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Title still up in the air. Harry/Fem!Cedric, with some extra stuff thrown in there as well.

WARNING: Small bit of Non-Con in this one


Cedrelle walked out onto the Quidditch pitch, letting the roar of the crowd wash over her. This was different from a Quidditch match; there were foreign dignitaries, high-level ministry officials, and even her father, screaming at the top of his lungs as if she would be able to hear him above all the noise.

And yet, it was really the same as a quidditch match. You tuned out the crowd until they just became faceless sirens, and you focused on your target.

It was a glint of gold, just as it always was. Except instead of the ever-elusive snitch, it was an egg snuggled in amongst a batch. A batch that was being defended by a fierce looking Swedish Short-Snout.

She figured she shouldn’t complain. Poor Harry had drawn the Horntail. Though, after all the training they’d done, she knew Harry would be more than up to the challenge.

It had been a shock, when Harry Potter’s name had come out of the goblet. For maybe a split second, Cedrelle had been irritated. This was her big moment, her chance to represent her school, to put Hufflepuff, the house that was the butt of everyone’s jokes, on top for once.

Then, she calmed down and thought logically. She had only talked to Harry a handful of times, mainly this summer when they’d taken the portkey together with the Weasley’s to the World Cup Final. Her tent had been next to the Weasley’s, so she’d interacted with him a little bit. Harry was a kind, slightly shy boy who felt uncomfortable with his fame and notoriety.

She could also remember two years ago, when the entire school had accused him of being the heir of Slytherin. Or last year, the whole thing with Sirius Black and the Dementors. Cedrelle still remembered that Quidditch match where she’d caught the snitch only to look over her shoulders and see Harry plummeting to the ground, a dozen dementors flying towards him.

No, Harry was not someone that was looking for glory. And so, when he vehemently denied having put his name in the goblet, she believed him.

For the first few days afterward, she watched as the entire school once again turned on him. Those in her house were especially vicious, with people wearing nasty badges that read “POTTER SUCKS!”

Cedrelle had ignored it for a few days, but then she realized she was being complicit by not doing anything about it, and that Harry was a terrified fourteen year old who had been thrown into a death tournament he wanted no part of. And so, she’d approached him, she’d offered to help him with the tournament. Harry had rejected her offer, thinking it had been offered out of pity, but Cedrelle had insisted, and Harry had agreed, though he said that it would be a two-way street, and they’d help each other out.

They’d trained together multiple times a week, and Cedrelle had been impressed with Harry’s talent. He was good, for a fourth year anyways.

Their partnership had already borne fruit. Harry had come to her one day and told her that the first task involved getting something from a dragon. Cedrelle didn’t ask him how he’d found out, she just focused on making sure they were both prepared.

She stared down her dragon, which was looking at her with more curiosity than anything. Short-snouts were one of the more docile species of dragon, though that wasn’t saying much, especially when she was going to go after what the dragon thought was one of its eggs.

She worked quickly, focusing on a nearby rock and willing it to change, focusing all of her attention on imbuing it with life.

The rock turned into a terrier. The dog barked, and it drew the dragon’s attention. Cedrelle sprinted for the egg, she aimed her wand ahead and cast a thin sheet of ice on the ground. She’d practiced this part a lot, and so she slid on the ice without slipping or falling.

The dog was barking and snapping at the dragon, who reared back and sent a plume of fire at the canine, incinerating it instantly.

Shit. She thought that would buy just a bit more time than that.

Avis!” She conjured a flock of doves and aimed it directly at the dragon’s face. It worked in irritating the dragon, who snapped at them as they circled around its face. Cedrelle had imbued them with intent, the intent to be aggressive to the point of suicide, meaning that the birds attacked the dragon even when it was about to gobble them up.

She reached the clutch. She grabbed onto the golden egg, which was heavier than she thought it would be, and she sprinted back the way she came.

It had all gone rather smoothly, until she felt something hot coming up on her from behind.

