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It was interesting how decoration could transform a room. Bellatrix's quarters were surely identical to her own, and yet the raven haired witch's room looked dark and foreboding, a complete contrast to Lily's comfy little slice of home.

The two women were sitting at a table, a kettle and two untouched teacups between them.

The atmosphere in the room was weird. Yes, it was uncomfortable, but it wasn't hostile.

"So, you've had the misfortune of interacting with Snivellus?" Bellatrix broke the ice.

Lily giggled.

"What's so funny?"

"You get that from Sirius?"

"What, Snivellus?"

"Yeah, it's what James and Sirius used to call him."

Bellatrix snorted. "I guess that mutt is a Black after all. But no, we came up with it independently." Bellatrix assured.

"Anyways, I'm here to listen, if you need me to."

Bella was surprised by her own words. She had never been one to care about others' traumas, and she should be especially callous with the woman who had been trying to cockblock her over the past couple of months. But the words spilled out of her, and she found that she meant them.

Lily bit her lip. She shouldn't open up to this woman who'd been so antagonistic to her, especially about something so personal, so traumatic. But she found that she felt at ease, and that she felt the urge speak. She'd never spoken to anyone about that night. Even with James, they'd only had scant conversations about the incident, Lily wanting to leave it buried and James not wanting to pry.

But now, Lily was speaking, and she found that once she got started, it all came spilling out. She spoke candidly, no filter between her mouth and brain as Bellatrix just sat there and listened, her expression never changing as Lily recounted every detail of her ordeal.

When Lily was finished, she was shaking, tears streaming down her face as she re-lived those terrifying moments. She looked over to Bellatrix, who wore an expression Lily had never seen before on her face.

Compassion. Worry. Righteous anger.

"And let me guess, he still hasn't learned his lesson," Bella said coldly.

Lily shook her head. "This is the first time I've seen him since that incident. He transferred schools right after it happened. But the looks he gave me…"

Lily felt like she was about to have a panic attack when a warm hand brushed up against her own. Bellatrix was firmly squeezing her hand, a look of assurance on her face. "Lily, you have my word that I will not let that pile of dirt get within five feet of you, and I'm sure your son will do the same."

"Harry doesn't know." Lily whispered.

Bellatrix figured, otherwise she knew Harry would have been much more on edge when Snivellus stepped off the boat.

"What about your dealings with him?" Lily asked her. Bellatrix inhaled deeply, that was a can of worms she had long dreaded to open.

"Let's just say he's stuck his slimy beak in my business more than a few times."

Lily raised an eyebrow at her vagueness but decided not to elaborate. Instead, she turned her hand around, returning Bella's squeeze as the women shared an amiable silence.

"So, about Harry…"

"I'm not backing down." Bellatrix said sharply, the edge returning to her voice even as she kept a hold of Lily's hand.

Lily didn't look as put off by that statement as Bella thought. "You know he and Daphne love each other."

"He loves me too." Bella answered.

"Do you love him?"

Bella paused. This was the first time she was confronted with a question she'd been wrangling with for a while, but in the moment, she was confident in her answer.

"I do." She said firmly. And it was true.

Lily searched her face, and finding no deception, the redhead sighed. Absently, she began rubbing her finger on the back of Bellatrix's hand. The wild haired woman answered in kind.

"It's a complex situation," Lily said.

Bellatrix shrugged. "I've never backed down from a challenge."

"Does it not bother you? The age difference?"

Bellatrix chortled. "Are you asking for me or for yourself and your own young lover?"

Lily's face flushed. "I…err.."

Bellatrix leaned forward. "Whoever he is, I doubt he's as energetic as your son. Harry is quite…ravenous."

Bellatrix meant to embarrass Lily a little, and while the other woman did redden even deeper, it wasn't for the reason Bellatrix thought. Lily knew all about her son's prowess, after all.

"Umm… actually she..."

"She?" Bellatrix interjected, her eyes widening in surprise.

Fuck. Lily cursed. She had slipped up, badly.

"I'm surprised, Lily, I didn't know you swung that way."

Lily shrugged, wanting this discussion to end, but Bellatrix kept pushing.

Bella had had her own curiosities recently, after all. "What is it like, being with a woman?"

Lily blanched. "I…I can't really find words to describe it…really."

Bellatrix looked down at their hands, their thumbs still rubbing circles on each other. Her eyes trailed up Lily's pale skin. She was wearing those evil, baggy robes that hid everything, but Bella had seen Lily in much more revealing attire just the other week, it didn't take much to picture the redhead's tight little body.

