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Harry’s eyes fluttered open as he let out a small groan. His body was tired, very tired, but he felt no pain. He was encased in softness, he felt like he was lying on a cloud. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the light, he could make out a myriad of colors; different hues of reds, greens, yellows and violets that he could still not fully incorporate into anything more than fuzzy splotches.

There were smells, too, too many for his sluggish mind to keep up with. They were pleasant, though, therapeutic even, and Harry found himself drifting off once more under the gentle caress of their aroma.

When he next woke up, it was with a snap. He'd dreamt about a creature with the body of a lion and the face of a human. The creature was tearing through Vulpie, and Harry had not been able to do a thing about it.


It all came back to him, and as he opened his eyes in a panic, he expected to still be in that same clearing in the forest, to see that terrifying monster standing over the broken bodies of his friends.

He tried to move his body but found that it was very tightly restrained. In fact, he was completely swaddled up like an infant. 

He was inside of a cocoon, fashioned out of some strange silk, as he hung from one of the branches of a large tree. Harry couldn't look down, but he figured he was dangling relatively high up in the air. They were inside of a cave of some sorts, since there was no sunlight peeking down in between the branches. Instead, he was surrounded by those same lights he'd seen before. It must have been millions upon millions of fireflies, shining in all the colors of the rainbow, drifting about amongst the branches and leaves. Harry could feel some resting on his head.

As he continued to look around, he saw the other cocoons forming a fever dream of a carousel around the tree. There was a particularly large one with a puff of fiery red hair peeking out. One had a shock of snowy white hair and tufted ears, and another was more elongated than the others.

The girls were all here with him. Though as he counted, he came up one short.

“You're up.” 

The softness of the voice stopped Harry from being startled, even as a female figure suddenly emerged from the trunk of the tree. At first, the body's texture and tone matched that of the tree's dark brown, rugged trunk, but as she stood on dainty feet on the branch in front of Harry, it was suddenly stripped away, replaced by soft, leafy-green skin and bright red eyes, her hair styled in a pixie cut with a crown made of flowers resting atop it.

“Gardenia!” Harry croaked, his throat sore, with that usual nasty taste leftover from a long sleep.

The queen of the forest smiled kindly down at him as she took a few steps towards him, gliding on the branch like a ballet-dancer.

“You gave us quite a scare, Harry. What you did was supremely reckless, not to mention dangerous.”

“The girls…?”

“They're all here. My daughter is buried underneath the tree.”

Harry's heart stopped as his face contorted in horror. “Buried?!”

Gardenia made a shocked face before she let out an airy giggle, covering her mouth as she indulged in her myrth. “I'm sorry, Harry. I see now how that could be misconstrued. Lavender will make a full recovery, all of you will. My daughter was very gravely poisoned, and the intensive nutrient regiment she requires can only be accessed underground, from amongst the roots of this tree.”

“Oh.” Harry said, his heart still running a mile a minute. Gardenia made a gesture, and his cocoon moved, shifting him slightly more upright.

She touched the threading of his casing, making an appreciative sound. “I think you've fully ripened. That was quite fast.” She snapped her fingers and there was a sudden ripping sound before Harry found himself in free fall.

Harry let out a startled yelp, not having enough time to make any attempt at saving himself before he was splashing down into a pool of scalding hot water.

Bubbles flared as Harry's head emerged from underneath. The pool was very hot, but he actually found it quite pleasant, and his aching muscles definitely appreciated the constant bubbling.

He glanced down at himself, seeing not even a nick on his shoulders and chest. He lifted himself up just enough to get a look at his stomach.

There was not a hint of a scar from where the Manticore had stabbed him.

“I told you you'd be good as new.” Gardenia said, having emerged from the shrubs surrounding the pool.

“What happened? How did… did you guys kill it?” Harry asked as he touched his smooth stomach, tracing around where he was sure the manticore had stabbed him.

Gardenia frowned. “What do you remember, Harry?”