“Gah!” Cedrelle hissed. She’d turned sideways to give the fire less surface area to burn. She’d managed to just about save herself, receiving only a burn on her left arm. This was dragon’s fire, of course, so she knew healing was about to be a bitch, but overall, it could have been worse.

When she finally made it a safe distance and the dragon handlers rushed in to calm the raging beast down, she finally relaxed. She felt the adrenaline of the moment leave her, and suddenly the stinging pain of her burn became very apparent.

The crowd was cheering her on. Madame Pomfrey had rushed over, muttering about dangerous death traps and cursing the name of every single ministry official she could think of. Her dad was running over to her with a wide grin, along with her friends. She saw her scores, she got a thirty-five, not great, but not terrible either.

As she walked over to the medical tent, she could only hope that Harry managed to do well.

“Harry!” Cedrelle called after the boy, who was being crowded by his ‘friends’. The friends that had abandoned him, that now suddenly wanted to get on his good graces again.

Harry pushed Ron and Hermione away. “Cedrelle!”

They ignored the odd looks they got. They hadn’t exactly been meeting in private, but still, seeing the two champions who were nominally rivals being this friendly in public raised some eyebrows.

Cedrelle walked up to him, giving him a one-armed hug with her arm that wasn’t completely bandaged up and covered in salve. “That was bloody brilliant. Just like we drew it up, eh?”

Harry was grinning from ear to ear. “I did have to make some adjustments when the dragon broke off from its chain, but I’d say it went pretty smoothly.”

“Smoothly? You got first place, you damn maniac!”

Ron and Hermione looked very disgruntled, and she was sure her own friends weren’t too approving of the boy that many of them still resented, but Cedrelle couldn’t find it in herself to care. She wrapped her good arm around his shoulder, “I think our houses have parties set up, but promise you’ll meet up at our spot later?”

Harry’s eyes shone. “Of course.”


They were in a crowded hallway, she was surrounded by all of her friends, and he was alone.

He never had made up with Ron and Hermione. It seemed that Harry had decided it was better to be alone than with bad company. Not that he was completely alone, the two of them hung out almost every day now.

“Harry.” Cedrelle acknowledged with a smile, letting her wavy brown hair fall off to one side as she tilted her head.

Her friends had come to accept Harry’s presence, even if the boy seemed to not care one bit about getting to know them. Cedrelle found that she was completely fine with that as well, they didn’t need to talk to Harry, she could talk to Harry.

`”You heard about the ball?” He asked.

She felt a slight blush appear on her face as her friends giggled from behind her. Harry, for his part, looked completely at ease. “Y-Yeah. It’s definitely something to look forward to.”

“Would you like to go with me?”

Even more giggles, and Cedrelle found her throat drying. Harry was three years her junior, but he was handsome, and spending time with him over the past month, she found that she enjoyed his presence much more than any other boy she’d ever dealt with.

“Sure.” She responded breathlessly.

Harry grinned. “Brilliant! I gotta run, see you later, alright?”

And then he did something absolutely shocking. He approached her, he had to stand on the tips of his toes due to their height difference, and he planted a kiss on her cheek.

Cedrelle found herself rooted on the spot as her friends’ giggles only intensified.

Harry had already gone off as if nothing had happened, and she realized that she'd subconsciously been touching the spot where he'd left his kiss.

"Gotta give it to Potter, he's smoother than I thought." One of her friends said, leading to another bout of giggles.

Cedrelle swayed to the music as Harry led her through the dance floor. He was good, fantastic actually. Not that she'd expected him to be a bad dancer per se, but the way he had just taken charge immediately and swept her off her feet had been a complete surprise.

They were way past the opening dance, and outside of dinner, they had not left the dance floor once. Cedrelle had built up a light sweat and a small ache on her feet, but it was nothing compared to just how magical the night had been so far.

