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There's a warning coming up that's a spoiler for the fic. I'm sure most would be able to figure out what's going on way before its revealed anyways, but just know that if you want to go in completely blind don't read the warning.


WARNING: Bestiality (of the animagus-Harry kind, but still.)


“Excusez-moi, you are Luna Lovegood, non?”

Luna looked up with her huge, owlish eyes as they fell on the girl clad in powder blue robes.

They were both blue-eyed blondes, and yet, Fleur Delacour and Luna Lovegood could not be any more different.

Luna was a small and scrawny third year, with pale skin that verged on sickly and the faintest of bags under her eyes. Her blonde hair was not styled in any particular way, instead decorated with random adornments of beads and headbands that seemed to have just been thrown on there haphazardly. Her earrings with radishes at the ends and the floppy bunny ear headband she wore completed the look.

All things considered, Luna Lovegood was rather cute, but she was also supremely bizarre.

Fleur Delacour on the other hand was the definition of beauty, She was beautiful enough as to defy explanation, leaving scores of dumbfounded boys in her wake, their brains unable to process what they were witnessing. She had long, silvery blonde hair, ocean deep sapphires for eyes and a gorgeous, angelic face that was much too perfect to be human. Her skin was unblemished, her body was a woman’s body, and she carried herself with a confident grace that made it seem like she just glided from place to place on a cloud.

“Yep.” Luna chirped dreamily as her house-mates watched on.

The Beauxbatons contingent had decided to sit at the Ravenclaw table, but its most famous student had not exactly been very social with her host table. She usually made sure she was surrounded by other Beauxbatons students, ensuring she didn’t have to interact with anyone from the English school.

Which was why it was so surprising that she would break her self-imposed isolation by talking to Ravenclaw’s resident oddball, at least, to those that weren’t in the know. Those that did know shot the Beauxbaton beauty sly, knowing looks.

“May I speak with you? Een private?” The girl asked, eyes shifting as she noticed all the attention the two were drawing.

“Don’t want the wrackspurts to listen in?” Luna asked curiously.

Fleur shrugged. “Oui.” She’d been told about this girl and her many eccentricities. She knew to not question anything the girl said and just play along.

“Ok!” Luna hopped off her bench, leaving her copy of the quibbler to save her seat. Luna no longer worried about her things being stolen, that had stopped long ago. The nargles must have gotten tired of hauling around all her stuff. “Step into my office, please.” she said as she led the french girl away from the Great Hall.

Fleur did not even blink when Luna led her to the first door past the Great Hall, which turned out to be a broom closet.

“Sorry for the mess.” Luna said as they squeezed in amongst brooms, mops and cleaning supplies, “I’m in the process of remodeling.”

Fleur’s lip twitched as she pulled a cobweb off her freshly-pressed Beauxbaton robe. “Eet iz fine.”

“So, you wanted to talk to me?”

Fleur straightened up, looking down at the girl with her best business-like demeanor. “I ‘ave ‘eard that you provide a service… a service for witches.”

“You mean the Crumple-Horned Snorkack treatment? Guaranteed to remove all Crumple-Horned Snorkacks within two to three sessions!" Luna finished off, sounding as if she was giving a well-practiced sales pitch.

The quarter-veela's face scrunched up in confusion. "Non." She said tentatively, almost certain that was not the name she had heard.

Luna's face fell ever so slightly. "No one ever goes for that one." She sighed, "but you should definitely give it a try in the future! I guess you were looking for the spectral massage?"

Fleur couldn't help but flush slightly, remembering the little snippets she'd been able to hear about the spectral massage. "Oui, zat is what I was intereested een."

Luna smiled, digging around in her satchel, which Fleur noticed seemed to be covered in a multitude of mismatched feathers, until she pulled out a small notepad and a quill. She flipped the notepad open and Fleur could see countless names written on each page the young girl flipped through, with money amounts tied to each name.

Finally, Luna reached a page that was only filled halfway down. Fleur blinked as she saw the girl write down 'Beauxbaton cutie' before she hastily lined through it and glanced up at her. "I'm sorry, what's your name?"

Fleur tried not to let her indignation show. Her name had come out of the damned goblet! She was the Beauxbatons champion, they'd already been through the first task for heaven's sake!

