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This is chapter 2 of that Nextgen 'one-shot' from the poll. Next chapter will be the final one, and it'll be the chapter to have the actual nextgen smut scenes, lol.  Hope you guys enjoy

Even as a man who did not work and could basically make his own schedule, Harry liked to keep his mealtimes consistent.

Feeling a bit nostalgic, he decided that today he'd dip into the Burrow for some of Molly's hearty home cooking.

Dora was fast asleep in her crib. He'd just finished his morning lessons with Gabrielle, and the young veela could look after his goddaughter while he went for lunch. He would take Gabby with him, but he knew what the girl thought of British cuisine.

Now, he just needed to get the little blonde minx off his cock.

They were on the bed, next to his sleeping goddaughter, trying their best to keep the noise down. This meant that Gabby was bouncing lightly on his cock, gasping as she took his shaft into her tight little twat.

At twelve, Gabby was an absolute princess. Veela really did age differently than normal witches, and while most of Gabby's body still resembled the budding figure of a barely teenaged girl, with her breasts nothing more than cute little puffs on her chest, her ass had clearly reacted well to the veela hormones.

Harry had both hands squeezing those milky white globes. Her soft ass looked all the more outrageous on her small frame. Her face was angelic, not yet having lost that fairy-like innocence like her older sister.

And her tiny little cunt was a premium grade cock-purse, squeezing the life out of his fat dick with its vice like tightness, taking all the abuse Harry dished out and bouncing back for more.

“My cooking iz superior, ‘Arry! Did you not- AH! Was my duck confit not the most succulent zing you've ever tasted? Besides my sweet little pussy, of course.”

Harry was breathing heavily, unsure how Gabby was able to string so many words together when he had the physical evidence of her coming undone on his cock. With every forceful slam of his hips against her silky soft pussy, the girl's body shuddered, her legs trembled around his waist and her little arms shook.

“I can be everyzing for you, ‘Arry. I can ‘ave your children, take care of you house, be your woman in every way.” Gabrielle's cute little face darkened as her supreme possessiveness took over. She began bouncing in earnest on his cock, and even as his cock seemed to be coming out of her throat every time she slammed down on his lap, the girl's glare never wavered.

Harry let out a weird, half-sigh, half-moan. “G-Gabby, it's not like that. You're not my maid. I don't expect you to cook every single day.”

She pouted, and she let him bottom out inside of her, resisting his attempts to continue bouncing her. Harry didn't fight it. He squeezed her bouncy cheeks, letting his fingers be eaten up by their plushness as the little demon on his lap began rolling her hips.

Harry wasn't ashamed to admit that he was forced to think about Percy reading a report on cauldron bottoms, lest he not immediately explode inside of Gabrielle's sinful little twat.

“‘Arry, I do not mind doing zese things. I want to cook for you, take care of you, fuck you, and have your babies.”

Harry groaned as her grinding turned even more aggressive. He was shit out of luck, as there was no possible way he could picture Percy Weasley in his mind when this little succubus was trying her hardest to drain his aching balls directly into her womb.

Almost since the moment she'd arrived, Gabby had proven herself to be a little french spitfire. The girl had thrown herself into the task of taking care of Dora, freeing up a lot of Harry and Ginny's time.

The problem was, Gabby had ambitions, and she was not afraid to voice them. Gabbrielle felt that she was the perfect wife for Harry. She held him on a pedestal, and went out of her way to treat him like a king, and she never ceased to mention the fact that while Ginny was out playing quidditch, Gabby was taking his cock down her throat. While Ginny didn't let him creampie her due to her career, Gabby made it a point to say that she was actively looking to get a baby knocked into her little teenaged pussy as soon as possible.

The worst part was, she would blatantly say all these things in front of Ginny, openly challenging Harry's fiancee.

Ginny was an angel, taking it in stride and playing nice with the little veela. Maybe it was her way of making up for being so mean to Fleur all those years ago, but even when Gabby would go under the table and suck Harry's cock, mumbling about how the man of the house should never have his balls full, Ginny just smiled and played along with the young girl.

Gabby's grinding had reached a frenetic pace, her baby blue eyes looking at him with an almost overwhelming burning intensity.