Harry blinked several times as he glanced up at her. “The last thing I remember is that thing stabbing me… a-and looking up at Vulpie… that's it.”

Gardenia nodded thoughtfully. “I see. Well, there will be time soon to discuss what happened. For now, you need to heal. I'll be back soon.”

With that, she disappeared into the shrubbery, leaving Harry to wonder whether she'd truly left or not. Soon, that slipped from the boy's mind as he allowed himself to relax and sink into the pool, letting its warm waters soothe his very soul.

“M-monster! Get away from me!” The boy squealed in panic, arms wrapped around himself as he desperately kicked at the ground, dragging himself on the dirt.

Several feet away, a bushy-haired girl sat cross-legged, eyes staring blankly at the ground.

Albus Dumbledore sighed, his long flowing beard hiding the frown that marred his face. 

Next to him, Fawkes was standing up from a kneeling position, a similar frown on her own face as she looked at the two children. Her hair was fully grey now, her feathers had lost their last little bit of crimson, having dulled to a muted brown. She'd aged a decade in the past hour, and she now looked the part of being centuries old.

“They've seen horrors beyond what any child should have to witness.” Dumbledore mused as he looked over both children. They were on the edge of the forest, a few meters from the edge of the wards and returning to the castle proper.

“They are not the first. Nor the last, I fear.” Fawkes said as she spread her wings out wide, hollow bones audibly creaking as her tired old feathers ruffled, some falling off.

“You do not have to strain yourself, old friend. I can handle it.” 

Fawkes put a hand up. “No need for that, Albus. Appearances may say otherwise, but I am not so fragile that I cannot do something like this.”

Dumbledore bowed his head and Fawkes stepped forth. Her wings ruffled again, but this time, the sound caught the attention of Vincent and Hermione, enough for both children to look up at the woman.

“Its alright, children. I know of a way to soothe your pain, to ease the turmoil that currently roils inside your minds.” As she spoke, Fawkes’ voice took on a musical lilt, an unnatural cadence that drew both children in deeper.

Fawkes closed her eyes, regret written in the deep lines of her face before her lips spread open and an ethereal sound emerged from her throat.

Her song was not what it was at her peak. Her voice cracked, her pitch and tone wavered and dipped. But Fawkes did not let that hinder her, she embraced the frailty that crept into her song, the melancholy of old age, she spun it along into a tune that cause the very light around them to flicker, the sun to darken ever so slightly.

Dumbledore had his eyes closed. The song wasn't directed at him, and yet he still needed every inch of his concentration to keep from slipping into its cleverly spun web.

The children, on the other hand, drifted off quickly, eyes drooping heavily. Soon, both were fast asleep, Vincent's breath hitching every few moments.

Fawkes sang for a few moments more before she finally stopped, letting out a sigh as she retracted her wings. “You should return them to their dorm rooms, Albus.”

Dumbledore nodded, already whipping his wand to levitate both children. It was well past curfew now, the deep darkness of night penetrated only by a smattering of stars as the crickets chirped all around them.

“I will need to meet with you, Fawkes, all of you. I cannot be kept in the dark.”

“I'm sure the others will be amenable to it. This entire situation highlighted just how fragile our situation is. We cannot only rely on ourselves and hope to survive.”

Dumbledore hummed as he glanced up at the moonless sky. “In all your years, Fawkes, have you seen anything like him?”

Fawkes shook her head. “I can't say I have, Albus. This manticore was baffling enough. Harry… what has happened is beyond even my comprehension.”

“Do you believe that Voldemort had a hand?”

Fawkes’ face turned to deep contemplation. “Perhaps. Though there is no way of knowing, not at this juncture.”

Dumbledore nodded sagely. “I will take my leave. See you in the morning, old friend.”

With that, the old man turned around, the pair of children drifting silently after him.

Under the same moonless sky, in the sleepy hamlet of Ottery St. Catchpole, there was a faint pop of apparition.

Rodolphus absently scratched at his shaggy beard. He had never been here before, but some quick wand work pointed him in the right direction. Wizards used to live in this village, but not anymore. Now, all that was left was a small graveyard, who's rudimentary wards were child's play to detect.