"Fleur, Fleur Delacour." She said, watching as the small blonde began to scribble her name before pausing once more. "Is that Delacour with a D?"

Fleur's mouth was left gaping. "As opposed to?" She asked, just a little bit of indignation peeking through now.

Luna shrugged and finished writing her name out, adding a little dash at the end of her name. "I could pencil you in for Saturday, at noon."

"It eez one hour, non?" Fleur asked. She'd never been able to confirm many of the details of the service, seeing as she would not stoop to asking any of the English girls.

Luna giggled in a tone that might be misconstrued as patronizing, which is exactly what Fleur did. "I offer either fifteen or thirty minutes. I don't think you'd survive an hour."

Fleur's face reddened in anger. Just because the girl was using such an innocent tone didn't mean she wasn't insulting her all the same. "I am a veela, I will be fine!"

Luna only blinked with those owlish eyes of hers. "Well, ok, but no refunds." She did some quick math on the margin of her notepad before returning with that loopy smile that was inflaming Fleur more and more by the second. "That'll be fourteen galleons."

Fleur tried to hide her shock at the price. It wasn't that she couldn't pay it, her family was decently well off, but fourteen galleons was a lot of money.

She might have balked at the price, but if it was fourteen galleons for an hour, it meant that half-an-hour cost seven galleons. Considering the sheer volume of names on the Ravenclaw's little notepad, it couldn't all be well-off pureblood girls paying for this service, which meant girls were blowing their entire terms' allowance on this 'Spectral Massage'.

Fleur nodded. "I will have eet by tomorrow. When…when will I be able to…"

"Receive the massage?" Luna asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively in a way that made Fleur's cheeks flush again.


"If you pay me tomorrow, I can pencil you in for Saturday at noon. Does that work for you?"

It would work perfectly fine. Feur would sleep in until around eleven, have an early lunch, go see what this Spectral Massage was all about and then spend the afternoon trying to decipher her egg.

The Hogwarts girls constantly talked about how exhausted they were after the massage, warning others not to book it if you had class the next day, but they were just silly girls, and she was a veela, she would have no problem with this silly little massage.

It was later on that night that Luna met her associate in her real office, a room on the seventh floor that could turn into anything you wanted it to.

Which for Luna, meant a close approximation to the clearing in the Forbidden Forest where the unicorns and other creatures liked to congregate at night.

Luna was sitting on a pile of boulders as her business partner walked in, throwing off his invisibility cloak as he closed the door shut behind him.

"Sorry, Luna, almost had a little run in with Moody, but I managed to avoid him." Harry said, his ear to ear grin even more pronounced than usual.

"You seem very excited, Harry." Luna said with a hint of bemusement, she had a pretty good idea why.

Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "You know I always look forward to my appointments, Luna."

"Still, today I see a few more hornswoggles floating around you."

"Is that a good thing?" Harry asked. Poor Harry, even after over a year of partnership, he wasn't well-versed in cryptids.

"It could be seen as such." Luna said with a shrug. "Sit down." She gestured toward the pile of rocks that she thought of as 'his' seat.

Harry sat down on the uncomfortable bunch of hard stones. He did not mind the little bit of discomfort he was subjected to in these meetings, considering the massive reward he was reaping.

And he wasn't talking about the large stack of galleons he was rapidly accumulating.

Luna pulled out her notepad, shuffling through pages until she reached this week's appointments.

Harry waited patiently, his smile growing with each passing moment, knowing they had a new customer, a new customer that he was very eager to meet.

Luna cleared her throat. "Monday you're free." Harry nodded. He'd asked for a day off, considering he needed to prepare for the tournament. It pained him to shirk his duties for even a day, but he reasoned that Lovegood and Potter Enterprises wouldn't be able to continue if he was dead.

"Tuesday, you've got Su Li at noon and the Carrow twins in the evening."

Harry smiled, those Carrow twins always insisted on booking together, even though the 'spectral massage' only worked on one person at a time.

"Wednesday you've got Susan Bones in the morning. I blocked off the evening for quality check." Quality check was Luna's term for when she received the spectral massage, under the guise of ensuring its continued quality.

"Thursday, Daphne's booked two sessions. One for her at lunch and then her and Tracey in the evening."