Harry was looking ruggedly handsome in his bottle green dress robes, which matched so well with her silver ones. They were a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff, wearing Slytherin colors.

What had started as a small trumpeting in the back of her brain had grown into a symphony, a symphony that she couldn't ignore. She liked Harry, she liked him a lot.

A slow song began to play, and she was resting her head on his shoulder as they floated through the dance floor, everyone around them having disappeared. From the few glimpses she caught of her friends, they were shooting her approving looks. They'd warmed up to Harry considerably over the past few weeks, even if he remained distant with them. It was also hard to deny just how damn good he looked.

Cedrelle pushed herself just a little bit closer to him. Her light-brown hair was braided up in a delicate bun, with wisps of it falling down the side of her beautiful face, framing her golden brown eyes.

Cedrelle knew she was beautiful, but she'd never felt as beautiful as she did now. With Harry's arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

Krum and Delacour, the other two champions, passed by them, also locked in each other's embrace. It was funny how the four champions had ended up pairing up for the ball.

"I hope I've been a good dance partner?" Harry said. She looked into those emerald green orbs, made all the more striking without glasses.

Cedrelle smiled brightly. "You've been great, Harry." She had her arms wrapped around his neck, and despite the three inches of height she had on him, she felt secure in his arms. "I've gotta say, I didn't expect you to be so…"

"Assertive?" Harry offered with a lopsided grin.

Cedrelle giggled. "Yeah, I guess."

Harry shrugged. "After last year, I decided that life would keep coming at me, and I couldn't just sit back and let it happen." He glanced down at her lips, and she felt goosebumps on the back of her neck. "I decided I should go for what I want, consequences be damned."

And then he angled his head upward, and she just couldn't believe the charm on this boy. She closed her eyes, their lips met, her breath hitched as her world was set ablaze.

It was a perfect moment. Not even the whooping and hollering she heard around her could ruin it. When they pulled apart, her heart was fluttering in her chest, and Harry was licking his lips, looking at her with those steamy eyes.

"Can we sit down for a bit?" Cedrelle asked, now feeling just a little bit hot.

They sat down, and her friends were soon there. Harry joked around with them, acting much more amicably than he had been before. Cedrelle was in a daze, she spoke in short sentences, her mind lost in the tingle of her lips and the hand that was rubbing circles on the back of her palm.

Time passed, and the party began to wind down. Some people had already left, and the Weird Sisters had been replaced by a wireless under a sonorus charm.

"It's almost twelve." Harry noted, looking at his wristwatch. Cedrelle glanced, noting just how unique the silver watch with the snake engravings looked on his wrist.

It was a quarter til midnight.

"Afraid I'll turn into a pumpkin?" Cedrelle asked.

Their table was empty, her friends long since having gone off, either with their dates or alone.

"Actually." Harry gave her that dashing smile once more. "I sort of had something planned… for if the night went well."

"Oh?" Cedrelle raised a delicate eyebrow. "And you consider it to have gone well?"

"Better than expected, I'd say." He leaned forward, until his lips were brushing her ear. "Could you meet me in our room in ten minutes? I have to finish setting something up."

Harry pulled back, and Cedrelle nodded with a blush. Harry pecked her on the lips before he swept away from the Great Hall, leaving her alone with her thoughts for a few moments.

Harry really had taken her completely unaware. He'd charmed her knickers off, almost literally, since whatever he had planned in their room, Cedrelle wasn't sure she'd be against going all the way. After seven years of preserving her purity, Harry just felt right.

She stood up and made her way out of the Great Hall and over to their room. The room they'd basically commandeered to train for the tournament. Harry had found it, and it had been a godsend. It was bigger than a normal classroom and it was in a mostly abandoned wing of the castle that Filch rarely patrolled.

When Cedrelle reached the room on the fifth floor, there was a note stuck to the door, written in a messy script that could only be Harry's.

Knock for every time I fell on my ass.