Rodolphus chose to walk the half-mile distance to the graveyard, shrouded in silence as his thoughts hung heavy in his head. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a bottle, taking a quick swig of the liquid that burnt through his throat and cut through his melancholy.

He arrived at the cemetery, plowing through the wards like a bear stumbling through a bee-hive as he dispelled the little pin-pricks and stings with a flick of his wand.

It was a small cementary. Three families were buried here. The Diggorys, the Lovegoods, and the Weasleys.

The Weasleys had the biggest corner of the humble graveyard. Ten little lumps were bunched up together around a gravestone. The gravestone was clean, its letters looking freshly engraved as they immortalized the names of the nine Weasleys and one Prewett that resided there.

Now to be two.

Rodolphus fished out the head from his coat. He'd managed to close the eyes, but there wasn't much else he could do. He was a warrior through and through, he had no skill for cosmetic charms, and so, he was unable to do much to fix the terrifying visage of Fabian's face as it had been stretched out over the monstrous head of the manticore.

He gouged out a hole on the ground, between his brother and sister, and dropped the head inside before filling the hole back in.

His sense of obligation had been fulfilled. And yet, he felt the need to stay.

He sat down on the ground, leaning against the headstone as he took another swig of his drink. “You know what's funny? I know you never really liked me, hated me even, but through it all, Prewett, I thought you were a good fellow. You were too high-strung, had a big fuck-off stick up your ass, but in another life, who knows what we could have been?”

“I hope you've found peace now, at least.”

Some time later, he emptied the last of his bottle, pouring it on top of the freshly placed soil.

With a pop, the graveyard was silent once again.

Lavender was surrounded by warmth. She nuzzled deeper into it. Up and down her body, tiny tendrils were greedily sucking up 

The rich, bountiful nutrients around her. She had long reached the point of satiation, but this soil was just so sweet, reminding her of when she'd been but a seedling, and she happily indulged as she gluttonously absorbed all that the soil could provide.

Her comfortable existence was disturbed, literally. A large clump of soil around her was lifted off the ground. She protested as she was dragged up, skin prickling as she was exposed to the cool air of the surface.

Lavender groaned, tendrils desperately grabbing at the soil as it rapidly fell away from her.

“You've already slept in far too long. Its time to get up.” 

“But muuum!” Lavender whined as she was unceremoniously dropped on the ground. She grumbled as she got up, tendrils retracting as she rubbed her eyes.

Halfway through, she recalled what had happened to her, the absolute agony she'd been subjected to, and she shivered, arms wrapping around her body.

“You're fine now, honey, everything's ok.” Gardenia's voice was kind and loving now as she pulled her in for a hug. Lavender sank into her mother's embrace, and they remained like that for several moments before Gardenia pulled back.

“Come on, Lav, the others are waiting.”

Her mother led her out from the small grotto. She recognized the tree that had nursed her in her youth next to the mineral pool that so enriched the soil that surrounded it.

They walked up the slope that led out of the grotto, the temperature cooling rapidly with each step, until they emerged onto the forest proper.

A small fire was crackling away in a clearing, two long stumps sitting on opposite sides.

One one end were her friends. They all looked fresh and healthy, not a scratch on their bodies, and Lavender felt relief flood through her. She had been so terrified that one of them had died or been grievously injured.

Gardenia gestured for her to join her friends as she herself split off to the opposite side. On the other end Narcissa, Amelia, Apolline and Lady Greengrass were already seated. 

Lavender gulped as she realized just how much trouble they were in for what they'd done. She sat down next to Susan, refusing to look anyone in the eye.

“Do we have to wait around for that old pidgeon?” Amelia asked impatiently.

Harry and the girls snorted as Narcissa sighed. “Fawkes should return soon, and this is a conversation that I'd rather not have to restart.”

“I'm here.” Fawkes approached slowly from behind the children. “These old talons aren't as sharp as they used to be.”