“Fuck a baby into me, ‘Arry. My seester said you love her milk, you can drink my milk every night!”

Harry grunted. Gabby's grinding had reached an absolutely frenetic pace, and Harry couldn't take it anymore.

With a burst of power, he turned them around on the bed. Gabrielle squealed but there was nothing the small veela could do. Harry pressed her back against the mattress and he lost his mind completely as he pounded her little pussy into the bed.

Gabby couldn't find words now. She could only squeal, squeak and moan as her pussy squelched with every thrust that sent Harry's cock tunneling into her delicate quim.


the little veela that could, couldn't anymore. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her pussy clamped down on him, doing its best to take Harry with her. Harry groaned, and he let himself be overwhelmed by the blonde's hungry cunt as his balls emptied and he sprayed her pussy down with his cum.

His cum erupted like a rocket, filling her up so quickly that Gabby would have been physically thrust off his cock if Harry hadn't been holding her down, forcing her cunt to absorb every single load his twitching cockmeat was serving it.

When he finally pulled out, Gabby's cunt was leaking, and the girl had dozed off, curling up with a pillow.

It was only his hunger that stopped Harry from just flopping onto the bed and falling asleep next to her.

He took a few steps back, committing the sight of the twelve year old veela leaking his seed to memory as he glanced over at Dora, who mercifully hadn't been woken up by their activities.

Harry got dressed, not bothering to clean his dick, letting the fresh scent of veela cunt linger heavily over him as he grabbed his wand and apparated over to the burrow.

Even after all these years, his first look at the Burrow left him in awe.

When he'd first seen it, he'd marveled at how such a rickety, haphazard structure could remain upright. Clearly, only magic could have made it so the shabby house didn't collapse in on itself.

Back then, he'd pictured Mr. And Mrs. Weasley using humble spells to build their house up board by board, adding a new expansion with each new child that arrived. Now, of course, he knew that his money had paid for some of the premier wardmasters from eastern Europe to come in and construct the house, which had been fine-tuned to be as quaint and hockey as humanly possible.

Now, as he looked at the wooden structure, he was still in awe. But this time, it was awe that not all of it had collapsed into a pile of rubble.

The attic had caved in and the east side of the second floor, the one that had always jutted outward with nothing physical to support it, looked like it was only moments away from collapsing itself.

Harry made his way over to the front gate and walked in through the kitchen, where a frantic Molly Weasley was sweating profusely as she stood over a hot stove, four burners going off at once.

“Mum!” Ron called from the kitchen. It seemed Harry wasn't the only one who's decided to take his lunch at the Burrow.

“Is the food done yet?!”

Molly blew a clumped up bit of hair out of her face. As she glared over at her son in the other room. “It'll be some time, dear! Cooking is much harder the muggle way.”

“Don't burn my nuggies, mum! And could you shape them like brooms like you used to?”

“I'm not making nuggets, Ronald! I can't use magic!”

Ron groaned loudly from the living room, and Harry chuckled, startling Molly, who spun around to see him.


There was a loud crashing sound from upstairs, followed by a cry of pain, causing Molly to flinch. After a moment's pause, Arthur Weasley called down. “I'm fine! Just fell off the ladder!”

This was the elder Weasley's punishment. They'd been forced to live at the Burrow, full time. While they weren't on house arrest, they could come and go as they pleased, they needed to live this house, and they weren't allowed to visit any of their other properties.

That wasn't all, not even close. Harry had had all the enchantments around the Burrow torn down and Molly and Arthur had been forced into swearing an oath that they would not use any magic while in or around the property.

What this meant was that the elder Weasleys were forced to upkeep the home like muggles. It was why the attic had caved in. Harry lent a hand every once in a while, doing the bare minimum to ensure the house was still livable, but Molly was forced to cook and clean without magic, and Arthur spent most of his days fighting a losing battle trying to repair the home as it fell apart around him.

“Ah, Harry!” Arthur said as he walked into the kitchen. He had a toolbelt around his waist, and most of the tools looked to have been placed with the pointed ends aimed directly up at himself.

“How's it going, Mr. Weasley?”