She giggled. When she'd been preparing for the first task and learning how to best slide on ice, Harry had wanted to give it a go. He'd been terrible at it, slipping and falling time after time.

She knocked on the door exactly seven times, and almost immediately after the seventh knock, the door swung back slowly, opening with an ominous sounding creak.

Cedrelle stepped in, for a moment feeling like she was one of those characters from the wireless serials that explored the cursed manor despite all of the warning signs.

"Cedrelle, you made it right on time." Harry said with a lazy smile.

Cedrelle gasped as the door slammed shut behind her. The room pulsed with magic as the walls were littered with runes, and the closed door had completed a circuit.

But Cedrelle didn't notice any of that, she couldn't, not when the boy that had so thoroughly wooed her was sitting on the desk with two girls sucking his cock.

"Harry, what the fuck is going on?" Cedrelle snapped.

Harry didn't seem at all bothered by her reaction. He was naked on the desk, his cock, which must have been at least a foot long, was being serviced by their fellow triwizard champions, who were both also naked.

Viktoria Krum was on one side, holding his thick shaft with both hands as she ran her tongue down its length. She was squatting down, and the girl's thick ass, so out of place on her otherwise slim, four-foot-ten body, was popping out even more as she was still wearing her heels.

Meanwhile, right in front of Harry, with both hands also massaging his length as she worked about three inches of it down her throat, was Fleur Delacour.

Fleur was Fleur. She was a gorgeous, perfect veela, with her silvery blonde hair contrasting with Harry and Viktoria's messy raven black tresses. Fleur was as tall as Cedrelle, but where the Hufflepuff had a svelte, lithe figure, Fleur was all bombast. Her tits were d-cups that somehow had no sag to them, and her ass rivaled Krums', and with the way the kneeling veela was making her delectable derriere clap right now, she knew how to move it.

"I think it's pretty obvious what I'm doing." Harry said with a chuckle.

Viktoria and Fleur did not stop their ministrations upon Cedrelle's arrival. If anything, Fleur's bobbing became even more determined as she stared up at Harry with her sky-blue eyes.

"Harry." Cedrelle felt a terrible knot in her stomach as the image she'd created of the boy shattered completely. Did he think she was going to just join up in this? Had he taken all that effort to charm her, just so she could be a part of this?

"Harry, this… I need to leave." She wanted to yell at him, to curse him out for playing with her feelings. But right now, she just needed to be away, she needed to run to her dorm and have a good cry.

She turned around and made to open the door, but the knob had disappeared. She frowned, pulling out her wand and whispering alohomora as calmly as her rapidly growing panic would allow.

"There's no going back, Cedrelle." Harry gently pushed the two girls away from his cock, though he let Viktoria nuzzle her face onto it as he walked past them. "Seven knocks, and then you entered the room. The ritual has already begun."

"Ritual? Harry what the fuck are you talking about? What's wrong with you?"

Harry tilted his head to the side. "Wrong? Nothing's wrong, I'm just about to become the most powerful wizard in history, more powerful than Merlin and Dumbledore put together."

Something must have happened. Someone had spiked the punch with a confounding drought. Or something must have been knocked loose in Harry's head.

"Master, vhy iz shee not in the nude?" Viktoria asked as the two champions stood up. Viktoria's raven black hair was a wild mess that she hadn't reigned in, even for the ball, yet it somehow worked for her. Overall, she looked like the idealized image of a female warrior, a raider on horseback that rained down death with her arrows. A very sexy warrior, one with a fat, juicy ass.

"Ze eenglishgirl resists, but not for long." Fleur said. Her hair was long and sleek, with not a single strand out of place. Viktoria was a warrior princess, Fleur was a fairytale princess, all glowing perfection, and Cedrelle's eyes couldn't help but be drawn to her tight little slit, which was visibly drooling .

"What did you do to them?" Cedrelle glared at Harry. Who was slowly approaching her. She had backed up against the door, her eyes darting every witch way trying to find an escape.