Her eyes continued upward, focusing now on her luscious red hair, her full lips and her angelic face, the woman looked like those faye queens from those old fairy tales.

Bellatrix was an impulsive woman. And this time was no exception. She felt the urge, processed it, and decided to act on it, all in the blink of an eye.

"Why don't you show me, then?" She purred.

"W-W-hat?" Lily stuttered.

Bella's grip tightened to an almost painful level as the dark haired woman stood. Two steps was all it took for her to be standing over her, her wild mane of thick curly hair blocking all of Lily's peripheral vision, making Bellatrix all she could see.

"Show me." Bellatrix's eyes had darkened, all logical thought had already left her.

Lily opened her mouth, struggling to find words to stop what was about to happen.

Instead, a pair of lips crashed into her own. Lily gasped, but that just allowed Bellatrix's tongue to invade her mouth, to wrestle her own soft tongue into submission as the dark haired woman gripped her face with both palms.

Lily needed to push off, she needed to pull back, even if it meant falling off the chair. She needed to do something to stop this.

But it felt so good.

Bellatrix was so dominant, almost like Harry in a way. Where Daphne was like a mewling kitten that Lily sensually guided along, Bellatrix was a roaring tiger that battered you like a storm. Already, Lily could feel a bruise forming on her lips as the woman pulled back just to bite her lower lips.

Lily should stop this, but she was already pushing off the chair, walking Bellatrix back against the wall, kissing back with her own ferocity in an attempt to not be overwhelmed.

But Bellatrix was having none of it. She'd already given up dominance to one Potter, she wasn't going to let it happen again.

Bella spun them around so quickly that Lily actually felt dizzy. She crashed against the wall, gasping once more as Bella pulled back to roughly kiss and bite along her jawline.

"Not going to happen, Princess." Bella grumbled as her hands slipped under Lily's robes, sending goosebumps running up her body as her fingers touched the creamy skin of her legs. Her mouth went to Lily's ear, "I'm teaching the class." She whispered in a husky voice.

Bella's fingers were now creeping up her inner thigh, and it became quite apparent that Lily was not wearing anything under her robe.

"Oooh, Professor Potter, I should give you points for being properly dressed for the occasion." Bella's index finger ghosted a trail from the bottom of her pussylips all the way up to her clit, becoming slick with Lily's juices as it slowly re-traced its path, heading south toward the redhead's entrance.

Lily whimpered as Bella began to suck on her neck. Her finger began to run circles around her entrance, barely popping into her hole as Bella's digit swirled hypnotically.

Bella bit down on her neck and Lily's breath hitched. They were fully in a haze now. Lily grabbed onto her robes, forcing Bella to stop her assault on her flesh as she pulled the robe up and over.

Bella pulled back, bringing her finger to her mouth and tasting Lily's sweetness. She licked her lips appreciatively as she saw the redhead's slim, sexy body in all its glory.

Feeling more than a bit overdressed, Bella snapped her fingers with practiced easy and vanished her own clothing.

They stood now, Lily up against the wall like a cornered animal and Bella like the predator who'd driven her there. They drank in each other's features, Lily's slim, almost teenaged body with her perky breasts and the tantalizing curve of her hips. Bella, with her heavy breasts and womanly curves. Lily with her smooth, angelic red hair and Bella with her chaotic dark curls.

Unknowingly echoing one of Harry's previous musings, each woman silent remarked on how the other had the body they should have had. Bella should be the one that was toned and athletic, Lily should be the one with the voluptuous, thick curves.

And yet, here they were.

Bellatrix struck once again. Lily was pinned against the wall as the dark haired witch claimed her lips once more. Soon the two became a tangle of red and black as their hair interweaved, Bella's black locks tangling with Lily's as their bodies pressed together.

Lily moaned into the kiss, the feeling of a grown woman's body against her own making her toes curl. Bella's breasts pressed against her own, and Lily's hands went down to grip the other woman's ample bottom.

Bella had one arm around Lily's slim waist and the other palming the redhead's own ass, squeezing and spreading it for all it was worth.

Bella broke the kiss and moved south, this time to Lily's newly exposed breasts. Her mouth latched on to a delicate nipple and Lily arched her back in pleasure, biting her bruised lip as Bella suckled on her sensitive nub.

Lily's breathing began to quicken, her hands now roaming all over Bella's back and sides as the older woman drove her wild. One of Bella's hands returned to her cunt, tentatively circling her entrance before finally plunging a finger deep inside of her sopping wet pussy.

