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It was time for another training session with Bella and Angelina. Harry was making his way down the hall towards their training room when he saw Angelina coming down the opposite way.

'Good lord' Was all Harry could think.

Angelina was wearing shorts. Very skin tight red shorts that barely reached her thunderous thighs. He caught glimpses of her ass wobbling behind her as she walked. She was wearing a loose crop top this time, once again exposing her sexy, toned belly. As she got closer, Harry realized the top must have been one of her old quidditch jerseys that she'd just sliced with a cutting charm.

"Ready for another round of torture?" Angie asked with a smile.

Harry nodded dumbly, still hypnotized by the vision in front of him. "You left the common room looking like that?" He blurted out.

He cursed himself out for his choice of words. If he wanted to entice Angelina and eventually convince her to join the coven, he shouldn’t act as possessive as he currently was.

Instead of being offended, Angelina giggled. "Sorry, dad, did I dress too provocatively?" She raised a suggestive eyebrow that left Harry blushing.

The door swung open and Bellatrix stood there, but if Harry thought he was saved from embarrassment, he was wrong.

Bella wore a skintight black catsuit that hugged her every curve. Her shapely hips and her large breasts were on full display, as well as a very pronounced camel toe that left both Harry and Angelina gawking.

"Well, come on then, we've got lots to do." Bellatrix urged the two teenagers inside, secretly smirking at both of their reactions to her outfit.

She and Lily had made their plans to convince Harry and Daphne into forming a coven, but when it came to Angelina, Lily had given Bellatrix free reign. Bella would abuse the hell out of that free reign, and hopefully show Harry a little glimpse of what he could have, if he just got his head right and stopped it with that open relationship crap.

Because Harry and Bellatrix had their own individual training sessions, these sessions were heavily focused on training Angelina up. Bella focused on Angelina's strengths. She was not great with transfiguration, but she was skilled at charms and especially adept at firing off curses. She was naturally quick, both on her feet and with a wand, she had power and she had precision. She might lack pizzazz, but there had been plenty of dueling champions throughout the years that fit that very same mold: a no-nonsense barrage of power. They were machines that simply overwhelmed their opponents' cute little tricks with pure force.

For all his boasting about his wide range of magical knowledge, in practice, Tom Riddle had been one such duelist, and in many eyes he had been the greatest ever.

Bellatrix's two pupils lay exhausted once more, with the curly haired witch having built up a sweat of her own that left her nipples visibly peeking out against her bodysuit.

Angelina was sitting, legs splayed out in front of her, sweat rolling down her body as she breathed heavily. With every subtle shift of her body, Bella and Harry got small glimpses of her dark areolas and her pink nipples.

Harry was on one knee, exhausted but also ragingly horny. Between Bella's body jiggling all over the place, Angelina's ass shaking aggressively and the constant peeks he got under her cutoff shirt… he was one frustrated young man.

"Merlin, everything aches!" Angelina groaned as she kicked her shoes and socks off and wiggled her toes.

Harry tugged off his sweaty shirt, letting out a satisfied breath as his bare skin was exposed to the fresh air.

There was a sharp intake of breath from Angelina as she stared. Harry's torso was gleaming with sweat, his athletic body rippling with wiry muscle. Her eyes raked from his chest to his abs to the sharp V that formed at his hips. None of the boys on the quidditch team looked anything close to that when they came out of the showers.

Bellatrix smiled at the sight. Lily had warned her to be cautious with Angelina, thinking she needed to ease her into the idea of multiple lovers at once. Bellatrix scoffed in the face of that, she was a hormonal teenager faced with a sexy older witch and a teenage stud, the only caution she’d use was in lubing up that wondrous ass for Harry.

"Harry, be a good teammate and give Angelina a foot massage." Bella urged.

Both teens shot her incredulous looks, but Bella simply raised an eyebrow and nodded Harry along.

Harry knelt in front of Angelina, who's mouth began to dry as his rough, calloused hands wrapped around her left foot.

She couldn't help the whimper that escaped her mouth as Harry's fingers began to massage her aching soles. She felt a flood or pleasure as his ministrations relieved her aches, but she also felt a much larger build of heat in her core as she stared down at his emerald green eyes.

Angelina bit her lip, looking into the boy's handsome face as he seemed to be completely lost in his ministrations as he softly worked his fingers up and down her dainty foot.

