good as new.

“So much for equivalent exchange.” Bellatrix scoffed.

The ancient man grinned, “Magic requires sacrifice, that is no lie, but that doesn't preclude one from finding loopholes.”

They refocused on the large blood map that had finished taking shape on the carpet. It depicted a smattering of small islands amidst a vast sea. One of the islands was pulsating.

“That one's Puerto Rico.” Hermione said as she stood from her chair and inspected the map closely. “So these smaller ones to the right of it are the Lesser Antilles, and the one that's glowing.” The bushy haired girl wracked her mind, drawing on knowledge from grammar school.

She couldn't really recall.

“You know, don't you sir?” Harry asked Flamel.

Nicolas shook his head with a wry grin, “I am afraid that I cannot assist you any further. Once you locate the island, it is up to you to make the trip. Remember, there's no telling when the pit will shift places.”

“Wait, so once we get there, what? We just ask around for the Lazarus Pit?” Andromeda questioned.

“Your eyes have seen the map. When you arrive, your path will be set.”

“Vague and ominous, as to be expected from Dumbledore's mentor.” Tom said sarcastically.

Flamel shrugged. “Magic will make it so. There will be several trials set in your path, and if you are able to overcome them, then you will arrive at the Lazarus Pit.”

Flamel warned that the map would disappear the moment they opened the door to leave, and so, they went to work conjuring up a rough approximation of it. Once they were satisfied, Flamel snapped his fingers and his ward dissipated. He made for the door, and when his hand touched the knob, the blood on the floor vanished, leaving no traces behind.

“Tortola, its actually a British possession. On the muggle side, at least.” Hermione pointed out once they were finally able to get to a map.

“It's the same on the magical side too!” Darcia exclaimed. “That's for sure where Daphne's family goes to vacation. They have a huge villa there.”

“Maybe we can have Daphne take us then.” Harry said. “I know they can't join us on the journey, but we can start the trip off from their Villa.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Andromeda said. “The only issue will be this one.” She pointed at her sister. “International travel is heavily regulated, it won't be easy to smuggle her across the pond.”

“We could always do it the muggle way.” Hermione commented. “By boat.”

“Don't boats take months?” Darcia asked.

“it takes them about a week nowadays, Darcy.” Hermione told her with a cute smile.

“You guys done with your little mystery?” Nymphadora asked them from the door. “Where did that old bastard go?”

“Flamel left, though he did say he'd keep an eye on Harry, so I don't think that's the last we'll see of him.” Andromeda said, knowing it was far too late to try and curb her daughter's lack of respect for her elders.

“I want to know how he found my bug… but anyways, we've got a really angry head of law enforcement out by the front gates, I think she wants to have ol’ gramps arrested.”

“A few weeks in Azkaban would do the old fuck some good.” Bellatrix mused as everyone else ran like hell down the stairs. She and the heavily pregnant Nym were the only ones to take their leisurely time strolling out of the chateau.

When they made it out and reached the front gate, they were treated to quite a sight. On one side, everyone was huddled around Arcturus, while on the outside looking in was a very fierce redhead clad in ministry robes.

“You're hiding something! I know it! Narcissa never blows off our meetings. And she's not responded to any of my owls!”

“I told you already, you mad woman, you have no business in my home!”

“I can come back with a warrant! I know how you Blacks are with your family members, you probably have her chained up in a dungeon!”

“Amelia, please, be reasonable.” Andromeda begged.

“Madame Bones, you're acting a bit erratic.”

“Spare me your words, Skeeter. Your presence here makes this entire situation all the more suspicious!”

“She's got Harry withdrawal.” Nymphadora whispered to her aunt. “I think it hits you old broads harder.”

“You're an arrogant little runt, my niece. We have to make do with those stupid gel caps. I'd like to see how you'll handle it when you can't get him everyday.”

Their conversation drew Amelia's attention, and the busty redhead's eyes turned big as dinner plates when she saw a woman she clearly recognized, a woman that should be dead.

“Bellatrix Black!”

Everyone snapped around, with Arcturus shooting his grandaughter a glare.

“What made you think it was a good idea to come out here?” He hissed.

“What sort of twisted shit have you been up to, Black? What have you and that madwoman done to Narcissa?!”

No one was sure exactly how to proceed. Bellatrix reasoned that it might be best to just stun and obliviate Bones and send her on her way, but before she or anyone else could make a move, Harry stepped up.

