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Just to temper expectations here: this is a short epilogue to the story, around 2k words.


It was the season for giving, the season for joy and cheer and general merriment.

While many students had stayed at Hogwarts due to the tournament, Harry's daughters had ridden the train home. Their friends had all wanted to come along as well, but knew they couldn't exactly explain to their parents why they wanted to spend christmas at Harry Potter's home.

Harry hadn't heard any further from his cousin after dropping off a case of pepper-up potions in front of his flat. Jewel didn't ask, and the girl had very quickly forgotten about her parents and her previous life. In the scant month and a half that she'd been living with them, Jewel had become an integral part of the family, yet another of Harry's daughters.

There was a knock at the front door, and after several moments, it cracked open.

“Yes?” Harry was bare chested as he stuck his upper body out, shivering as he was assaulted by the bitter december chill.

“Our lord and saviour!”

Harry cringed at what he saw in front of him. It was the Weasley men, along with Mr. Delacour and his group. The rag tag bunch was heavily bandaged up, with many of them standing on crutches. He saw Bill was missing an arm, Charlie a leg and Jean an eye. Everyone was some degree of beaten and battered, except for Ron, who looked perfectly fine.

“Guys! You went to war then?”

“It was loads of fun, Harry!” Ron said cheerfully. “I got this many scalps!” Ron held up four fingers on both hands.

“He is now known as the Demon of Flanders, just the mention of his name strikes fear in the hearts of men.” One of Jean's followers said. “Never have I seen such a terrifying sight on the battlefield.”

“Err… what exactly are you guys doing here?

“You see, my lord.” Percy stepped up. Or more accurately, he rolled up on his wheelchair, both of his legs missing. “In the heat of our struggle to prove our ultimate devotion to you, I gave an impassioned speech. At one point during my speech, I said that ‘peace was never an option.’”

“Then Ronnie chimed in and was like, ‘Really? That sucks, peace would be a really neat option right about now'” George said.

Bill jumped in. “That made us realize the error of our ways, it made us see how we'd perverted your message, oh great Lord Potter.” 

“And so, we have managed to call a truce. Percival and I have reconciled our differences, the schism in Potterism has been mended, all thanks to the Demon of Flanders." Jean said as he eyed Ron wearily.

“That's brilliant.” Harry scratched his shoulder before clearing his throat. “I'd invite you in, but… we're sorta in the swing of things at the moment.”

“Oh, that is perfectly fine, mylord. We have not yet reached true nirvana, we do not deserve to bask in your glory.”  Percy said.

“We'll just stand out here and sing hymns of praise, my lord.” 

“Knock yourselves out.” Harry said.

“Oooh! Can we do Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer first?” Ron asked excitedly.

The others looked panicked, trapped between a deep seated fear of Ron and not wanting to upset their deity. Harry chuckled. “That sounds great, in fact, you boys should sing christmas carols the whole night through. How about it?” 

“Brilliant idea, my lord! Alright then, let us start from the top!”

Harry slammed the door shut as the first discordant notes of Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer began to fill the air outside. Thankfully, with the door closed, Harry could only barely hear Ron loudly reciting the lyrics.

He shook his head as he returned to the living room, where everyone was cuddled up around the tv. 

“Who was it?” Angelina asked as she took some popcorn from the bowl on Fleur's lap.

“Just some carolers.” Harry said as he wedged himself into his spot between Hermione and Gabby. Rose was on the floor between his legs, and she quickly took his cock into her mouth and began nursing on it softly.

They were all together, as a family, including Molly, completely nude and partaking in their time honored tradition of watching as the girls dusted off the old gamecube and held a Pokemon Colosseum tournament.

Right now, Jamie and Dora were playing, and the older sibling was not having a great time.

“That's not fair! You used spore again!”

“We never established sleep clause on this, Dora.” Jamie reminded her smugly.

Dora groaned. “Whatever, you little brat, my calm mind Espeon is gonna sweep the shit out of you!”

Harry didn't know much about the game, but from what Gabby was whispering, Dora was not, in fact, going to sweep the shit out of Jamie.

Around him, the ladies were making bets on who would win the tournament as they poured themselves copious amounts of eggnog. Harry smiled contentedly as Rose suckled on his semi-erect cockhead. He noticed that Lily and Jewel had gone off somewhere, both having already been eliminated, but he didn't think much of it.

The two youngest returned just as Dora smashed her controller in frustration as Jamie's Metagross meteor mashed through her last pokemon.

“What have you two been up to?” Victoire asked suspiciously as she snuggled deeper into her seat, which was her grandmother’s soft body.

Jewel and Lily shared knowing looks. “Nothin’.” Lily said as the two girls couldn't help but giggle.

“What did you do now?” Roxanne asked. Ever since Jewel had started living with them, she and Lily had turned into quite the pair of annoying little troublemakers.

“Nothing. Now scoot over.” Jewel insisted.

Victoire and Roxanne knew something was up, but the two hadn't brought anything with them, so whatever dumb prank they'd come up with, it wasn't an immediate issue.

Roxanne stepped up to play Jamie in the final as Jewel plopped down on her vacated seat and Lily sat on her lap.

As the final got underway, no one really noticed the strange aroma that wafted into the room. Everyone did notice how horny they were getting, but they were always horny, so that was nothing new.

It came to a head when Harry was no longer content to have Rose sucking at his cock, even as the girl was now enthusiastically bobbing her head up and down on his shaft.

Harry grabbed her roughly by her hair and pulled her off. He meant to lift her onto his cock, but Gabrielle was quicker, and his veela lover pounced on his hard cock.