“Have you thought of inducing it?” Apolline asked. 

Fawkes shook her head. “It's not very pleasant that way. And it always risks complications.”

Harry and the girls glanced up at the old phoenix as she passed by, taken aback by how much she'd aged in only a day.

“How long have you been waiting for me?” Lavender whispered to the others.

“We haven't been here that long.” Delphi said.

“I just want to know what happened already.” Fleur said. “How did we manage to hold that thing off?”

Vulpie and Susan glanced at each other. Susan had been the only other one to catch a glimpse of Harry, and even then it had only been slight. Vulpie was the only one of them to have witnessed the entire thing.

“That is what we're here to uncover.” Narcissa said, her persian blue fur glowing orange under the firelight. “Harry, do you truly not remember what happened?”

The boy's stomach knotted up as he frowned. All eyes were on him, and he squirmed in his seat as he looked up at the older women. “No. Like I told Gardenia, the last thing I remember is being stabbed by that thing.”

The girls tensed around him as he mentioned his stabbing. Vulpie's nails dug into his arm as she squeezed him while Fleur squeezed his thigh.

“I still can't believe you were all so reckless, so idiotic as to do something like that!” Apolline cut in. Her severe gaze burned all of them, even as it settled squarely on Fleur.

“There'll be plenty of time for punishment and scolding later, Apolline. What we need now are answers. Vulpecula, you were the only one fully conscious after the incident, what did you witness?” Amelia asked.

Vulpie squirmed under the gaze of her elders. She cleared her throat and straightened her back, putting on as regal an air as she could manage. “Well, we had decided to confront the beast, and we'd concocted a plan-”

“There is no need to detail your idiotic plan, Vulpecula.” Her mother snapped sternly. “What happened after Harry was… injured.”

Vulpie swallowed. “Well… he…” Harry squeezed her arm as her face quivered under the memory of those terrifying moments when Harry had been fading away. “He was incoherent. More than he usually is. He… he asked me for a kiss.”

“A kiss?” Narcissa's brow shot all the way up as she looked between the two now blushing teens. 

The other women reacted much the same, and Gardenia wore an amused smile as she spoke up. “Had you ever kissed before?” 

She giggled as Narcissa looked scandalized. Harry and Vulpie both sank deeper into themselves, blushing beet red. The answer was apparent even before the girl spoke.


“Oh my.” Fawkes covered her mouth.

“Was there any oversight at all, Fawkes?” Amelia asked.

Meanwhile, Lady Greengrass had been staring at her daughter from under her darkened hood. Daphne's head dropped as she stared down at her lap. “Mother, please, should we not focus on other questions?”

“Wha- wait.” Apolline's eyes narrowed as she too used her fine tuned senses to read the opposite side. Her eyes widened. “Oh my!”

“What?” Amelia asked.

“Vulpecula was not the only one getting smooches from Harry, it appears.” Gardenia giggled. 

Fawkes buried her head in her hands as all the girls squirmed.

“Can we focus on what's important here?!” Susan snapped. 

“This matter is not settled. But go ahead, daughter.” Narcissa said.

“W-Well… Harry asked me for a kiss, and I kissed him. And then he began to glow and suddenly he transformed into… ummm… into that.” Vulpie was blushing even deeper than before as she recalled Harry's transformation.

“I transformed?!” Harry asked incredulously. “What are you talking about?”

“You saved us, Harry. I remember you picking me up.” Susan said.

The other girls were just as perplexed as Harry, while their mothers looked contemplative.

“Through a kiss?” Apolline wondered. 

“Blood.” Fawkes said, having already formulated a theory on her walk here. “You were bleeding, weren't you, Vulpie?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“This is crazy. How could I have done anything?!” Harry insisted. “What did I turn into?” 

“A fox.” Vulpie said in a small voice, refusing to look him in the eyes.

“A strange fox. I counted nine tails. Have you ever seen anything of the sort, Fawkes?” Narcissa asked.