“Madame Bones, please, if you could calm down, we can explain everything.”


Harry sent Andi a look. Arcturus’ hand was twitching towards his wand, but Nym and Rita had grins forming on their faces.

“Listen here-” Amelia was about to give Harry a stern talking to, but as the boy stepped into her space and she got her first good eyeful of him, her first good whiff of his scent, she found herself struck dumb.

Maybe she should hear him out.

“Lady Bones, Susan talks about you a lot! She says that you're a very strict lady, but you're also very fair.”

Harry placed a hand on the older woman's shoulder, rubbing up and down, and the manic energy that had been filling Amelia since this morning seemed to melt away.

“Please, if we invite you in, could you please hear us out?” Harry pleaded with those wide, emerald green eyes.

Arcturus’ eyebrows had disappeared into the sky as he watched this boy easily manipulate one of the most unflappable women in all of wizarding Britain. That was the moment he was certain that there was something else going on with this Potter boy. It wasn't just that this new generation were a bunch of horny degenerates.

“Hear you out?” Amelia looked up, focusing once more on Bellatrix, who shot her her best innocent smile, which wasn't very effective at all.

Harry cupped Amelia's face under her chin and gently moved her head back to him. Amelia shuddered at his touch as her eyes once more landed on his gorgeous face.


The redhead swallowed. “Only if you sit on my lap.” She gasped at her own words, shocked by what she'd said. Harry smiled meekly while Nym and Rita grinned triumphantly.

“See, told you auntie, you old broads are putty in his hands.” Nym teased.

Amelia jumped when she felt Harry grab her hand. She looked down at his hand, smaller than hers and so perfectly soft, as he tugged at her.

Harry led her in through the gate, and everyone followed behind him as they made their way into the kitchen.

“No, of course, invite her into my home! What does my opinion matter?” Arcturus grumbled, though he had to grudgingly admit that the boy was handling this well.

Harry Potter was turning out to be a very deadly, very versatile weapon. The fact that he was in the hands of House Black was very fortuitous indeed.

When they entered the living room, Andi was relieved that they'd moved Narcissa to a room. She wasn't sure how Lady Bones would react to seeing her friend trapped in suspended animation.

Amelia plopped down in the single-seater ottoman, which was usually reserved for Arcturus. The old man grumbled but did not comment, deciding to remain standing as Amelia grabbed at Harry and pulled him onto her lap.

Harry felt something soft and heavy settle atop his head. Amelia's bountiful chest, larger than even Bella's, was resting on his head as the redhead squeezed him tight into her soft belly.

Amelia let out a contented giggle before stopping herself.

She wasn't as self-serious as she presented herself to the world. But she definitely did not giggle like a schoolgirl.

He logical mind was telling her that something was influencing her mind. She glared over at Lord Black, wondering if he'd confunded her somehow. But the house ring she wore protected her from most forms of magical coercion.

She nuzzled Harry deeper into her embrace as she decided she was just a bit loopy due to her concern for Narcissa.

“Well, I'm listening.”

The Blacks all glanced between each other.

Darcia shook her head. Explaining everything was right up Rita's alley, but she knew she wasn't Amelia's favorite person in the world.

Nym sighed, standing up mere seconds after she'd taken a seat as she placed a hand on her baby bump. “Listen, Bonesy, you're going to hear me out the entire way through, no interruptions. I'n chock full of pregnancy hormones so I want to get through this thing as quickly as possible. The other day we stole the Philosopher's Stone, your niece was a big help, by the way, great detective work. Anyways, Darcia and Harry went to hide it at Malfoy Manor, but Voldemort had possessed Mr. Malfoy's ghost and he was attacking then. Narcissa saved them but she got grievously injured and now they're about to set off on some dangerous quest to save her.”

Andromeda face palmed while everyone else was staring at Amelia. Amelia's facial expression hadn't changed, but her right eye was twitching.

Nymphadora tapped her foot impatiently. “You want a bit of clarification? Is it on the Philosopher's Stone part? Or is it the Voldemort part? Or maybe its the fact that Auntie Bellatrix is alive when she shouldn't be?”

Harry spun around in Amelia's lap and leapt up at her. His hands ended up inadvertently squeezing her breasts as he placed a quick kiss on her lips.

Whatever explosion Lady Bones was heading towards was short circuited as her face turned a deep shade of crimson. She was thrown for a loop, her lips were burning from where Harry had touched them, and she felt dizzy, almost drunk.