Daphne was his most loyal customer. The girl was loaded enough to be able to just throw galleons around like they were going out of style, and her constant visits had helped her build up a stamina that most girls couldn't really match. Most girls couldn’t really handle more than a session a week, and the cost of it meant that, realistically, they were booking one a month or every other month.

He’d become so acquainted with her that he’d started falling for her. He had become friends with her at the end of last year, and she’d agreed to go with him to the Yule Ball just the other day. He just hoped things didn’t get awkward when he revealed the secret of the Spectral Massage to her.

“Friday, you’ve got Ginny at lunch and Angelina, Katie and Alicia in the evening.”

Harry was surprised by that last one, though it made sense the more he thought about it. Last year, the Gryffindor chaser trio would book their appointments after Quidditch matches, anticipating either a treat after a hard-fought victory or a pick-me-up after a devastating loss. With no Quidditch this year, he figured they were just treating it as a girl-date of sorts.

“Saturday.” Luna paused here, noting Harry’s smirk as they both knew she’d reached the end of the line, “You’ve got Fleur Delacour, with a D, at noon. She asked for an hour-long session, by the way.”

“Hour session?” Harry asked, his eyes growing wide at the thought. An hour was a lot, he wasn’t sure the girl knew what she was getting herself into.

Luna nodded, showing him in her notepad how she’d written “ONE HOUR” In big letters and underlined it three times.

“I’ll need to hydrate.” Harry mused, already planning to have a big dinner the night before in preparation.  Harry took his job seriously, and if the french girl actually did manage to survive the full hour, he wanted to give her her money’s worth.

Saturday arrived with Harry waiting in the ‘Haunted’ Classroom; an abandoned classroom on the third floor that he and Luna had selected as the one from which they would provide their services. The room had already had a reputation even before they’d found it. Legend was some student had died of an aneurysm after a particularly stressful O.W.L. evaluation. Harry doubted the veracity of that rumor, but it helped their business along that the room already had a mystique among the Hogwarts population.

Luna stood by the door, that ever-present serene smile on her face as she waited for the client to arrive.

Harry was inside the room, under his invisibility cloak. He was nervous, at least about this first part. He’d earned a lot of experience over the past year, but he’d never faced off with a veela before.

He paced around the room as noon approached. He took deep calming breaths. He was a pro by this point, he couldn’t let himself be intimidated by the client.

The door creaked open and in walked Luna, followed closely by the most gorgeous woman he’d even seen in his life. Fleur’s allure assaulted him immediately, and Harry had to clamp down on his self control to not let it wash over him completely. He ran through Quidditch plays in his head until he’d calmed down enough to be in command of himself.

In that time, Luna had gotten a hesitant Fleur to take off her robes and undergarments, leaving the blushing veela naked in front of the younger blonde. To her credit, Luna did not react at all to Fleur’s fantastic body, even though Harry knew Luna would love nothing more than to clamp her mouth over Fleur’s bare mound.

Luna was something else. Harry wished he had her mental clarity. One look at Fleur’s perfect model figure, with those breasts that were much too large to still somehow have no sag and that ass that he could see clearly from the front, and Harry had to once again stop himself from ruining things by rushing the beautiful girl and tackling her to the ground before Luna could leave the room.

Somehow, he was able to wait as Luna reminded Fleur that she just needed to use the safeword, ‘Billywig’ this time, to end the experience, which otherwise would continue until she passed out.

Fleur rolled her eyes as she assured Luna she understood. Luna gave her one final, knowing smile before she left the room. Harry felt the privacy wards activate, and he stalked off towards his prey.

Fleur looked around the room, wondering for a moment if this had all been an elaborate prank played on her by a bunch of jealous English girls, when she felt a hand squeeze her asscheek.

Instinctively, Fleur jumped, turning around to find not one there. She wished she had her wand, just so she could make sure it wasn’t just some perverted boy groping her under a disillusionment charm. But, as she made sure to look at the empty space in front of her from every angle, she knew it couldn’t be a disillusionment charm, even the most perfect one of those left people at least slightly visible, especially when someone else was actively looking for it.

Not for the first time, Harry thanked his seeker reflexes. This first part of the massage wouldn’t go well if the girls grabbed onto him and managed to tug his cloak off. Still behind Fleur, Harry pressed himself against her, cupping her large breasts with his greedy hands as he began kneading them. Her hair smelled deeply of flowers, in an aroma so intoxicating that it left Harry’s head spinning.