Arthur wiped sweat from his brow. “Oh, you know, surviving! I must say, those muggle power tools you gave me are fascinating!”

“You haven't lost another finger, have you?”

Arthur held up his hands, showing three fingers missing between both of them. “Not at all! I think I'm getting the hang of it, though the power drill keeps tearing the walls apart.”

Harry grinned. “I'm sure you'll figure it out, Arthur.”

Arthur returned the smile. “Well, back to it!”

Ron was standing by the kitchen door, “Mate! Could you give mum a hand? My lunch break’s almost up and I need my nuggies!”

Molly paled, especially when she saw the grin on Harry's face grow even wider.

“There's no need to bother Harry with that, dear! Remember, we're all being punished!”

“Oh, it wouldn't be a bother at all.” Harry insisted, leering at the now panicking Mrs. Weasley. “I'll be happy to help, Mrs. Weasley.”

“Could you make my nuggies into brooms? Please Harry?” Ron sent him puppy dog eyes as he pleaded.

Harry chuckled. “I'll see what I can do, Ron.”

Ron and Arthur retreated from the kitchen,

Leaving Harry alone with Molly, who had her back to the stove, looking at him like a cornered animal.

“H-Harry, dear, you really don't have to bother. I'm getting the hang of this muggle cooking.” Molly assured him, even as the pot behind her began to boil over and spill the stew she'd been trying to make.

Harry flicked his wand and the pot simmered down. He was hungry after all, it wouldn't do for there to be nothing for him to eat.

“Alright then, Mrs. Weasley, I'll leave you to it.”

Molly blinked, clearly not expecting that answer from Harry. With visible trepidation, the Weasley matriarch turned around and busied herself with the meal.

A very unexpected thing had happened due to Harry's punishment of the elder Weasleys.

While Arthur had lost multiple digits and picked up an array of injuries trying to play muggle handyman, Molly had been working herself to the bone keeping the house clean, and it had done wonders for her.

Where she'd been a plumb, dumpy middle aged woman, she had now slimmed down considerably. She still had wide hip, she wasn't skinny by any stretch of the imagination, but her figure was very appealing. Her breasts had not shrunken down at all, and her massive mammaries now looked even more impressive with her tighter figure.

She'd gone from unappealing to a thick MILF whose body jiggled in all the right places, and Harry had taken notice.

Molly busied herself over the stove, but she really wasn't focused on cooking, she felt Harry's presence behind her, and she was hoping he wouldn't do what they both knew he would.

She jumped when a hand squeezed her fat rump.

“Harry!” She squealed. Out of instinct, she jumped back from the hot stove, which meant her body pressed up against Harry's solid frame. Instead of Harry's hand, her ass was now firmly pushing against Harry's crotch, where his considerable length managed to wedge itself between her cheeks.

Before Molly could even think about pulling away, Harry's strong arms kept her in place.

“H-Harry dead… the f-food's-”

“Fuck the food.”

Gone was the good humor in his voice, replaced by pure, guttural dominance. Molly swore she could smell the stench of sex on him, as if he'd summoned it from thin air.

His hands went where they always went when he used her: to her large breasts. Her squeezed them through her blouse. They were so massive that they spilled over his hands, his fingers getting lost in soft flesh as they sank into them.

Molly didn't want to moan, but she did. There was a hard cock against her ass and rough hands toying with her breasts.

Harry tore at her blouse, letting her tits hang free as he fondled them with a renewed vigor, rolling her nipples between his fingers and pulling at their pendulous mass as he slowly backed them up until he was against the kitchen table.

Molly closed her eyes, ashamed that she was finding herself growing wetter with each touch from the handsome raven haired man.

Harry spun her around roughly and pushed her down onto her knees.

“How about a little titfuck first?”

It was phrased as a question, but Molly knew it wasn't. She grabbed onto his trousers, working quickly to unzip his fly, trying to ignore the hissing of one of the pots that had once again boiled over.

His cock jumped out at her when she pulled it out, and Molly gave it a few experimental strokes as it continued to rise to full length. That's when she was assaulted by the stench.

She scrunched up her nose and glanced up at Harry with trepidation. “You were… in someone?”