The aged phoenix shook her head. “I'm afraid that I've been taken by surprise more over the past year than I have in the last few centuries put together.”

“Wait, so if I drink Vulpie's blood, I turn into a fox?”

“What if he were to drink mine?” Daphne asked in a clinical tone, though the way she looked at Harry showed her interest wasn't purely academic.

“That is a very good question.” Narcissa said. Along with her, the other ladies seemed equally interested in testing that hypothesis.

Fawkes waved her hands. “I suggest we slow things down. We've all been through quite an ordeal, and term is near its end. Whatever hypothesis you're cooking up in your heads-” She specifically gave Lady Greengrass a pointed look, “Can wait until the summer.”

The ladies didn't seem too enthused by this, but after some grumbling they agreed. No one seemed as disappointed as Harry, who wanted to get to the bottom of whatever was going on.

“So do we go back to the castle now?” Delphi asked.

“I don't see why you cant spend the night, now that the danger has passed. We can return you in the morning.” Amelia said. Fawkes looked like she wanted to protest, but she had enough sense to swallow her words.

“Very well. Harry, you can spend the night at the manor.” Vulpie said, instantly pulling the boy towards her.

“Why, cause you say so?” Susan challenged.

“My home is more than well equipped for Harry to stay.” Daphne said.

“After showing such a warrior's heart, he deserves nothing less than to rest among dragons.” Amelia insisted.

Fawkes groaned, feeling the full weight of her age as she saw Narcissa and Apolline getting ready to argue with Amelia.

“Gardenia will take him in.” Fawkes said.


“You are the most level headed, I trust you not to do something impulsive.” Fawkes explained.

“What are you saying about the rest of us, then?” Apolline questioned.

“I'll stay with Gardenia and Lav.” Harry said, “We should get a move on too, I'm feeling pretty sleepy.”

After having spent all that time inside of Gardenia's cocoon and then the hot bath, Harry was the furthest thing from being sleepy, but he desperately wanted to defuse the situation.

The other women and their daughters collectively sighed, with Vulpie crossing her arms and glaring at him. “Fine, but you're spending a week in our home during the summer.”

Fleur scoffed. “Maybe after he stays with us. If he has time.” 

“Girls, didn't we already resolve this? We agreed to share.” Delphi pointed out.

That made all their mother's brows shoot up. Realizing what she'd said, Delphi bowed her head while the others groaned. “Delph, why would you say that?” Lavender questioned.

“You agreed to share, did you?” Narcissa said, sharing looks between the others. Fawkes looked mortified, but she was taken aback as the other women did not seem hostile to the idea at all. 

“Well, we will certainly have to come up with a plan for the summer. We must explore the potential of Harry's ability, after all.” Amelia said.

All the tension seemed to ease out of them as familias paired up to spend a night at their homes, with Delphi going along with Susan.

Just as they were about to split up, something sparked in Harry's mind. “Wait, what happened to Hermione? And Crabbe?”

Fawkes frowned as her eyes swept over all the children. “Ah, yes. I was going to inform you before you returned. They will not remember what happened here today.”

“You erased their memories?!” Fleur snapped indignantly.

“When they awaken, they will think it was all a terrible nightmare, a nightmare that they can hardly remember.”

“But why?”

“Children, you need to realize what's at stake here.” Narcissa said. “If word of what happened were to get out, it would cause untold damage to our already precarious position.”

“But Hermione is our friend!” Delphi insisted.

“She was traumatized by what occurred. It was a merciful act.” Fawkes said.

“And we weren't traumatized?” Vulpie squacked.

“That will be the end of this discussion.” Apolline said. “We shall head home, and when you return to school tomorrow, you will not breathe a word of this.”

Despite mutinous looks, the children acquiesced, and soon they were all walking away from the clearing as the last dying flames of the fire smoldered along behind them.

Harry rolled over for what felt like the hundredth time, ending up on his back, staring up at the intricate system of roots that made up the ceiling.

Lavender's home was not what he'd expected. Instead of a lush garden, it was another underground cavern. Its entrance under a massive oak tree that was twice the size of the Whomping Willow.