"Looks like he's doing a good job," Bella said as she knelt down behind her. Angelina gasped, having forgotten the professor was in the room. She felt her heavy breasts press against her back as Bella spoke into her ear, her breath tickling and scratching in ways that made her squirm. She could picture her mouth as it whispered seductively, her lips grazing her ear lobe ever so slightly.

"Relax, Angelina, we're going to take care of you." She shuddered as Bellatrix placed a kiss on her earlobe.

She couldn't believe what was happening. This couldn't possibly be happening. But if it was… she was certainly not going to put a stop to it.

"Bella?" Harry asked his lover as he saw her begin to rub circles around Angelina's shoulders. Her violet eyes were hooded as she smiled at him. "Harry, be a dear and put Angelina's toe in your mouth."

Angelina froze in shock as a thrill ran up her spine. Was Harry really going to do as she asked?

Harry's mouth fell open as he stared at Bella once more. Bella only smiled, and suddenly her hands were sliding up the smooth chocolate skin of Angelina's stomach, they were reaching under her cut off, and then they were squeezing her pert breasts, her thumbs circling the girl's nipples as Angelina began to let out short, gasping breaths. Her shirt rode up, ensuring Harry got a clear view.

Bellatrix licked her lips, dipping down to suckle at Angelina's neck.

At some point in all of that, Harry's brain broke. He raised a dainty foot to his face and popped Angelina's big toe into his mouth without ceasing his massage.

Angelina tilted her head to the side as Bellatrix toyed with her. Her chest was on fire, a new jolt of pleasure surging through her every time Bella pinched a nipple.

Harry gave Angie's toe a tongue bath as he was spellbound by the erotic sight of Bella toying with the girl's small breasts.

Harry popped the digit out of his mouth and began to work his way up. He licked her foot and up through her leg until he hit the promised land: acres upon acres of soft, dark thigh meat coated in her delicious perspiration. Harry lapped up her sweat as his tongue swept over her inner thigh, his nose catching whiffs of her arousal as he edged closer to her damp shorts.

Harry felt clammy hands run through his hair as he nudged Angelina's shorts up with his nose. He left a trail of gooseflesh in his wake as he edged closer and close to her molten core.

Finally, Angelina's skin tight shorts had outlived their usefulness.

Angelina felt a sudden rush of fresh air and her eyes snapped open.

"Look at that pretty little kitty." Bellatrix cooed, resting her head on Angelina's shoulder as they both gazed down at the messy mop of raven hair hovering over her now fully bared pussy.

Harry needed to take a moment to take in the beautiful sight as well. Her lips were fat and meaty, with Harry only able to catch a promising little glimpse of the light pink goodness contained inside.

"Go ahead, Harry, give that little kitten a lick." Bella encouraged, resuming her ministrations.

Harry didn't need much encouragement. Starting at her ass, he ran his tongue up one of her outer lips, sucking it into his mouth and pulling gently at it until he reached the top. Moving to the other side, he repeated his movement, loving the feel of Angelina's fat, juicy cuntlips as he sucked them up.

If Harry didn't hear Angelina moan, it was because Bellatrix had pulled her into a forceful kiss. The women were locked in a passionate liplock. Bella continued to tweak Angelina's breasts, and Angelina was returning the favor, groping Bella's large tits through the thin fabric of her catsuit.

Harry continued to suck on Angelina's fat lips, this time slipping his tongue in through the side to glide it through her sensitive inner lips. Angelina gave Bellatrix's tits a hard squeeze when she first felt Harry's soft tongue moving inside her labia. In return, Bellatrix pulled her hair roughly, kissing a bit more aggressively and tweaking hard on one of her nipples.

Harry needed to taste her nectar, he needed to plunge his tongue into her gooey center.

And so he did. Harry's tongue punched into her holiest of holes, filling her entrance and sliding a half-inch into her core.

Angelina's reaction was instant. Her legs twitched uncontrollably, tightly wrapping thick thighs around Harry's head and shoving his face deeper into her core. Harry's nose pressed against her clit, smearing glossy juices all over it as Harry's tongue dug deeper into her pussy.

Harry's tongue began exploring, swirling from side to side as he was rewarded with a flood of deliciously bittersweet fluid that drove him further into her depths.

Angelina was in another world. She was squeezing the life out of Harry, and a part of her was worried that he'd suffocate between her legs, but there was nothing she could do. His tongue was making her body tremble with pleasure, with Bellatrix's rough handling being the cherry on top.