Remembering she had her wand, she quickly raised it up only for Harry to summon it to his hand immediately. She gasped in shock, and then the boy snapped his fingers and her naked body was exposed.

Cedrelle wrapped her arms around herself, trying to cover up her perky, c-cup breasts and her little slit, covered with a small amount of light brown fuzz.

"You know what the funny thing is? I didn't do a single thing to them." Harry said.

There was a clock on the wall behind them, and it showed five minutes till midnight. With every moment that passed, it was like the click of the second hand grew louder.

"You're a fucking liar!" He was mere inches away from her now, and to Cedrelle's dismay, her traitorous body couldn't help but react to him. He was still handsome, and his body was well-built from quidditch, and that monster cock that hung from his legs led her mind down very dark alleys.

"He eez no liar." Fleur defended, pressing her tits against Harry's back as Viktoria sidled up to his other side.

Harry chuckled. "It's true. Mind you, you three have been bound to me as my sex-slaves since your names came out of the goblet, but until I complete the ritual tonight, all of that is dormant."

Harry brought his hands down to squeeze the two foreign girl's asses, who giggled as Harry groped their soft bubbles.

"These two? I made them my submissive little fuck-sluts the same way I made you fall for me, I charmed their knickers off."

"And zen you fucked us into submission, master." Fleur added as she began to stroke his cock.

"Va, you made my putka quiver and cry for you. How could I not submit." Krum said, her hand joining Fleur's on his shaft.

"It's been hard, holding back from fucking you, Cedrelle. All those sweaty training sessions." Harry shook his head.

"Zankfully, you had us, master." Fleur giggled, kissing the side of Harry's head.

"Y-you're not… I'm not…"

"Oh, but you are." Harry said. "This part of the ritual is the most important, and I'm not going to leave anything to chance, just know that up till now, there was no magic involved." He grinned. "I made you fall for me all on my own. My little Hufflepuff."

He reached out and touched her, and Cedrelle felt her body give out. She collapsed onto him, and Harry gladly wrapped his arms around her as he held her up.

Cedrelle wanted to open her mouth to protest, but she couldn't. She couldn't let out a single sound as Harry carried her over to the desk and laid her on it.

"Eet iz an honour, to give master your first time." Fleur was whispering in her ear. She and Viktoria were standing at either side of her while Harry stroked himself off in front of her spread legs.

"Va, it vas the best zing that ever happened to me." Viktoria said.

Cedrelle tried and tried, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move. Only her eyes were free, and they were darting around between the three figures that stood above her.

She caught another glimpse of the clock, forty seconds til midnight.

She felt something hot and hard begin slipping through her folds, and to her horror, her flower began to dampen immediately.

"She iz wet for you, master."

Twenty seconds…

His cockhead was circling around her clit, and she wanted to writhe and trash in pleasure, but she couldn't move. She wanted to scream at him to stop, even though deep down, even after the turn things had taken, all she wanted was for him to push into her.

Ten seconds…

"Master, let us help." Viktoria grabbed Harry firmly by the base, followed quickly by Fleur on the other side.

Five seconds…

They had lined him up with her entrance. To her complete shame, Cedrelle's heart was beating a mile a minute. Not out of disgust or terror, but in anticipation and excitement.




The strike of midnight went off like a gong that reverberated throughout the entire room. It echoed through Credrelle's skull, but it was overwhelmed by the sheer flood of pleasure as Harry pushed his thick cock inside of her cunt.

Harry pushed in with no mercy, tearing through her hymen as he bottomed out inside of her, his balls slapping against her ass.

The room began to shake, the runes littering its entire space lighting up with magic as Cedrelle felt as if her body had become a conduit.

Harry grunted, the overwhelming wave of magic coaxing his balls to spurt inside of her, to flood her virgin pussy with his fertile seed.

The light soon became blinding, and the world exploded around them.

"What a good girl, you're a very good girl, Cedrelle."