The roots, ranging from gargantuan to miniscule, criss-crossed overhead. The entire space was lit by the same tiny little fireflies from the grotto where they had healed. Harry's room was bare, with Gardenia having fashioned a bed for him out of flowers, leaves and soft dirt. It was the most comfortable thing he'd ever laid on, with the flower's aroma having been muted enough to slowly ease him to sleep.

But he wasn't sleepy, not in the least bit. He was restless and then some, with a myriad of questions bouncing around in his head, though one in particular dominated his thoughts.

What am I?

He'd apparently turned into a nine-tailed fox and trashed the Manticore, the same beast that had been toying with them as it slowly broke them down to bits.

 He had no memory of it. He needed to view a memory of it. He almost refused to believe it until he saw it with his own eyes. Why couldn't they have watched it? Did he really have to wait until the school term ended to get any headway? He felt as if he would explode if he truly had to wait a month or so to figure out what the hell was going on.

Am I even a wizard?

Everything up to this point had pointed in that direction, but now he wasn't so sure. Was that the reason Voldemort had gone after his parents? Did she know something about him?

All of this swirled around in Harry's head, a maelstrom of doubts, questions and worries, and into all of this leapt a green skinned, green haired plant girl with a flower on her head.

Harry huffed as Lavender jumped on him without warning. The wind was knocked out of him as she giggled, her hands jumping out to tickle his sides.

“Lavender!” Harry barked as he squirmed around trying to avoid her tickles. Lavender immediately resorted to cheating, turning her hands into vines to prevent him from escaping her grasps.

“Shhh, Harry, my mum might hear us.” She whispered.

Harry struggled for a while longer until Lavender's vines had him completely pinned down, he glared up at her gorgeous red eyes, which were filled with mischief.

“How did you even get in? I thought your mum placed a special lock on it?”

Lavender shrugged. “It wasn't too special. I got through it easily. I guess mum underestimated ol’ Lav.”

Harry found himself loosened up enough to prop himself up on his elbows. Lavender was sporting her bikini top, and he quickly noticed that her breasts had grown considerably over the school year.

Lavender sussed out his line of sight as well. “Isn't it great?! I think it's all that meat they serve at mealtimes!”

Harry coughed. “I-Its nice.”

“Come on, Harry, its more than nice.” Lavender untangled him completely, her hands returning to their normal selves as she straddled his lap. “You know, I still haven't gotten my date. Well, now that we're in my house, I figured, why not have it now!? What do you think?”

Harry's eyes swept down her taut stomach and thin waist. Her hips were bereft of that skirt of pink petals that he'd once thought was a part of her body.

“I can make them grow back. If you want to, I just thought you'd want to see my hips.” She said with a slight frown.

Her hips were quite nice, having blossomed almost as much as her chest. But in the moment, Harry only noticed the insecurity that was written all over her face.

“You're absolutely perfect, Lav. Both ways.” Harry assured her as he reached out to grasp her hips. Lavender shivered, and Harry noted that the flower on her head began to glow as a faint mist puffed out from it.

“Erm. Sorry. It does that when I get excited, they're pheromones.” 

As she explained, Harry was struck by the purple mist. His already burgeoning lust was given an extra kick as his cock suddenly went steel-hard, forming a lump that lifted Lavender slightly off his lap.

“Its so hard!” Lavender marveled as she wriggled her hips, feeling his length wedge itself against her center.

“Lav.” Harry groaned, his eyes turning steamy, “Come over here.” He pulled her down forcefully, bringing her in for a hot, passionate kiss as she began to grind herself against his hardness.

They broke the kiss with a gasp. “Aren't you suppose to romance me first?” Lavender said with lidded eyes.

“This is the romance.” Harry said as he pulled her back down for another passionate embrace.

As her pheromones rained down on them, catching on the flower bed and lingering around to intensify their heat, the young teen's hands began to roam. Lavender felt all over Harry's torso while Harry's caveman brain had only one target: his hands slipped in under her bikini top and cupper her generously proportioned breasts.