Harry struggled to pull his head back with all the pressure Angelina was applying, but he managed to just barely slide it up, enough for his tongue to slip out of her cunt and begin its assault on the final target: her sensitive, throbbing clit.

If Angelina thought she was in the clouds before, she was now rocketing off into outer space. Harry licked and kissed and sucked at the sensitive nub of her clit. Sensing she was about to go off, Bellatrix broke their kiss off and captured one of her nipples in her mouth, licking and nibbling and making her gasp and in pain and pleasure.

It would always be too much. Angelina felt it build up in her core before it suddenly exploded outward. Her legs wrapped even tighter around poor Harry's head, she dug her nails on the back of Bellatrix's head, she screamed her lungs out as her body melted into a puddle, her orgasm leaving every nerve ending on fire.

Bellatrix pulled back and she collapsed onto the floor. She heard words, distant words that she couldn't quite decipher. Someone lifted her legs, and as she opened her eyes she saw Harry scooting forward, a large, angry looking cock pointed threateningly at her.

Angelina blanched, the monstrous thing scaring her for just a beat before she felt it's heat near her own throbbing mess and she knew she needed it to fill her up.

A conjured pillow was slipped under her head. She looked up and she saw a dripping slit with a small patch of black pubic hair hovering above her.

Instead of removing her catsuit, Bellatrix had just cut the crotch off, allowing her to lower her soaking pussy onto Angelina's face.

Harry pushed into her and Angelina screamed into the cunt that covered her mouth. Her tongue shot out and all she could do was lick, much too incoherent and inexperienced to come up with any nuanced approach.

Not that Bella was complaining, she rode Angelina's face, biting her lips as she stared lustfully at Harry, who was now naked between a pair of chocolate thighs, pounding away at her gushing center.

Angelina had never felt a pleasure as she did in this moment. The constant pounding of Harry's thick member as it rearranged her velvety walls, molding them around his form, felt hot and alive. It was much different from when she pleasured herself with her wand, it was orders of magnitude greater.

Her toes curled, the pleasure becoming almost overwhelming, something that threatened to wash her away in a giant wave of ecstasy. This may have been her first time, but Angelina knew this wasn't normal.

Many euphemisms that she and the girls had thrown around in giggled conversations sprung to her head. Getting put under the cruciatus, getting rattled by the beater's club, or the Celestina Warbeck classic, having your cauldron stirred until it froths over.

Angelina now fully understood these phrases as she was driven over the edge. She also came up with a new one, because as Harry's shaft thrusted hard, a battering ram crashing against her poor, sensitive cervix, she felt as if she was being confunded by the dick. It was an almost maddening feeling, and she knew that whatever ideas she'd had about this encounter going in, they were all shattered as her body danced like puppet on a string, her legs becoming jelly as her most powerful orgasm yet took her over.

Harry grunted, he could hold himself off and last a while longer, but then he looked down at the sexy chocolate body he was fucking into, the large ass that was mushed up against the floor, making it look even bigger, and he made eye contact with Bellatrix, who was griding her cunt on Angelina's face while staring at him with a smoldering look.

He exploded, a torrent of cum shooting from his cock and into Angelina's unprotected quim. The thought of breeding the athletic girl, of filling her stomach and making her belly grow and seeing her barefoot and pregnant… he came with renewed vigor as more of his seed gushed into her.

Angelina's whimpers were now being clearly heard. Bella had lifted herself up from the girl's face. She waddled forward with her knees on either side of Angie. Her hand shot out and forcefully pushed Harry onto his back.

Harry wanted to protest, to tell Bella that he needed time to recover, but the wild, almost demented look on the woman's eyes stopped him in his tracks.

He didn't want to admit it, but that crazy, unhinged expression on her face made his wilting cock shoot up at attention.

Bella sat on his rejuvenated rod, plunging it into her soaking depths, and she began to ride him with wild abandon.

When Angelina recovered enough to understand words, Bella instructed her to sit on Harry's face, but not with her pussy.

Harry was holding on for dear life as Bella thrashed violently against his pelvis. Then, he felt another pair of legs hovering over him.

His eyes opened to see Angelina, a hand cupping her pussy as she fingered her clit, driblets of cum soaking her palm. She was facing away from him, towards Bella, and her pussy was too far forward to drop it on his face.

Harry realized what she was doing and he reached another level of happiness. Angelina was dropping her humongous ass on his face, and it made him want to cry from joy.