She should have been embarassed that the boy had kissed and fondled her in front of all these people, but all she could feel was euphoria.

Andi cleared her throat. “Erm, I can elaborate on a few details. If you have the patience for it.”

Harry nuzzled his head into her midsection and Amelia found herself nodding dumbly as She started running her hands through Harry's messy head of hair.

Amelia cast a severe look at Narcissa's form. She looked peaceful, much too peaceful for her liking. It was a look that should only ever be reserved for the dead.

“And you can't say where you're going?”

Andromeda and Bellatrix glanced at each other. “I don't think anything's stopping us from telling you that. We're going to Tortola, an island in the Caribbean. What we're searching for there, we can't say.”

Amelia was still hugging Harry tightly, almost as a safety blanket. She shook her head as she looked between Rita and Andi. “A fucking hotshot polyjuice. Are you kidding me? And all the shit you pulled with Crabbe and Goyle, breaking her out of Azkaban, killing Dolores Umbridge-” Bones lip twitched upward, “Stealing an invaluable magical artefact… I have enough to sentence the lot of you to three lifetimes in Azkaban.”

“But you won't.” Rita said smugly.

Amelia glared at her. “Don't test your luck, Skeeter. Being an illegal animagus calls for a two month sentence or a three hundred galleon fine, that one wouldn't sting me one bit.”


Amelia sighed as she looked at the rest of them. “We've got the potential to do so much good in the world.” She glanced down at Harry, who smiled up at her with those doe-like eyes. She thought about all the progress their coalition had made such a short amount of time. “If I'm going to be compromising my morals, It shall only be to make the world a better place.”

“That's our M-O, worldsaving's our passion.” Nymphadora assured her.

“Lady Bones.” Darcia said in a much more serious tone. “Over the past few months, I've seen our entire family transform. None of us are perfect, in fact, I'd say we're still mostly messed up-” She glanced at her aunt Bellatrix. “But we've become better people. My mum, all those reforms she was pushing along with you, she didn't do it for some convoluted plan, she did it because she genuinely felt like she needed to do better-”

Any further words were caught in Darcia's throat as she thought of just how brave her mother had been in saving them. Hermione squeezed her hand as the blonde fought back tears.

Amelia looked at Darcia fixedly before nodding slightly. “I believe you, Miss Malfoy. I believe all of you. And I think together, we can make a big difference. I need to return to my manor on urgent business, but once I've settled that, I would like to sit down with you and talk strategy.”

Everyone was befuddled by Amelia's sudden announcement, but it all became more evident when she jumped off her seat with Harry still firmly hugged to her body.

“Hey, Bones, where do you think you're taking him?” Bellatrix asked.

Amelia's grey eyes took on a slightly manic glint. “Mr. Potter is going to assist me with my urgent business, and then he and I shall return.”

“You think you can just take my Harry away?!”

Amelia puffed herself up like a rooster, “Black, at this moment, you are either a deceased person or a dangerous criminal on the run. Either way, I would tread carefully around the head of the DMLE.”

Bellatrix really didn't want to back down. It took Andi pulling her back while Harry sent her a pleading look, begging her to let it go.

Bella huffed and sat back down as Amelia practically scurried away while cradling Harry under her arm.

“So, the head of the DMLE just kidnapped my baby's father.”

Amelia apparated back to her home, and only when she got there did she realize what she'd done. She was carrying an eleven year old boy like a Christmas ham.

She placed Harry on the floor. The boy's shirt was ruffled up, and Amelia absently tried fixing up his collar.

“Mr. Potter, my apologies. I don't know what came over me, I should not have been carrying you around like an object. I-”

Harry got on his tiptoes and pecked her on the lips. Amelia was left stunned as the handsome young boy smiled meekly at her. “Thank you for helping us, Lady Bones, you are a wonderful person.”


Amelia pounced on him. They were in the foyer to her manor, and her House Elf had just popped in to greet her. When it saw the lady of the house practically mauling a small boy under her, it popped away to give her privacy.

Amelia kissed him hungrily, every second she was in contact with his soft lips compounding her loss of control. She pulled him up and Harry was hugging the older woman, his legs wrapped around her torso.

Amelia walked, carrying Harry as she shoved her tongue down his throat. She didn't know where she was trying to go. She was in no condition to try to make it upstairs, but her feet led her despite her mind being unable process anything besides just how tender Harry's tongue felt inside her mouth.