When they next broke off the kiss, Lavender was biting her lip as her grinding intensified. “That feels so good.” She huffed as Harry tweaked her nipples. She reached behind her back and untied her top, letting it fall off to the side.

Harry let go then, wanting to get a full, unobstructed view of her perky breasts.

They were much more than a handful, jutting out proudly, their light-green hue contrasting with her nipples, which were tiny little pink rosebuds capped atop more muted pink areolas.

“You can do more than just look.” Lavender giggled as she shook her chest, causing her breasts to sway and bounce hypnotically, enticing him in further.

Harry happily obliged, leaning up to capture one of those little rosebuds in his mouth.

Lavender mewled as her hands wrapped around his head and Harry sucked on her nipple. His fingers tickled the hollow of Lavender's lower back while his hands kept a firm grip on her hips. Lavender continued to grind, and Harry could feel something syrupy sweet and molasses-thick dampening her knickers and his boxers.

“Harry! I wanna do it!” She said bravely as she cradled his head against her breast, eyes closed as she basked in the pleasure he was giving her.

Harry released her nipple, giving it one final slurp before he ran his tongue up her collarbone and onto her neck, tasting dew all the way up.

“Why don't you take your knickers off, then?” 

Lavender squealed in excitement. Without getting off his lap, she quickly turned her pinky into a tendril, its razor sharp end slicing through her knickers and cutting ribbons out of Harry's boxers.

She lifted herself off and let her knickers drift off. Harry shook himself, letting the tattered remains of his underwear flake off to uncover his hard, raging erection.

Lavender cooed as she saw it for the first time. Meanwhile, Harry was staring at her slit, which was an even brighter neon pink than her nipples and was almost glowing. The heat radiating from inside was reeling Harry in, and he felt almost as if he was being lured into a venus flytrap as his own cock directed itself, its missile head aimed squarely at Lavender's entrance.

Their breaths mingled as they both silently stared at the points whete they would meet. Lavender was squatting over him now, and she slowly lowered herself onto him. When her pussy touched his tip, Harry felt a great burning that made his toes curl, and from the way Lavender stiffened, he knew she felt something similar. Thick sap leaked from Lavender's pussy, running down either side of Harry's shaft like hot wax down a burning candle. The two young lovers were hypnotized by the mechanics of their task, as Lavender gradually put more and more weight on him, until finally critical mass was reached.

His head plowed into her entrance with a loud pop. It caught in her walls for a moment, making Lavender's eyes flutter as he pussy was stretched wide. Then, in one fluid motion she sank the rest of the way down, swallowing up Harry's cock until it bottomed out inside of her.



The two of them hissed as they adjusted to the sensation. Harry's cock pulsed, Lavender's pussy quivered, and each little movement of either of their hips led to a delicious friction that gave them both a jolt of pleasure. Lavender's pussy was so gushy, so sticky with her thick fluids, that movement was slow and difficult. As Harry tried to lift her up, he found that just moving her an inch off his cock was a difficult task. She was gluing herself to him, and every little triumph of movement resulted in a surge of pleasure running down his spine.

Frustrated by the slow going, Harry flipped them over in a burst of strength. Lavender sqealed as she was forced onto her back with Harry on top. Harry's hands went to her breasts, squeezing them between his fingers as he moved his hips.

It was trench warfare. Harry grit his teeth in concentration as he managed to move his hips back a half inch before thrusting in again. Lavender wrapped her legs tightly around his hips, an instinctual reaction that nonetheless made it all but impossible for him to move back from her.

As her pussy practically melted onto him, Lavender reached her hand out, fingers turning into vines. Some wrapped around Harry's head, others teased his nipples while a few more ran down his back.

Harry moaned under her stimulation as he settled for the slow grind he could manage. Lavender responded in kind, and while their hips barely moved, both teens were in the throes of ecstasy as even the smallest hint of friction drove them wild with pleasure.