Bella rolled her hips, trying to milk him dry, but he'd just cum, he could hold on for a while longer.

Angie's soft cheeks threatened to suffocate him as she dropped her weight on him. Harry felt he could die like this, with Bellatrix impaled on his cock and his head trapped between the thickest, bubbliest cheeks he'd ever seen.

Harry licked, he buried his tongue into her rosebud as he spread and squeezed the life out of Angelina's cheeks with his hands.

Bella came at some point. She collapsed forward and her soft tits (at some point in all the mess her catsuit had been ripped off) pressed against his chest. She began to lap up his cum from Angelina's pussy while Harry continued to explore her backdoor.

Meanwhile, his cock twitched and slid around inside her cunt. Neither of them moved much, too focused on their tasks, but after a while Harry deposited a hot steaming load of cum into Bella's welcoming cunt.

An hour later, Bella had to have a house elf pop them all off to her chambers. Harry and Angelina were fast asleep, with Harry using Angie's ass as a pillow.

All in a day's work.

The next Wizard Wrestling Federation meeting went by rather swimmingly. Everyone progressed well in the ring. They had started on things such as body slams and suplexes, and there must have been something about wizarding physiology, because they all picked it up extremely quickly, at least according to Dean's father.

Some people, like Harry and the twins, had even begun trying out high risk moves off the top ropes.

Some students had come forward at the start of the meeting to let Mr. Thomas know they weren't interested in being put on the card. They were instantly drafted into costume design, with his and Draco's gear being the highest priority.

Those with absolutely zero fashion sense were designated as the 'pyro' crew, and they were tasked with learning spells to be able to set off sparks and fireworks and flashing lights from a distance. Others were put on music, which much to Mr. Thomas' chagrin was much more limited in the wizarding world.

Harry had found his finisher, a sitdown powerbomb which Mr. Thomas dubbed 'The Potter Bomb', along with a variation of a German Suplex where he hooked his arms under his opponent’s forearms, finishing in a bridging pin. According to Randall it was called a tiger suplex, but for Harry's purposes it would be redubbed the 'Lion Suplex'.

Malfoy's main finisher was a rather basic looking body slam that he'd named 'Salazar's Slam'. That hadn't really bothered Harry, what had really gotten under his skin was Malfoy's secondary finisher, a two footed curb stomp that he'd so eloquently christened 'The Mudblood Stomper'.

Everyone was slowly getting desensitized to Malfoy's continued usage of the word, but Harry just became angrier and angrier as the arrogant twat felt more and more free to throw the word about.

"Now, I think you three are going to be it for my women's match." Randall gestured towards Daphne, Hermione and Pansy.

"Of course." Cho scoffed. "Why did the other houses even bother showing up?"

Susan stepped up tentatively. “Mr. Thomas.” She said in a barely audible whisper.

“Yes?” the man asked the short redhead gruffly.

“I…I want to be a part of the show.” She said, about as firmly as she could manage.

“You’re going to have be willing to wear something…nice.” Randall said.

“Dad, you’re being creepy again.” Dean warned.

“Something like this?” Without warning, Susan opened her loose-fitting robe, revealing a very tight yellow onesie.

Everyone’s jaw dropped instantly. Susan Bones might be a little pudgy in the middle, but her body was absolutely insane. She was short, but she packed a lot of woman into her minute stature. Susan’s chest especially was patently ridiculous, straining against her onesie in a way that stretched the entire thing out all the way down to her crotch.

“That will definitely work.” Mr. Thomas said while his son looked like he wanted to faint.

“Susan, wanna practice body slams and pins?” Daphne blurted out without thinking.

Susan was satisfied with everyone’s reaction, but the one she liked the most was Harry’s, who looked absolutely furious.

Before he could consider his actions, Harry surged forward and closed up Susan’s robe. The girl blushed as the taller boy stood mere inches from her. “Susan, you don’t want all these losers looking at you like that.” Harry assured with a blush on his face.

Susan wanted to run her hand down the side of Harry’s face, but all these damn people were here. But she had now confirmed a vital piece of information, Harry was attracted to her, and very much so, if the bulge she saw in his pants was any indication.

Mr. Thomas cleared his throat. "It’s settled then, we’ll do a tag match for the girls too. The redhead and the blond vs the two Death Eaters."

"Death Eaters?"

Malfoy perked up proudly. "It will be the name for our prestigious little group. I came up with it."