Amelia had never really had much of a sex drive. She'd tried the act a few times more for the novelty of it than anything, but while men had always leered at her lewd, buxom form, she had never really had any interest in romance or intimacy. It was what allowed her to focus so severely on her career. She didn't feel like she was giving up on love and companionship to pursue her work, because she'd never felt any need for those things.

Now, it was like a switch had been flipped in her head. Her body was a furnace, and the sexy, voloptuous body that she had been gifted with was now being put to its intended use.

They tumbled onto the couch, with Amelia falling on top of him. A part of her worried that she might smother him, but Harry was not complaining as the much bigger woman put her full weight on him. His hands were cupping her face as they kissed with a growing fierceness.

Amelia ground her body onto his, letting her bountiful curves bury him further into the sofa. She was a woman that kept to a strict diet, seeing food as fuel more than something to savor, and yet no adjustment in her eating habits could temper her wide birthing hips, her soft stomach or her ridiculously large breasts.

Really, sometimes Amelia hated the fact that she'd been given the body of a temptress. Not now, now she ground every single inch of herself into the little boy.

He was not so little in some places, though. She could feel a monster pressing against her, a steel hardness wanting to punch through her pillowy stomach.

That hardness, along with the overwhelming heat that was threatening to envelop her, were driving her almost as wild as his sweet tongue as it slid along her own.

Harry’s hands left her face and sank down into her tits, squeezing the life out of her peaks as his small hands were being swallowed up by her massive mammaries.

“Merlin!” Amelia groaned, feeling the delicious pleasure of his hands groping her. But it wasn’t enough, she needed to be rid of her robe.

Amelia stood up from the couch, and Harry sat and watched as the mature redhead hooked her arms under her robe and lifted it up off her body.

Amelia was a stallion of a woman. Her outrageous hips and cow-sized udders left Harry’s mouth watering.

Amelia flushed as Harry took her in. Her choice of undergarments was not the sexiest, she’d never felt the need for it after all. That would have to change, as she already felt the burning desire to appeal to this boy, to be his perfect woman.

Harry removed his own shirt and pushed down his pants. Amelia gasped as she saw his monster unleashed, standing tall and proud, protruding from his lap like an obelisk.

That was not a normal cock for an adult male, much less a young boy. Yet, nothing was normal when it came to Harry Potter, was it?

Amelia bent forward, giving Harry a mouthwatering view of her ample cleavage as she worked on the clasp of her bra. There was a growing anticipation building up inside of Harry, and the way his cock twitched when the garment finally snapped open and fell to the floor made Amelia’s pussy tingle with excitement.

“You like Auntie Amelia’s big juicy cow tits?” The redhead teased as she shimmied her body from side to side, letting her breasts slap against each other.

Her breasts really were a marvel. They were well-past huge and in the realm of comically big, and considering their size, the minimal amount of sag that they showed was clearly only possible due to the provjdence of magic.

Amelia cupped one of her breasts, bringing it up to her mouth as she smiled seductively at the young boy. She took one of her painfully hard nipples into her mouth, suckling sensuously at it as her hand trailed down her body.

Harry’s hand went to his massive shaft, stroking it slowly as he stared at this fertility goddess, this woman whose body had been built for breeding.

A primal part of him, a part that had become more prominent after Tom had been separated from him, urged him to leap at her, to bend her over the couch, tear her granny-panties off and fuck her savagely until he came deep inside her cunt, until he bred her.

But Harry let Amelia stay in control. He knew she needed this, knew that he had awakened something in her and needed to let her play it out.

And he also knew that the sexy older woman's domineering ways drove him mad with lust.

Amelia turned around, glancing over her shoulder as she bent over and presented her fat rump to him. Even through her unappealing granny-panties, her ass looked positively delicious. Then she slid the offending garment down her thighs, the bubbly meat jiggling as it was freed from its prison.

Harry's mouth hung open in silent awe as Amelia's ass danced for him, shaking hypnotically as his eyes were drawn to her fat, juicy pussy lips, which were dripping thick, syrupy dollops of her nectar down onto a thick, matted bush of dark red pubic hair.

Harry was thankful for variety. From the girl's pristine little pussies with not a single hint of hair to this fatty ginger feast Amelia was serving on a platter to him, they were all so wonderful.