It took about an hour after the ritual for them to awaken.

It was the culmination of months of planning. It was one thing to confound the Goblet of Fire, as Voldemort’s agent disguised as Mad-Eye Moody had wanted to do. But what Harry had done went far beyond that.

If only Dumbledore had known about Harry’s true intentions and desires, he would have never allowed something as powerful as the Goblet inside of the school.

The Goblet created a binding magical contract, and its selections were made on Samhain. Harry had found it quite easy to meddle with the Goblet, to tweak its powerful magic for his own purposes.

First, it bound all four champions together, or more accurately, it bound the other three to him. Harry had been pretty sure that Delacour, Krum and Diggory were going to be selected, but he left nothing to chance, making sure the goblet would pick only witches.

He had left the binding purposefully incomplete, meaning that as Harry began working on all his fellow champions, he used all his charms and wits to turn them into his willing sluts. Fleur and Krum had both been easy, with both girls drawn to his overwhelming power. Cedrelle required a bit more finesse, but that was fine with Harry, as the complete ritual, started on Samhain and finished on the Winter Solstice, required a virgin.

That night, when he’d finally pushed his cock into Cedrelle, the circuit had been completed. The three witches became his slaves for eternity, but that was really not the main purpose of the ritual.

The main purpose of the ritual was that it would drain the magic of anyone who’s name had been dropped in the Goblet. It didn’t matter if they were eligible or not, if their name had been entered, the Goblet would siphon away all of their magic and pass it on to Harry.

Harry now surged, not just with the magic of dozens of fully-grown witches and wizards, but with Dumbledore’s magic as well. Harry had entered the headmaster’s name as well, after all.

Now, he was the most powerful wizard to have ever lived, and he would soon begin his conquest.

But first, it was time to celebrate.

He had collected his girls and left the castle for his new temporary home. A country manor he'd taken from some muggles and warded over the summer.

When everyone thought he'd been sulking at his relative's home, Harry had been busy.

"Master!" Cedrelle mewled under him, her back arched completely as Harry plowed her from behind, her light brown hair now a complete mess as Fleur lay next to her, whispering words of encouragement into her ear as Cedrelle struggled to take Harry's cock down her tight little snatch.

Viktoria was suckling on his ball, but every few strokes, when Harry would pull back almost completely, the little Bulgarian minx would plop it out completely from Cedrelle's drooling cunt. She would give Harry's cockhead a few sloppy, loving sucks before pushing it back into The Hufflepuff's waiting flower.

Harry reveled in it all. His cock sliding through Cedrelle's once innocent pussy, the same pussy he'd wanted to claim so many times, ever since he'd first noticed her last year.

"Master, I am next, oui?"

Fleur had knelt next to Cedrelle, mirroring the other girl's arched back, though Fleur looked even more spectacular with her perfect bubble of an ass and those full lips that were pouting at him.

Viktoria was now under Cedrelle, having captured the girl's clit in her mouth as she nursed on it like a baby would its mother's teat.

It had the desired effect, the Hufflepuff shuddered around him, and Harry felt her squeeze his cock as her orgasm overcame her.

Vicktoria pulled back from her, letting Cedrelle collapse onto the bed, and pull away from Harry's cock. "I deserve master, I deserve cock more than Frenchie!"

Harry chuckled. "How about this, you lay on top of each other, and you can both get master's cock."

Viktoria and Fleur yelped in excitement as they stumbled around on the bed. Finally, Viktoria was piled up on top of Fleur, and Harry had two wonderful cunts ready for him to fuck.

As he pushed into Fleur's welcoming depths first, Harry had no thoughts on what his next move was, only in enjoying the fruits of his labor.



Depraved. I love it! I'd love to see more of this Harry. His backstory to how he ended up in this position and what his future plans are. Noticed two typos, Cedrelle's friend says "i" instead of "I", and in the opening paragraph of the Ball Cedrelle works up a "swear" and not sweat.