"Wait, I'm a muggleborn, and I hate Malfoy! Why would I join them?" Hermione complained.

Blaise stepped up, putting a protective hand over his girlfriend. "Yeah, Hermione isn't about to be working with Malfoy."

"Like I want the dirty mudblood anyways." Draco sneered.

Blaise saw red, and he was ready to pull out his wand before Dean's dad stopped him. "Remember, this is all part of the act! He's in character." He grinned down at the well dressed dark-skinned Slytherin. "But this is good, really good."

Blaise squirmed under the older man's gaze.

Randall snapped his fingers. "I got it! The Death Eaters have her hostage, and you are going to wrestle to win her back. Now we just need another Death Eater for you to go up against for her honor."

Blaise gaped at the man, and Harry glanced around. Malfoy didn't have any other friends, so he wondered who would volunteer and willingly become a part of his gang.

"I'll do it!" Ron waved his hand around, puffing his lanky frame up as much as possible.

"You? You look like those two if they’d been run over by a truck." Mr. Thomas gestured towards the twins.

"He's our dearest brother." Fred supplied.

"Brother huh…" Randall inspected Ron with heavy scrutiny. "Turned his back on his friends and family, joined the enemy…that could work."

"Yes!" Ron sprinted over to Malfoy, who flinched in disgust as Ron made himself comfortable in between Goyle and Pansy.

"Ron, what are you doing? You don't have to actually join them for real."

"No, no, I like it! It's important to maintain kayfabe at all times! Don't expose the business, boy, heels should ride with heels!”

Ron ginned proudly, sending Hermione a searching look, expecting her to join Malfoy's gang as well to immerse herself in the role.

Hermione shook her head incredulously as she allowed Blaise to pull her back into their friend group.

"Well, that's all the matches settled. Which is good, means the rest of you can focus on supporting our stars."

"What about the other match? The one you said someone needs to do a job or something?”

“Oh, right!” Randall snapped fingers.

He picked someone out of the mass of students. "You! What's your name?"

"N-Neville Longbottom sir. I-I'm fine just doing costume designs-"

"Nonsense! How'd you like to be a jobber?"

"Jobber?" He tittered nervously.

"Yes! We'll give our champ a tuneup match where he destroys a useless jobber. You'll be the opening match, get the crowd warmed up, lay your shoulders to the mat, stare up at the lights and do the J-O-B for Draco."

Malfoy barely understood half of the words out of Mr. Thomas' mouth, but he got the gist that he'd get to beat the hell out of Longbottom, and he once again smiled with glee.

Harry was in a foul mood the rest of the meeting, as he saw Malfoy overcome his dislike of muggles and begin sucking up to Dean's dad. Nothing good could come of it. He also kept an eye on Susan, making sure no one else tried to take advantage of her by taking a peek under her robe.

Things couldn't get any worse. But of course they would. Because Ron had to come up to Randall before he dismissed them all.

“Yeah what is i- Gah! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, boy! We are getting you a mask ASAP!”

“A mask?” Ron asked.

“Dean, be a good boy, start getting that design team working on a mask for this kid, top priority.”

Dean rolled his eyes. “Sure, dad.”

“Anyways, what did you want trainwreck?”

Ron's eyes lit up. “Is that my wrestling name? Cause, like, I wreck people?”

Randall shook his head. “No, it's an insult, cause you're ugly. Now come on, boy, out with it.”

“Well sir, you talked earlier about not exposing the business and, well, I thought maybe we should all swear a magical oath to keep it that way.”

“Magical oath? That shit's real?”

Lily panicked as she quickly made her way over to them. “Yes, well, magical oaths are extremely serious business, and should not be entered into lightly. The penalty for breaking them is death, after all.”

At that moment, Randall wished that they'd allowed him to bring his cigars along with him to the castle, so that it could drop to the floor to show just how amazed he was by this revelation.

“So you can use magic to make it so that everyone has to keep kayfabe?”

The students, who had all begun to drift towards the exit, closed back in curiously.

“Randall, you don't understand the severity of what you're asking. For a recreational project like this, asking them to swear an oath would be ludicrous.”

Draco knew an opportunity when he saw it. He was the Hogwarts Champion, and if everyone had to keep the fact that this was all fake a secret, he would actually be the Hogwarts Champion in the minds and hearts of the public.

“Twenty Galleons to each of you if you swear the oath!”

That got the people moving. Everyone was very enthusiastic, with only Harry and his crew staying back.