Fleur moaned as she felt something solid press up against her. Something large and hard was poking her in the ass, and a pair of hands were expertly kneading her breasts.

She felt a slight tinge of disappointment. It was just some horny student, one rich enough to have bought an invisibility cloak. Still, she decided to ride out the experience, especially since whoever this student was, they were very, very good with their hands.

Fleur had had plenty of experience in bed with the other Beauxbatons girls, and whoever this was was blowing them all out of the water, at least. And while she’d never been with a man, she could tell that the cock that pressed up against her bum was at minimum above average. She let out a little giggle, thinking of those dumb Hogwarts girls that actually believed this was some sort of sex spirit at work.

Harry heard Fleur’s giggle and wondered what it could be about, but not for long. Right now, his hands were busy touching the softest, supplest body he had ever had the pleasure of handling. He let his fingers work their magic, one hand remaining on her breasts while the other trailed down her sides, his touch ghosting over her perfect skin as it made its way down to her treasure.

Fleur let out a little gasping moan as one hand tweaked her nipple while the other tickled the side of her ribcage. Whoever this was was really good, but petulant as she was, Fleur couldn’t let them think they had an advantage over her.

“You are good, whoever you are.” she called out as she felt a light kiss on her shoulder blade while a finger slid up her thigh and approached her sex, “Why don’t you take zat cloak off? I want to see you.”

To their credit, the person did not stop their movements, there wasn’t even a hitch as their fingers continued to slide up to circle around her rapidly moistening cunt.

Harry suppressed a chuckle by placing another kiss on the back of her neck. Fleur had not been the first one to suspect the truth about the massage, not by a longshot. The next part always served to throw them off, or leave them so discombobulated they were unable to formulate a thought.

Harry dipped a finger in her honeypot, which felt so heavenly it was almost as if his finger wanted to melt into it. Harry swirled his finger inside her walls, tweaking a nipple with his other hand while trailing kisses down her shoulder blades.

Fleur was almost ready to forgive Luna and her accomplice for this whole charade. Almost. This boy was very good, and she would be willing to consider letting him eat her out if he begged nicely enough, she was sure his tongue would be just as well-trained as his fingers.

Suddenly, she felt all contact cease.

Harry took a few steps back, this moment was always the most dangerous, the moment he could be discovered.

Thankfully, Luna was really good at knowing when he had pulled back from her hidden vantage point. The moment she saw the girl react in loss, she would tap the magically charmed two way glass in the other room.

Fleur stood, wondering why the admittedly excellent ministrations had stopped, when she saw a flicker of something in the wall she was facing.

The moment the blonde took to investigate was all the time Harry needed to remove his cloak, which he wandlessly vanished into an open cabinet, and quickly turn into his animagus form.

The invisibility took hold first, that was the key. The moment Harry triggered the transformation, he disappeared from view, allowing his hands to turn into hooves, his body to elongate and become larger, more muscular. His mouth turned into a long skeletal snout, his entire body becoming eerier, more translucent as his flesh turned a grayish-black with large, leathery wings sprouting from his shoulder blades.

In a second, his transformation was complete. Where once a teenage boy had stood, there was now an adolescent thestral, invisible to Fleur’s innocent eyes, and with a massive sixteen inches of cock, throbbing and ready to be used.

The spectral massage was well and truly underway.

"Did you become shy?" Fleur called out after another few moments of not feeling the ghostly touch. She wondered if maybe her veela aura had rendered her companion unable to continue.

Then she let out a huff as something shoved her over onto her hands and knees. The previous care and finesse was gone, and Fleur was about to vocalize her complaint when she felt something push up against her entrance.

Something that was much too big to be attached to a person.

Not giving her any time to brace, Harry pushed his horsecock into Fleur's sweet little cunt, letting out a snort through his nostrils at the sensation of such a delicious, velvety pussy as he split it open with his much too large organ.

Fleur wailed, shrieked and moaned as she felt herself being torn in half by something she couldn't comprehend. Was someone shoving a broomstick inside of her? But it felt too fleshy, too real and hot to be anything but a gigantic cock.