Harry chuckled. “Oh, yeah, you know Fleur's little sister is living with us now. I gave the little minx a nice shag before coming here.”

So that was the smell that almost made her want to gag. Harry had fucked that veela brat, likely cum inside her and then not even bothered to clean his dirty cock before coming here.

Molly heaved her breasts over onto Harry's cock, wrapping them around his thick rod. She could feel as some of the fluids from his cock that had not yet dried coated her sweaty skin. It was all so nasty.

Harry grabbed her by her hair and pulled her head forward. “Come on now, Mrs. Weasley, I know you're a pro at this.”

Molly grimaced, but she got to work. She slid her tits up and down Harry's shaft, letting their softness pleasure the boy that she'd once seen as a son (and a cashcow).

Harry grew impatient, and he began to thrust himself into her breasts, pulling at her head until Molly was forced to take his cockhead into her mouth with each thrust.

It was such a disgusting taste. Cunt juices from an underage veela along with Harry's own potent seed. Tears welled up in Molly's eyes, both from the brutality of his pace and just how strongly his cock stank.

She just pushed her boobs around his shaft and let him do as he pleased.

Then, the hand that had been pulling at her head changed course and tugged upward. Molly hesitated for a moment in confusion before standing up. Harry pushed her against the table, lifting up her long skirt, raising an eyebrow when he saw she hadn't been wearing any knickers underneath.

“I-I like to let it breathe.”

“Sure.” Harry said as he forced her to lean back onto the table until she was half-laying on it.

“H-Harry dear, shouldn't you wash-OOOH!”

Harry hadn't given her time to protest. He'd taken his cock in hand and pushed it in to Molly's sopping pussy.

As flesh slapped against flesh and Harry's hands continued to maul Molly's tits, the Weasley matriarch was sure her son and husband must be hearing her moan like a two-knut whore. They were surely aware of the many humiliations Harry submitted her to.

Harry stroked in and out of Molly, his dirty cock earning another layer as it became coated in her juices. He cared not for her pleasure, as to him she was only a hole, an arse and a pair of tits, but Mrs. Weasley was so wound up by the whole ordeal, the stench, the humiliation, the massive cock pounding into her, that she quickly came around his cock.

Which seemed as good a time as any for Harry to empty his own balls. And so, Harry came deep inside of Molly, letting his seed explode into her freshly fucked cunt.

After the first few spurts, he pulled out, and Molly found herself being sprayed down by thick ropes of semen which fell over her heavy breasts, with only small amounts being able to soar above her mountains of flesh and land across her nose and over her lips.

Harry sighed in satisfaction as Molly collapsed onto the floor, her pussy still quivering, leaking his cum and her tits glazed in his seed.

Harry tucked his cock back into his pants, still not clean, and looked back at the stove.

The meal was ruined. All the pots had boiled over or burnt.

“Guess I'll nab something out in London. See ya later, Mrs. Weasley.”

Harry turned off the burners to make sure nothing caught on fire, seeing as the semi-lucid Molly was likely not going to be able to do much for a while.

He twisted in place and popped away.

Ron didn't get his nuggies.

Right after grabbing a quick bite, Harry apparated back home.

He found quite a sight. Ginny had come home, and she was laying on the couch, completely naked, with a young french veela working busily between her legs.

That was surprising. Ginny had been as cordial as she could with Gabby, but they certainly weren't friendly, and definitely not close enough for this.

Ginny caught his eye and smiled as she squeezed one of her pert little breasts. “Don't worry, Dora fell asleep again.”

Made aware of his presence, Gabby wanted to pull back from Ginny's cunt, but the redhead placed a very firm hand on her head and kept her in place.

“I was more wondering about this.” Harry gestured to the two girls as Gabby grudgingly continued to eat the older girl out.

“Oh, this?” Ginny giggled. “I had a talk with Gabby, we finally straightened things out. Didn't we, Gabby?”

Once more Gabby tried to pull back to speak, but Ginny didn't let her, and so instead, her response was muffled by Ginny's pussy.

Harry laughed as he made his way over to the couch, shedding his own clothes.

Ginny's nose scrunched up as she smelled Harry's hardening cock as it approached.