“I'll only pay if everyone swears it, though.” Draco added, looking at Harry with a malicious glint.

“Come on, Potter! Just swear the damn oath.” Seamus said. “I need my twenty galleons.”

“I'm not taking any of Malfoy's stupid handouts.”

“Easy for you to say, you rich fuck.”

Dean made a face. “Seamus, you live in a mansion.”

Randall kicked his son in the back of the leg. “Mouth shut, Deano.” He then raised his voice as he addressed Harry, “Listen, kid, I can't have my babyface blabbing to the press. Either you and your people agree to swear the oath, or you're all out.”

Harry, Daphne, Blaise, Hermione and Susan, who were the only ones not to agree, huddled up with Lily.

“I mean, when you think about it, the oath will just make it so we can't say this is fake. I don't see the big deal.” Daphne pointed out.

“It's a magical oath, Daphne. Professor Potter herself said it should not be entered into lightly.” Hermione chided.

“Exactly.” Lily said, glad someone was seeing reason.

“It won't be the end of the world if we're not in, right?” Blaise said, already dreading the storyline Dean's dad had hooked him into.

“Harry, what's your favorite color?” Susan blurted out.

“Huh? Um… purple I guess.” Harry answered, not sure why the blushing redhead had brought it up.

Actually, as he looked at Susan, it began to dawn on him that maybe-

“Heh, you're pathetic, Potter.”

Harry swiveled around lightning fast. Draco had his title belt hoisted up on his shoulders as everyone else looked on in silence.

“You had one chance to challenge me, to finally try and best me, after all these years of chasing my tail. But in the end, you backed out, like the coward you are.”

“Oh no.” Blaise groaned, seeing the look on Harry's face.

“Harry.” Hermione hissed under her breath. “He's just trying to goad you! You've wiped the floor with him every single time you two-”

“But its alright, Potter. Go, run away with your tail tucked between your legs. I'll face another opponent, and when those people out there are cheering and chanting, you know what name will be on their lips? DRACO. You know who will have this belt wrapped around their waist? Me! And you know who'll run the school from this point on? The Death Eaters.”

“And that's cause we're just too sweet!” Ron jumped in, shouting enthusiastically.

Harry was seeing red.

“Harry.” Lily tried her luck. “You realize you're not actually going to fight him, right? Its all going to be-”

“I'll do it, Malfoy, and I'll swipe that stupid fucking smile off your face.”

“You'll try.” Draco said, looking very pleased indeed.

Daphne had wanted to make the oath anyways, so she joined in along with Susan and a hesitant Blaise.

“Mrs. Potter.”

“Save it, Randall. There is no way I am going to be manipulated into agreeing to this madness.” Lily said firmly.

Hermione smiled proudly. In a sea of irrational actors, she and Professor Potter were the only sane ones, the only ones who didn't let their emotions overrule their logical brain.

“You know, Professor Potter.” Draco's smirk was back in full force. “My father has a certain bean on display in his office. He's not a collector, he just has it because he likes to show off expensive things.”

Lily's lips quivered. “W-What bean?”

Draco's smile had teeth now. “The Bertie Bott’s bean flavored bean.”

“T-T-The bean flavored bean?!” Lily shrieked.

The bean flavored bean was the holy grail for Bertie Bott's enthusiasts. It was the rarest bean in existence. Only three had ever been made, and one of them had been used to make a bean dip.

“My father is not very knowledgeable. It would be child's play to swap the bean out for a normal one. It could be the star of your collection.”

“Professor?” Hermione frowned, seeing the way Lily was almost frothing at the mouth.

“Hermione, just swear the damn oath. I'll give you extra homework if you do.”

Blinded by the promise of extra homework, Hermione folded.

“That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.” Randall clapped Draco in the back. “You have potential to be the greatest heel of all, kid.”

“I plan to.” Was Draco's response.

Lily quickly drafted the oath, and as Randall read the parchment, the rest of the group repeated along.

“I swear on my magic to never expose the business. To never reveal any of its secrets or insinuate in any way that its a work.”

Dozens of voices repeated those words, and a golden glow filled the room as the oath was made.

Harry sighed once it was done. Sure, Malfoy had goaded him into this, but how bad could this oath be?

I can still be swayed to change Harry's moveset, if you guys have better puns for any of his moves. 



Thanks for the chapter honestly doesn't draco now know that he has to say he got his ass beat by Potter for real instead of saying that part was an act?