“Auntie!” Rose whined as Gabby sank all the way down Harry's shaft and began shaking her ass as she bounced on his lap.

“I know you did something.” Victoire accused Lily and Jewel before Apolline plunged three fingers into her cunt and the teen threw her head back in pleasure. Lily and Jewel giggled as they turned to each other and began kissing, grinding their pussies together.

Harry got a facefull of tit and needed a few moments to realize it was Hermione's. Gabrielle moaned wantonly as she rode his cock. Rose had her face buried in the veela's cheeks as she plunged her tongue into her rosebud as a form of retaliation, thought it wasn't much in the way of revenge.

What happened next shocked Harry. Having a resistance built up from years and years of constant sex, he was first taken by surprise when Gabby suddenly seized up above him in orgasm, and then Harry felt his balls contract as he let loose, shooting off inside of her in under thirty seconds.

“What happened?” He asked as Gabby gasped and panted.

“My nipple are so hard it almost hurts.” Abeli said, holding up one of her breasts with her hand while Molly sucked on the other.

“Something's happening, this all feels a bit weird.” Hermione said between moans as Ginny ate her out.

“It was them!” Roxanne pointed an accusing finger form in front of the tv while Jamie sucked on her neck. “Those two brats did something.”

Jewel and Lily were too wrapped up in each other to look guilty, but everyone instantly knew the two brats were behind it.

“Oh they're gonna get a talking to.” Harry said as his cock flopped out of Gabby's pussy. He made to stand up and charge down the two girls, but he was tackled once more, this time by Fleur.

“I do not care what they did, my pussy is hungry and it needs you, my love.”

Before he could protest, Fleur had shoved one of her breasts in his face, and bucked on him as wildly as her younger sister had. Fleur was bigger and thicker than petite little Gabby, and Harry had a strange thought that the Delacour women lined up next to each other looked like the evolutionary stages in the girl’s little game.

Fleur fucked him hard and rough, and then she went even harder, until Harry felt himself falling backwards as the sofa tipped back and crashed onto the floor.

Bodies fell but never ceased their activities, only adjusted them. Fleur's full weight was atop Harry, her tits smothering his face as she didn't stop slamming her hips down and taking his cock in her cunt. Just like with Gabby, they both came quickly, though Fleur continued slamming her hips down on his pelvis right on through her guts being filled with Harry's seed.

Fleur would have kept going indefinitely if she wasn't dragged off Harry by Apolline, who was about to take over for her daughter when she was tackled by Emma and Abeli, both of whom wanted to sit on his cock next.

It was Rose who beat them all to it, splitting her underage pussy with her father's large cock.

Things became a flurry afterwards, a mess of limbs and gushing pussies filled with cum, only to be replaced by another one. 

When madness finally left them and Harry regained his senses, he had an exhausted Ginny laying atop him, he was surrounded by a pile of bodies, and he could faintly hear the notes of Frosty the Snowman wafting in through the window.

Jewel and Lily received quite the scolding after their little experiment with magical pheromones was uncovered, but the results of their action stuck.

Weeks after that fateful night, the ladies all started getting sick around the same time. They also received letters form the girls at Hogwarts, letting them know that they were experiencing the same thing.

They'd all gotten pregnant at the exact same time, even the youngest girls had a bun in the oven. Well, some of them had several, as the pheromones had led to Fleur, Emma and Roxanne being pregnant with twins, while Molly's fertility had cursed her with quadruplets.

Abeli and Appoline had taken it upon themselves to shop around for a new home to accomodate their now gargantuan family. Harry had daydreamed about buying the old Malfoy manor and having it demolished, but the girls had made him see sense, and they were in the process of building an estate on a large plot of land on the outskirts of Hogsmeade.

September first had come and gone with none of the girls able to go to Hogwarts. They'd likely not return to the school until Halloween at the earliest. They were within a week of going into labor.

Harry was sitting at the kitchen counter, sipping on some tea as he found himself hypnotized by Molly's thick ass as she busied herself in the kitchen making snacks. Harry wasn't so cruel as to make a woman carrying his child work, but Molly insisted on it. She had gone through seven pregnancies, and she was set in her ways.

His wives and daughters, though, were a completely different story. They were all laid out on the couch, feet up as they watched a program on the telly.

Molly finished the treats and Harry prepared to levitate the trays over to the living room when a flurry of owls entered through the windows.

“What's going on?” Molly asked in confusion.

One of the owls was expected, dropping off the morning edition of the Prophet with a headline about the Demon of Flanders becoming the deadliest hit wizard in all of Europe.

Harry was proud of Ron, even if they'd had to Imperious him so he could pass the written portion of his entrance exam.

But the rest? The rest were a bunch of letters. A bunch of very disconcerting letters.

Harry rushed into the living room, and the girls instantly knew he was stressed about something.

“What happened, daddy?” Dora asked. “You look like you've seen a ghost."

“This.” Harry held up a letter. “Is from Roger and Cho. They say Laura is pregnant and they know I'm the father.”

The girls all grinned. 

“You think this is funny? I've got half a dozen more just like it!”

Abeli turned to Apolline. “We may need to look into increasing the footprint of that home. Perhaps we can buy out additional plots?”

Victoire smirked at her sisters. “I told you the baby shower would work.”

They all chatted on while Harry looked at them in disbelief. After a moment, he sighed and went back to the kitchen, he'd need to find his good pen, he'd be drafting replies all afternoon.




James Trammell

What a great ending to such a whacky story! Thanks for writing it. Keep up the great work!


Awesome ending!