“Who did you fuck?”

“Your mum, and Gabby right before.”

She made a face. “And not a single wash in between?”

Even through her disgusted tone, she still took his cock into her mouth when Harry put it against her face. His fiancee's soft lips suckled on his head, collecting the myriad of fluids with her tongue.

Harry pulled himself out of her mouth with a wet pop. Ginny savored and swallowed the collected juices as her fiancee plopped down next to her, placing his own hand on Gabby's head, stroking the blonde's scalp as she looked up at him with those wide blue eyes.

“What exactly happened, Gin?” He asked, alternating between then veela's pleading face and his girlfriend's smug smile.

“I-ah!” Ginny's body twitched as Gabby's tongue swirled around inside of her. “I sat her down and we talked until we reached an understanding.”

“An understanding?”

“An understanding that there's no need for us to feud. I explained to her how I felt about her sister, and how she might be feeling the same way about me. That still didn't get through to her, so I took a more hands on approach. I think she's got it now. We can both be your wives, even if I'm the only one that'll officially be Mrs. Potter.”

Harry shook his head in amusement, “Well, I'm glad you guys worked it out. It would do me good to see you two getting along.” He looked pointedly at Gabby.

Ginny finally released her, and the veela gasped for air, her lip trembling as she looked at Harry. “C-Can we ‘ave a wedding? Even if I'm not going to be Mrs. Potter?”

Harry's heart almost broke, and the smile was wiped completely out of Ginny's face as the two of them basically dove to hug the young veela.

“Oh Gabby!” Ginny kissed the girl on the forehead, “we can have a wedding, you can be a part of mine or have your own, whatever you want. We really don't have to fight, there's enough Harry to go around.”

Gabby sniffled, glancing between the two of them. “R-Really?”

“Of course, Gabby.” Harry said, “i know a perfect way for you girls to start bonding.”

Ginny snorted as Harry pushed his dirty cock towards their faces. Gabby's eyes fluttered as she instantly made to suck on the head before she stopped herself. Glancing at Ginny, she edged her mouth to the side, allowing the redhead room for her own lips to wrap around Harry's crown.

Harry was treated to one of the greatest sights in his young life as red and blonde began to dance around his cock, their tongues working in concert to lather his cock with their saliva.

Ginny placed a hand under Gabby's chin at one point when the girl was coming up to suck on his crown.

Harry's breath was taken away as his girlfriend and his twelve year old veela fucksleeve began a passionate snog around his cock. Their tongues danced with each other, with Harry's cock being the fulcrum around which they turned.

“Oh, sweet Merlin!”

It was far too beautiful a sight. Ginny's cute, freckled face and her bright orange hair. Gabby's adorable, angelic face and her silvery blonde hair…

Harry grunted as he came for the third time that morning. Even after two orgasms, his cum was thick, with part of it managing to go down each girl's throat. The great majority of it, though, ended up splashing their pretty faces, coating them all over but especially their hair, with Harry guiding his last few spurts to make sure he left a few thick ropes on each girl's sleek hair.

When they immediately dived in to lick his overly sensitive cock clean, Harry didn't have the heart to try and push them away. They looked so beautiful like that, covered in his seed.

The future was looking bright.

Shell Cottage truly was one of the most picturesque locations one could think of for a home. Perched atop a cliff overlooking the sea, surrounded by the beautiful, verdant flower gardens Fleur had spent her free time cultivating.

It was a no-brainer to choose it as the site of the Weasley-Johnson wedding.

The Weasley boys; Bill, Ron, Percy and Charlie, were all sitting around the kitchen table inside of the house as they waited for more of the guests to arrive. They were all wearing their smartest robes and had had their hair cut and styled. From the outside, it would have been impossible to tell that these were a group of broken men.

Well, mostly.

“Can we go eat the appetizers already?” Ron whined impatiently. His leg was tapping away under the table. “I saw some of those finger sandwiches shaped like little quaffles!”

His brothers had long since learned to just leave Ron to his devices.

“How are you holding up, Charlie?” Bill asked.

Charlie had a hand on his forehead. “Its horrible, Bill.”

“They took you away from Sasha?”