Lily moaned loudly as Bella's digit invaded her walls just as her teeth nipped at her nipple. Still fighting to regain some semblance of control, Lily quickly wet a finger in her mouth, bringing it down the curve of Bella's ass and running it over her rosebud.

Bella grunted, pulling back from her suckling to glare up at Lily. "You don't know when to quit." She breathed out.

Lily slipped the finger into Bella's ass and it was the dark haired witch's turn to moan. Bella retaliated, pulling her finger from Lily's cunt only for it to return with backup, plunging two fingers into the redhead's depths.

The two of them moaned, panted and gasped as they dueled, each dishing out pleasure to the other in a desperate attempt to gain dominance. Lily pumped her finger in and out of Bella's tight ass just as Bellatrix did the same to her pussy.

It was a fight that Lily was always going to lose, and the redhead soon shook as she felt her orgasms about to overwhelm her. She redoubled her efforts, but while her franting fingerfuck left Bella reeling, she still came first, gushing all over the other woman's fingers.

They fell into a heap, Bella collapsing on top of Lily as the redhead's finger slipped from her ass. Lily's cunt squeezed the life out of Bellatrix's fingers as it contracted all around them, pulsating with a heartbeat of its own.

"Hah…knew I'd win." Bella huffed, completely out of breath as she pulled her fingers from Lily's aching cunt.

Her fingers were drenched in slick secretions, but they also had something else, something a bit thicker.

Curious, Bellatrix brought her fingers to her mouth.

She sucked in and she instantly knew.

It wasn't anything logical. Bella had never been with anyone else, for all she knew all men's cum tasted the same. There were a half dozen other conclusions she could have come to that made more sense, but Bella knew. She was certain.

Her eyes narrowed even as her arousal flared once again. Lily was still quivering from her orgasm, so she didn't see Bella silently summon her wand, and she was taken by surprise when her hands suddenly snapped back, ropes coiling around her arms and wrists as her body was dragged off.

"Bellatrix! What is going on!" Lily yelped as the ropes around her arms anchored themselves on the leg of Bella's heavy wooden desk. There was no way for Lily to even think about budging it.

Bella was stalking over to her again, her eyes even darker than they'd been before. "You naughty little bitch." She hissed, licking her lips like a hungry lion that had just taken down a gazelle. "All this time, you've been wanting him for yourself."

Lily choked, her face becoming deathly pale. "I…w-what are you talking-"

"Your own son! I have a few ancestors that would be proud." Bella was now on her knees, prowling on all fours as she closed the distance between them, wiggling her body with each step as if she were a big cat on the prowl. "I can't say I blame you, that cock is heavenly."

Bella reached Lily's feet with her tongue out, and her tongue ran a trail from the tip of Lily's big toe halfway up her thigh, up until her tongue begged for more moisture. Lily squirmed, a prisoner of this feral panther who was looking up at her with pure hunger. "Don't try to deny it, Bella's got it all sussed out." Bellatrix made sure to coat her tongue in slobber before returning to Lily's body, her tongue starting where it left off, trailing up until it reached her sweet, blooming honeysuckle.

"Oh Merlin," Lily's breathing became labored once more as Bellatrix pressed her tongue against her entrance, her long appendage roaming inside her tight walls, scouring her pussy for her son's seed.

Bella pulled back with a tongue coated in mixed juices, smiling viciously as she swallowed every drop. "I can taste him so strongly. He fucked you this morning, didn't he?"

"A-Afternoon." Lily gasped, no longer able to deny it.

"Hmph. Fresher than I thought. We both know how much.. volume he can produce, so i'm going to eat your pretty little cunt until I get it all."

Bellatrix plunged back in, her arms grabbing onto Lily's ass as she began to devour her pussy in earnest.

Lily squirmed and mewled, her legs wrapping around the other woman's head as Bellatrix ate her out like a woman possessed, lapping, kissing and suckling, all to extract as much of her and her son's mixed juices as possible. Sometimes, she would pull back to swipe at her clit, but mainly she was focused on her quivering mess, and the more she ate, the wetter Lily became as she felt another orgasm approach.

Lily bucked her hips and Bella pushed her face deeper in as Lily had finally had enough, screaming herself hoarse as she flooded Bella's face with her juices.

Bellatrix drank it all, not caring how messy she was being with much of Lily's girlcum coating and matting her wild dark curls.

Lily fell bonelessly onto the floor, her arms held up by ropes while Bella continued to scavenge her cunt for every single drop of sweetness she could find.