Harry's thumbs circled Lavender's nipples while she seemed to become more unwound by the moment. Her other hand deformed, this time down to the elbow, tendrils doing nothing but twitching limply against the flowerbed as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

When Lavender came, Harry knew from her moans. She shrieked and arched her back as multi-colored flowers sprouted across her body. Her pussy quivered, the discharge of juices practically turning her cunt into quicksand, quicksand that ground Harry's dick down and squeezed it tight until Harry couldn't hold back any longer. Moments after Lavender, Harry came. His seed struggled for traction against her pussy, and some found itself stuck in Harry's urethra as it waited for the rest to disperse.  

Harry collapsed on top of her. Lavender was breathing heavily, and Harry was trying to catch his own breath. Pulling out of her was impossible, as his cock was practically sealed inside of her cunt, so Harry just rested his head on the side of her own and let her pussy slowly milk him of his seed. 

After a few moments of silence, when their breathing finally settled down, Lavender placed light kisses on the side of his head. 

“That was incredible.” Harry broke the silence. Lavender nodded against his head. “I think you can pull out now.” She giggled.

Harry was about to dispute that idea when he tried to pull his hips back, finding that he could move much more freely. Lavender hissed as Harry pulled his long shaft out of her, the last few spurts of his seed shooting out, with some falling over her entrance.

“That was so much.” Lavender gasped as she felt the white substance between her legs.

Harry's cock was glazed in a thick layer of Lavender's fluid, which had practically caramelized on his shaft. She looked slightly embarrassed as she looked up at him. “Sorry… It gets like that when I'm aroused.”

Harry smiled reassuringly. “I don't mind it at all, Lav. It felt amazing.”

Lavender blushed. “Here, let me clean it off.”

Before he could say anything, Lavender was sliding down until her head was near his crotch, with another smile, she opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around his candied cock.

Harry moaned as Lavender cleaned him up. She was thorough in her work, using copious amounts of spit to loosen up her juices, which she them happily slurped up like sweet caramel.

Harry's hand went to her head as it turned into a nice, sloppy blowjob. She finished up by sliding her tongue along his coinslot, taking great care to collect any juices that might have slipped in through his urethra, while also swallowing a good amount of residual cum.

By the time she was done, Harry was hard and horny and ready to go again, and Lavender smiled up at him with a mischievous look.

“Harry.” She said. “Do you wanna try something?”

“Try what?” 

Lavender moved him, keeping a hand on his cock as she got face to face with him. “Do you wanna drink my blood?”

“Drink your blood?!”

“Aren't you curious? I mean, I never got to see what you turned into, don't you want to try it out? I definitely don't want to wait until school's out to find out.”

Harry frowned. He knew this was probably a bad idea, a very bad idea, but he himself had admitted that he didn't want to wait around. 

“Ok.” The more he thought about it, he'd transformed after drinking vulpie's blood. There was no guarantee the same would happen with Lavender or any of the other girls. In fact, he seriously doubted that drinking Lavender's blood would turn him into a fox.

Lavender squealed in excitement. “Alright, lets see what fox Harry looks like.” She sharpened a nail and pricked her finger, holding it over Harry's mouth.

While her blood was not as thick as her juices, it was still practically sap, and it took a few moments for a single purplish drop to condense, ripening on her fingertip before it dropped.

Harry felt the sweet syrup hit the back of his tongue. He felt it slide down his throat. He swallowed it.

That was the last thing he remembered.



Like, I love this story. It's the most all-around novel of yours: the prose is good, the description is well-suited and the plot unfounds naturally as it goes on. I also like how you developed the characters and the love interests, because they are surprisingly engaging. I don't know if you treat this piece just as another task of the checklist, but I can feel the particular effort here. To be fair, I just subbed only for this story. Great work!


Thaks for this. I definitely put effort into my other fics but I'd say I have the 'biggest' ideas for this one. Like I have some crazy stuff planned for this and just hope I can stick the landing and make the connective tissue work, which is my biggest struggle