Sasha was Charlie's “soul mate”, a female Swedish Short-Snout whom he'd fallen madly in love with, enough for him to take the potion meant for Ginny and use it on the dragon. No one was sure if it had actually done anything. Could a potion like that work on a dragon? Could it work at such small doses relative to the creature's size?

No one really wanted to pry too much into it, or think about it at all, but Charlie had seemed happy.

Charlie looked like he was on the verge of tears. “N-No… its even worse. They have me as a breeding supervisor. I have to sit there and watch while they have the male Short-snouts desecrate her beautiful-”

He couldn't handle it anymore, Charlie broke down into tears as Ron and Bill patted him on the back.

“That punishment is quite light.” Percy mused, “I must talk to Harry, he needs to be a bit more stringent with you.”

“Perce!” Bill glared at his brother.

It was a beautiful wedding. Angelina's family was small but very friendly and were clearly up for a party.

It seemed that Angelina had explained the particularities of her relationship to her family and Quidditch teammates. When the officiant declared her and George to be husband and wife, none of Angie's family batted an eye when Harry hopped up from his seat, bumped George off the altar and gave Angelina a deep, smoldering kiss on the lips.

The girls all looked ravishing. He'd fucked Ginny and Gabby right before leaving after seeing them in their dresses. At the wedding, he couldn't help but squeeze an embarrassed Hermione's ass and grope one of Mrs. Weasley's breasts.

And then there was Fleur. There was absolutely no reason a woman carrying a two month old baby should look that sinful, but Fleur pulled it off in spades with her flowing blue dress.

She was sitting at a table, cradling both Victoire and Dora to her chest. Each girl was nursing at one of her swollen breasts, in a scene that should not have made Harry want to drag Fleur into the house and shag her senseless.

But it did. And he would.

But first, there was someone else who needed his complete attention.

Angelina looked absolutely stunning in her white, mermaid cut wedding dress. Her bountiful ass was popping out of the white satin. Angie's hair was done up in an elaborate bun, and she'd chosen to use minimal makeup on her pretty face.

She and George were performing the opening dance for the reception. They were dancing very stiffly, with George's hands placed loosely on Angelina's waist and not daring to travel any lower.

The moment the song ended, there was a smattering of polite clapping as people began to approach the dance floor.

“Can I have this dance?” Harry asked.

“Sure.” George said.

George had never recovered from the death of his twin. There was really no point in Harry punishing him any further, since it seemed that the redhead was going to just live out the rest of his days as a phantom.

It meant that Angelina's sexy chocolate ass was Harry's and Harry's alone, which was a big plus.

Harry wrapped his arms firmly around Angelina's waist as he began to spin her around the dance floor.

“Wooo, go Angie!” Martha Chalmers, one of her teammates, whooped as she began to dance with one of Angelina's cousins.

“You really know how to brighten up a girl's mood, Harry.” Angelina chortled as they danced to the upbeat music being played by the band.

“I try.” Harry said as his hands traveled south, blatantly squeezing Angelina's ass in front of the entire wedding party. “What's the plan for the honeymoon, anyways?”

Angelina rolled her eyes, “Well, I believe we're going to spend a week on the French Riviera, where I'll spend all day getting railed by a huge cock while I order mixed drinks.”

“And George?”

“I think he'll be opening up the shop tomorrow morning, same time as always.”

“Sounds wonderful.”

Harry was glad that Hermione, Ginny and Fleur had agreed to share the responsibility of taking care of Dora, since he would need to take Gabby with him on the vacation. He would be fucking Angelina a lot, and he would need a convenient receptacle for his cum, since Angie still had her career to worry about.

“Lets fuck.”

Harry blinked a few times. “Now? Where?”

Angelina grinned, lifting up her wedding dress. It was very long, but she quickly bunched up the fabric. Harry's eyes trailed up her thick, perfect brown thighs. She had a lacy white garter at the meatiest part of her right thigh, which Harry figured he was supposed to pull down with his teeth later on.

And then Angie raised her leg up slightly to make even clearer what Harry's mind had slowly been piecing together. She wasn't wearing any type of underwear. Her shaved pussy was completely bare, and Harry felt his mouth dry as he realized what Angelina wanted.