That feast was making its way right towards him. Amelia backed her fat ass right up into his face, and Harry didn't even attempt to put his hands up to defend himself, he let himself be smothered by her thickness.

His nose ended up buried deep in her rosebud as he butcheeks threatened to squeeze the life out of him on either side. His mouth ended up perfectly placed to begin lapping away at her.

Amelia rubbed herself onto Harry's face, squeezing her tits as she felt true pleasure. In her few previous sexual encounters, it had always been a mechanical thing. She'd derived some pleasure from them, but it was almost in a detached sense, as if her mind and body were separate entities.

This time, her mind, body, soul and even magic were in complete harmony. They were singing. Not one of her political victories had felt anywhere near the same stratosphere as the pure ecstasy of having Harry's face buried in her behind.

And then, the boy's mouth clamped over her cunt, and he began to eat her out. He wasn't so much licking as he was devouring her as if he was eating a fresh, juicy mango. His lips and tongue were lost in a flurry as he greedily glugged down her juices, his sloppy work causing a drip of it to dribble down his chin.

Amelia screamed, cursing and hissing as her legs began to shake. Harry was a madman, sucking her clit and part of her labia into his mouth, ignoring the few hairs that stuck to his tongue as he found concentrated dollops of her arousal that had condensed in her bush.

“Fucking hell! Y-You absolute animal!”

Amelia tweaked her nipples as her vision began to blur. Her legs couldn't hold her up any longer, and as she felt her body begin to lose control, she collapsed backward onto Harry's face, putting her full weight on the boy's head.

Harry didn't struggle for breath, he didn't groan at the grown woman that was now sitting completely on his face. He only sucked on her nub until the earthquake that was Amelia's orgasm reached it's crescendo.

Amelia screamed herself hoarse as she tried and failed to lift off of the poor boy. He was surely going to pass out from all of this.

Then, Harry's hands went to her cheeks, and with positively inhuman strength, the boy pushed her off and forced her tumbling down to her knees in front of the couch.

Harry's face was absolutely drenched, the skin a deep red and with the indentation her cheeks had left prominent on his forehead.

But as Amelia looked back, his eyes were almost glowing, and she made a realization.

Harry Potter was not a normal child, nothing close to it.

Harry put a hand on her hip and once more used force that was both startling and extremely arousing for Amelia.

He forced her to flip over onto her front.

Harry would have loved to fuck her doggystyle, but after having had so much of her rear, he needed to feast on her front, he needed to suck on her big, juicy tits.

Amelia yelped as Harry straddled her. He was going to fuck her on her fine carpet that had been a gift from her French counterpart, a carpet which she was sure was already soaked in her juices.

Harry's thick, club-like cock looked intimidating as he slapped it against her clit, sending an echo of her receding orgams coursing through her body.

Amelia could only stare, completely mesmerized as this impossibly handsome young boy ran his ridiculously huge cockhead up and down her slit.

“H-Harry… p-pl-”

She wasn't even able to finish her plea. Harry pushed himself into her depths, surging forward until he was able to latch onto one of her swollen globes. He sucked on her titty-meat with even more wild abandon than he'd used on her sensitive cunt, and with each thrust of his powerful cock it seemed like he wanted to sink into her pillowy soft mounds.

Amelia did all she could to help him along. She hugged his head to her tits. Close to losing her voice, she found herself making animal noises, squealing and snorting like a pig as Harry gave her slow but deliberate strokes.

The sight of his thick organ as it pulled back from her impossibly tight depths, the sight of that raging monster bathed in her juices as she submitted to its assault… it was driving her mad.

She felt like a blushing virgin. She had the sudden realization that her niece had probably been in this very same position, submissive and breedlable as this absolute stud pounded the life out of her young pussy.

The thought broke Amelia's mind. Everything she'd previously valued, her entire mental hierarchy of importance was forcibly restructured with each hammering blow of Harry's cock. With every thrust that rearranged her fluttering pussy, with every forceful slide of his scorching hot man meat down her unprotected tunnel, Amelia became a new woman.

She still had her ideals, her beliefs in fairness and discipline. Her slightly conservative view on child rearing and belief that the old ways, while outdated, had their place. She was still a firm proponent of merit above all else to determine someone's success.

But now, all of that was present in a world that revolved completely around Harry. He was the sun, the very air she breathed, he was an absolute necessity. Without him, everything else ceased to make sense.