"MERDE! MERDE! GHAAA!" Her nails dug into the carpeted floor (a very considerate move on Luna's part.) as she tried to make sense of things while her brain was being scrambled by the thick rod of flesh that was now moving, battering her insides even, with soft strokes.

Self-transfiguration was tricky business. No one short of a master would even think to change their anatomy, especially something as delicate as a penis. There were no potions that Fleur knew of that gave that result, so what could possi-

"AAAAAAH!" She stopped thinking and kept shrieking as the ghostly cock inside of her quickened its pace. Her silvery-blonde hair was becoming a mess with every thrust as she thrashed, her head whipping every which way as her eyes watered.

Her entire body had become a nerve ending, connected to her cervix and receiving a shockwave of pleasure every time that massive cock bottomed out in her.

Harry was doing good, he was pacing himself well. Fleur's pussy was indescribable, its heat felt like it would explode outward and incinerate him. The pheromones she was letting off were close to overwhelming, especially to Harry's semi-animal brain that already felt the biological drive to breed this creature spread out under him.

Fleur was on hands and knees with her ass arched all the way up as Harry took her from behind, not even a third his horse-cock fitting into her flooding cunt.

Fleur didn't care what this was. A ghost, some weird magical artifact, some very creative kid, all she knew was that she was in heaven.

She was a veela, a being of sex and passion, and she was indulging in all of her baser urges as she felt her quim being torn apart. She could no longer pretend to be a normal witch, just one with a slightly different heritage. She was an avatar of pleasure, and she surrendered herself to that which was providing her with this sensory nirvana.

She came for what could have been the first or the fifth time, all she knew was that she exploded.

Her body burned, feeling overwhelming her and crossing over into the realm of the indescribable.

Fleur’s jaw was slack as drool rolled down her chin, she was trying to come down, but the cock pounding her quivering mess of a pussy wasn’t stopping or slowing. All she could do was glance at a clock, which showed that it was only ten past twelve, and she still had fifty minutes of this torture to go.


Luna left her viewing room with five minutes to go. She had to give it to Harry, he was dedicated to his work. Fleur had paid for one hour, and by god, he was going to give her an hour.

The veela had regained consciousness for the final fifteen minutes. She was lapping at the floor like a kitten drinking milk, except the milk she was consuming was thick and viscous, and it was spread out in a pool all around her.

Harry must had dropped enough cum to fill several bathtubs over the past hour. Even his massive equine testicles were beginning to fail him, as he pulled out of Fleur’s gaping asshole, the final few shots of his load were clear and liquid, though they coated Fleur’s perfectly round arse all the same.

Fleur was an absolute mess. There wasn’t an inch of her that wasn’t covered in cum. At one point, Harry had managed to shove his horsecock down her throat. That had actually been what woke her, the need to choke and gag as a massive flood of thestral cum was deposited directly into her stomach.

It was quite an interesting thing. Thestrals were invisible to most, but their cum was very clearly visible. Luna knelt down, scooping up a nice big heaping with her finger and bringing it to her mouth.

“Non!” Fleur yelled out desperately, her hand shooting out in a bid to stop Luna in her tracks. “Mine! Eet is all mine!”

Luna blinked, looking down at the dollop of cum on her finger before flicking it back into the pool. “Sorry. Was the massage satisfactory?”

Fleur didn’t answer, she dropped down to continue slurping up as much of the white gold as she possibly could. Behind her, Luna could see Harry’s long, gray cock still had a little bit left in the tank.

She glanced at the clock. Fleur still had two minutes left.

She looked up at Harry’s skeletal face, his human intelligence more than apparent to her behind those blank, milky white eyes. She nodded and Harry understood. He was exhausted, but he was more than willing to go the extra mile. His half-mast soon turned into a full on erection as he lined himself up with Fleur’s gaping pussy, shoving himself in her one last time. And if they went overtime…well, she had paid them a lot of galleons, she deserved some perks.



Luna suggests two different times for the session, but it doesn't seem like she's offering the second as an alternative, more that it was written twice by accident. It's during the meeting in the broom closet. Horseplay isn't quite my cup of tea but it was still good and well written. Didn't want to leave a comment just about a typo lol


thank you, it's fixed. And yeah I know this one wont be to everyone's enjoyment.