Finally, Bellatrix pulled back, a satisfied look on her face as she stood, her knees aching after all the time she'd spent kneeling on the hard stone floor.

Lily was completely dazed now. Bella found her wand once more and vanished her ropes. She levitated the redhead and walked her over to her bedroom.

There was much they would need to workout. Much they would need to talk about. But that could all wait for tomorrow.

Tomorrow dawned rather late for the two women.

When Lily awoke, she was a tangle of limbs and hair as she felt Bella's arms wrapped around her from behind.

Lily basked in the feeling of Bellatrix's body pressed against her. The only thing that could take this moment over the top was if Lily could have her arms wrapped around a small blonde while a pair of strong hands hugged all three of them.

She felt Bellatrix stir behind her and she smiled. Twisting in her embrace, bright green met dusky violet.

"Morning." Lily said as she stole a peck on her lips.

Bellatrix licked her lips, morning breath the only thing stopping her from turning that kiss into something more. "I see I tamed you well." She joked.

Lily gave her a mock glare. "Don't think you have me under your thumb, I've still got a lot of fight in me."

"I can't wait to snuff it out." Bella grinned. Unable to help herself, she went in for a deep kiss, claiming Lily's mouth with her own.

They instantly regretted it when the stench of morning breath made them pull away instantly.

"Shower?" Lily offered with a smile.

"Actually, we should talk first." Bella said, knowing that any serious discussion would slip away once she had Lily's lithe body in front of her.

"Right." Lily fidgeted around nervously.

"What's got you so nervous? It's simple enough to me, let's get your stud of a son in here to warm our bed every night."

"What about Daphne?"

Bellatrix raised an eyebrow. "You mean your other lover."

Lily gasped, her mouth falling open as she gaped at a smug Bella. "H-How did you figure it out?"

"You just admitted to it." She said smugly.

Lily huffed, realizing she'd just been had.

"I still don't see the problem." Bellatrix stated firmly.

"So what, we just form a little harem?" Lily asked, sounding doubtful though she'd been thinking along the same lines over the past month.

"I like the sound of coven better. Doesn't make us seem so subservient."

“A coven.” Lily parsed the word out loud, as if testing it. She shot Bellatrix a critical look.

“You’re serious?”

“I’m Bellatrix. But yes.”

The dark haired witch held her hand out and a thick black book flew into her open palm.

“I found this book the other day, it is quite an interesting read.” Bella said as she tossed it onto the bed.

Lily picked it up, her eyes running over the single word title before she popped it open.

She skimmed over the introduction, and her eyes widened as she continued to read, “This powerful magic.”

Bellatrix nodded. “The fact that something like this has been suppressed for centuries… we are on the cusp of something great, Lily. I’ve been reading that book nonstop over the past few days, and the more I read, the more excited I become.”

Lily continued skimming over it quickly, her eyes falling over key words.

It seemed that even back before covens had been banned, they had been a rare occurrence. Each integrant needed to be magically powerful, for one, but also, all of the coven members needed to be genuinely attracted to each other, without any magical forms of coercion.

Lily could imagine many budding dark lords wanting to form a coven to increase their power, but the intent based magic was inviolable. If the witches only feared the wizard or wished to join solely for his power, it would fail. Conversely, all the witches could genuinely like the wizard, but even one failed connection between them would spell doom for the coven.

Lily closed the book, an inquisitive look filling her face. “Why has this been suppressed? I swear, when I showed Harry that article about powerful wizards and multiple witches, I thought it was some quack bullshit.”

“You showed him an article?”

Lily nodded, “I tried to subtly coax him and Daphne into becoming a throuple with me. I was a bit too subtle, I guess. They decided to have an open relationship instead, and now, we’re all tangled up in this messy web.”

“They just need a bit more of a push. With two mature, intelligent women working together, we can easily ensnare them with our womanly wiles, and we can get this coven up and running. We can wield power the likes of which hasn’t been seen in a millenia!” Bellatrix’s eyes lit up greedily as she spoke.

“And use it for good.” Lily added.

Bella blinked. “Of course, use it for good. Save little brats from drowning in wells,”

“I don’t think there’s many of those anymore,” Lily said before opening the book once more. “We need to know this thing from front to back, make sure we do things correctly. How many people are even supposed to be in the coven?”


“Seven including Harry, or Harry plus seven?”

Bellatrix shrugged. “That part was confusing, I’m not sure.”

Lily sighed. “We’ve got a lot of work to do.”



Ao3 ain't gonna like this one either but honestly idm I love that bella and lily are finally working together