Her eyes had rolled to the back of her head at some point. She had stopped functioning, being merely a soft, doughy fleshlight with tits for Harry's enjoyment. Harry picked up his pace, his pelvis slapping against her abused pussy lips as her cunt was now just constantly convulsing around him.

Harry sheathed himself one final time inside her, pushing as deep as he could go, and he let go, emptying the contents of his heaving balls directly into Director Bone's beaten cunt. His spurts flooded her, and the part of Amelia's brain that was still lucid noted that she was dancing on a cloud of absolute bliss as hot jets of his seed filled her to bursting, bloating her lower stomach as they ran out of room in her cunt and womb.

When Harry pulled out of her, his cum ran down like a river onto the fine carpet.

It seemed that Amelia would be out for a while, which meant he wouldn't be returning home for a few hours. Harry decided to try and find the kitchen and fix himself a snack.

It was later on in the evening when Amelia finally returned with her kidnapped young lover.

She was sitting with Rita, Bellatrix and Andromeda at the dinner table, with Tom (who was Voldemort, because of course he was) standing by. Arcturus had made them some fresh baked french bread before retiring for the night.

Darcia and Hermione had also retired to their room, with the blonde clearly still shaken up by everything that had happened recently.

Nymphadora and Harry were on the couch, with the pregnant metamorph lovingly nuzzled up against Harry's side, sighing contentedly while he rubbed lotion over her belly and ran his hands through her hair.

Bellatrix snorted as she looked over at her niece. “Old broads my ass.”

“I trust Dumbledore about as far as I can throw him, but I guess its better for him to be an ally than an enemy. Same with you.” Amelia pointed her chin towards Rita.

“Thank you.”

“That wasn't a compliment, Skeeter.”

Rita grinned ferally. “I know, I'll still take it as one.”

“While we're off in the tropics, you lot should try and destroy the Horcrux in the LeStrange vault.” Andi said.

“You should move quickly. If the other me is aware that we know about the horcruxes, he will be doing all he can to move it.” Tom said.

“Breaking into a Gringotts vault isn't exactly easy, even for someone like him.” Amelia cautioned.

“This is Voldie we're talking about.” Bellatrix reminded her.

“And I'm pretty sure he's done it once already.” Rita added, remembering that incident from the previous August.

“Noted.” Amelia said. “Between Lord Black, Dumbledore and I we should be able to figure out a way into that vault.”

Amelia wished she could just go on the trip with Harry, even if she couldn't join them in whatever bizarre journey they were supposed to undertake to save Narcissa.

But she couldn't be selfish. She was needed here, capturing the Horcrux and also keeping their power in the Wizengamot.

“I concur with the plan to use the Greengrass Villa as a base of operations, and I'm sure Anastasia will be more than amenable to the idea.”

The other women giggled. Anastasia and Primrose were likely suffering as badly as Amelia had been, and a bit of time with Harry would make them very agreeable indeed.

“But, I don't agree with taking muggle transportation. If time is of the essence, then an international portkey is the way to go.”

“Yeah well, I can't exactly take an international portkey, Bonesy, and I doubt that even you can smuggle me through, considering all the checks they run on the other side.” Bellatrix said.

“That won't be a problem.” Amelia smiled, in a way that was much more reminiscent of Nymphadora than of the strict department head.

“What do you have up your sleeve, Amelia?” Andi asked.

“Oh, nothing, I just thought of a way to make it so that you won't have to hide anymore.”

Bella's eyes widened in shock. “H-How? A new identity?”

Amelia shook her head. “You'll be Bellatrix Black, a free woman in good standing.”

Bella glared at the redhead, “You're fucking with me. Even if we prove I wasn't a Death Eater, then they'll just stick me with killing Lucy and faking my death.”

Amelia's smile never faltered, “You'll be fine. I know how things work in the Ministry, and more importantly, I know how Fudge operates. All we need is a lie so fantastical, they'll have no choice but to believe it.”

The other women glanced at each other, unsure if Bones had lost her marbles, but willing to listen to whatever harebrained scheme she'd concocted.



There's no way Amelia is on any sort of birth control, and I sincerely doubt that in her state of mind afterwards she could have brought herself to take any steps against falling pregnant. Looks like Harry is adding another one to the list. 😈 Most excellent chapter!

Daeron Targaryen

Hot damn Harry is becoming a man worthy of praise.