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I don't think this will affect things much, but my laptop just died and I wont be getting one for a little bit, so I'll be posting stuff on mobile for the foreseeable future. Biggest impact will probably be that I won't be able to bold/format stuff as easily and won't have the patreon spell-check (which is way better than google docs for some reason) so maybe even more grammatical errors?


The coven made their way out onto the grounds, ready to officially induct Fleur into the group.

"Lavender, you're not part of the coven, you can't just tag along!" Daphne scolded the blonde irritably.

Lavender looked determined, "Oh yeah, what if I just keep following you guys? I'll be like a kneazle that just shows up in your house and doesn't leave!"

"The difference is, I'd feel guilty hitting a kneazle with a depulso." Angelina twirled her wand, "You, on the other hand…"

Lavender ran over to Susan, lacing her fingers with the redhead’s as she squeezed her hand tight. She waved her wand over their joined hands while muttering an incantation. "Hah! I just used a sticking charm on our hands. Now there's no way you can get rid of me!"

Fleur raised an eyebrow. "Sticking charms can be undone, easily."

Susan pulled her hand away from Lavender's, wriggling her fingers as she held her hand up for all to see. "The charm didn't even work."

"Lavender, you really need some tutoring." Daphne said, a hint of worry in her voice. "That's a second year charm."

"How bout you guys tutor me? I can help Bella become a good teacher!"

Bellatrix's eye twitched. "I'm an excellent teacher."

They stopped at the trapdoor to their own little den of iniquity.

The girls paused, unsure on whether they should open up with Lavender there.

Harry sighed. "Girls, just let her in for now."

Lavender squealed in delight. "I knew I'd get in!"

Harry sent her a stern look. "It doesn't mean you're in the coven, Lavender. Now come on, it's cold as hell out here."

The thought struck Bellatrix that no one chose to challenge Harry on allowing the idiot blonde into their home, and it showed that no matter what power struggles might take place, Harry was firmly in control of the coven, of all of them.

It was a thought that made her wet almost instantly. Her man was powerful and commanding, no matter how oversized the girl's personalities were.

They descended into their new home. Fleur and Lavender took it all in, and Tonks seemed a bit nervous as Fleur eyed the hodgepodge that was the living room.

"We just got done decorating, it needs a few tweaks."

Nymphadora squeaked as Harry smacked her in the ass.

"Eyes on the prize, Tonksie." Harry said before he grabbed onto Lavender's arm, pulling the excited girl to a corner of the room.

Harry put both hands on her shoulders and looked the blonde dead in the eyes. "You're staying here, and you're not moving an inch, understood? This is Fleur's moment. If you take a single step, you're never getting into the coven. Understood?"

Lavender's eyes widened at Harry's authoritative tone. "Y-Yes."

Harry smiled. "Good."

The other girls had formed a circle around Fleur, who stood in the middle of the room, running her hands down the sides of her pencil skirt as she felt like a doe being encircled by a pack of rabid wolves.

Fleur was no doe, though.

"Shall I shed my clothing, then?" She inquired with a raised eyebrow, cutting her allure loose. "Or will you do it for me?"

Harry and Lily were easily able to let the allure brush off of them. There was something about that Evans bloodline.

Bellatrix could have easily used her occlumency to push it away, but she didn't want to. She let herself be overwhelmed by the allure. The other girls stood no chance, falling fully under Fleur's spell.

Lavender was assaulted by the allure as well, and the girl showed a surprising amount of willpower and restraint, keeping herself from sprinting over to Fleur. She grit her teeth and clenched her fists, knowing she couldn't throw away her shot at being a part of the coven.

No one was bearing witness to Lavender's herculean effort, because they were all focused on a single sexy blonde.

Harry stepped forward and grabbed at Fleur's collar. The two shared an intense look, emerald boring into sapphire blue as Harry pushed just the tiniest bit of magic onto his finger tips.

Harry tugged, and Fleur's shirt was ripped off, revealing her tattooed torso, covered now only by her lacy black bra.

No one said a word. The girls moved forward as a single unit, as a hive-mind. Susan's hands were tugging at the strap of her bra on one side while Angelina's were doing the same on the other.

Lily was slowly pulling her pencil skirt down her shapely legs while Daphne trailed kisses down her back, stopping at each tattoo she saw to give it a light peck.

Bellatrix stepped up behind her, and Fleur didn't even budge as the dark haired witch spread her wonderful asscheeks apart, squeezing them hard as she began to kiss her puckered hole.