Angelina's smile grew as she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around him while keeping her leg raised, “How about it? A very special dance for my wedding day?”

Harry glanced around. Others were currently dancing, and they were focused on their partners, perhaps he actually could…

No, of course there was no way he could keep this secret. He could already see people glancing at them, either blushing or wearing knowing smirks.

He locked eyes with Angelina's mother, who was sitting at a table next to a sullen George and a scandalized looking Mrs. Weasley.

She winked at him.

Harry couldn't believe it, but he decided he was just going to have to roll with it. He was going to fuck Angelina while pretending to dance, and if anyone had a problem with it, they could kindly leave the wedding he'd paid for.

Harry held Angie's leg up as they began to waltz, a dance that absolutely did not match the Weird Sisters song currently being played by the band.

He considered the logistics of how he would covertly undo his fly, when Angelina pulled out her wand from her dress, and with a flick, Harry Jr. found himself loose.

His cock, which had been hard for a while now, even before he'd started dancing with Angelina, was bobbing freely on the dance floor. Not wanting any innocent eyes to catch a glimpse of his indecent length, Harry decided it would be best to hide it.

And that was the reason he pulled Angelina towards him, and, surprising himself, managed to slot his cock into her tight slit on the first try.

“Fuck.” Harry grunted through gritted teeth as Angie let her dress pool around them, hiding their indecency.

Now that he was sheathed within her, there was no possible way Harry would be able to move his feet around.

The band, who like everyone else could clearly see that Harry Potter had just slipped his cock into the bride's pussy, abruptly stopped the current song, taking a few moments to coordinate before changing it up to a much slower tempo song.

It was a song meant for slow dancing, and it was also a song that in the muggle world, might be used for grinding.

“Shit, you think they did that on purpose?”

“Harry, I really couldn't give a fuck. Just fuck me already.”

And so, Harry and Angeline stood in the middle of the dance floor. Harry had both hands squeezing Angelina's thick cheeks as the two began to move. They started off slowly at first, still trying to play it off as if they were just grinding to the song, but soon, it would become obvious to even the most oblivious observer that Harry was spearing his cock into Angelina's pussy.

Everyone stopped dancing, just standing and staring as Angelina kissed Harry along the jaw while he pulled her ass towards him.

There was a loud moan, but not from either of them. Fleur was mightily turned on from watching them, and the horny veela couldn't help but begin fingering her cunt openly.

Ginny had carried the girls off, handing them to her mother before returning to Fleur.

After all, while Gabrielle was greedily sucking the milk from one of her sister's breasts, there was an entire tit still open for her to suck on.

Ginny and Gabby were nursing from Fleur like starved children. The older veela lost herself in her pleasure as she watched Harry and Angelina fuck on the dancefloor.

“This is getting a bit out of hand.” Hermione said with concern.

“Mum, you have to learn how to make these sandwiches!” Ron exclaimed between mouthfuls of bread, the only person at the party who didn't care about all the sex going on.

The other Weasley men could only sit in a little corner, watching as what should have been a sacred family event was devolving into debauchery.

“N-No! Girls! I-I don't make milk!” Molly exclaimed when Dora and Victorie both found her tits, freeing them from her loose dress and innocently sucked on her nipples, trying to find nourishment but instead causing the Weasley matriarch to moan as her nipples were stimulated.

The other guests, ranging from Angelina's teammates to one disgruntled reporter, simply sat back and watched things happen.

Rita was angry that she'd agreed to the secrecy vow that came with each invitation.

Hermione was shooting Angelina's mum, nervous glances. The woman finally caught her looking, and to Hermione's absolute shock, she dived at her, pulling her into a deep, sloppy kiss.

Angelina was staring directly into Harry's eyes as they finally reached their peak, just as the song itself was reaching the crescendo. As the final few notes were playing, Harry pulled out of Angie, hooking a finger into her cunt and pressing just the right spot to send her flying off into space.

And while Angelina was experiencing a powerful orgasm, Harry stroked himself the last little bit of the way there, until he finally came all over her beautiful white dress.

Afterwards, most guests would agree that the next Weasley wedding had a very high bar to clear.


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