Nymphadora ran the back of her hand down Fleur's jawline, pure lust on her face as she surged forward and claimed her lips in a hungry, searing kiss.

Harry watched on as the girls began nipping and licking at Fleur. Susan had one perfect pink nipple between her lips, tenderly sucking on her stiff peak while Angelina was being a bit more rough, squeezing Fleur's perfect mound as she took as much of it as she could inside her mouth.

Nym was shoving her tongue down Fleur's throat. Bella was behind her, tongue deep in her tight little rosebud. Daphne and Lily were kneeling in front of her. Daphne had delicately folded over one of Fleur's beautiful petals, her tongue lathering its tender flesh with loving, deliberate licks. Lily, for her part, had gone right for the prize, placing her mouth over Fleur's succulent peach, suckling on her clit with a growing hunger.

Harry and Fleur locked eyes, even as Nym kissed her, even as Bella rimmed her and Susan started rubbing her nose on her armpit.

The girls were all in a trance. The more they tasted of Fleur, the more desperate they became for a bigger taste. Angelina fell to the floor to suck one of the veela's toes into her mouth, Bella had gone from a light lick to having her entire face buried in Fleur's perfect bum, licking away with abandon. Nym broke the kiss to suck desperately at Fleur's neck.

And the entire way through, Fleur and Harry never took their eyes away from each other. Harry removed his clothing, letting his underwear fall to allow his hard cock to bob out in front of him, leaking precum in anticipation.

Fleur was their treasure. She was the coven's queen, a goddess for them all to worship.

Harry smirked.

"But I'm the king."

Fleur's eyes widened slightly before she smiled, tilting her head to the side as Tonks pressed her nose against her neck.

"Then claim me, my king."

Harry didn't tell the girls to move. He wanted them to stay there. They were a coven, and they were going to fuck Fleur as a coven.

It should have been awkward for him to find room among the mass of bodies that surrounded Fleur, but he actually slotted in quite nicely. Lily and Daphne wrapped their arms around his legs while continued their worship of Fleur’s cunt, though Lily did move her head out of the way, leaving the veela’s clit alone and deciding to mirror Daphne, sucking her outer labia into her mouth.

No one had to speak. Angelina, Nymphadora, Bellatrix and Susan all grabbed onto Fleur, lifting her up just enough for Harry to be able to line his cock up with her entrance.

Harry could hear whimpering and soft schlicking from the side as Lavender fingered her cunt, still not daring to move from her spot, but needing to release some of the tension she felt.

“ ‘Arry.” Fleur put on her old french accent as she looked at him through hooded eyes, “You are about to take a veela’s maidenhood, and yet, you are distracted?”

Harry shook his head. “Just savoring the moment.”

With Daphne and Lily’s mouths holding Fleur open, Harry placed his head against her wet heat. It was a singular moment, not just for him, but for all of them, and Harry could feel the anticipation reach a crescendo.

“Merlin, just push in already!” Angelina slapped him hard in the ass and Harry surged forward, sliding into the silkiest, most perfectly snug cunt he had ever felt.

Harry groaned in overwhelming pleasure, though he was happy to see that Fleur was no longer able to remain stoic. Her perfect, pouty lips formed a small 'O' as she moaned silently.

She looked so fucking good. The tattoos covering her body only enhanced her perfection.

Bella had moved from behind her and was now mirroring Tonks, sucking on the side of her neck. Susan and Angelina each had a perfect pink nipple in their mouths, and Daphne and Lily were now kissing her inner thighs as Harry slowly began to move.

Something was helping Fleur's body slide down on his shaft. Maybe it was magic, maybe the girls were all so synchronized that they were able to rock her perfectly against his engorged member.

Harry didn't know and he didn't care. Right now, his entire world was that perfect cunt encasing his cock and those sapphire blue eyes that stared back at him.

Fleur closed her eyes as Harry grabbed onto her hips and continued stroking. He looked at the two runes tattoed on the back of her eyelids, wondering what they meant. He wondered what each and every one of her tattoos meant.

He would make sure to find out. Take the time to know every single inch of Fleur Delacour, from head to toe.

They were sawing back and forth now, and the girl's frenzied sucking at Fleur's body only intensified as the veela's cunt began emitting even more powerful pheromones. Pheromones that made Harry's cock that much harder.

Fleur's pussy hummed, it vibrated at a sublime wavelength. Her heat was smoldering. Burning hot magma that seeked to melt his cock down. There was a tingling that sprang from his crotch but was spreading throughout his entire body, rapidly rising up his nervous system and reaching his brain.

His senses exploded. Colors seemed brighter, Fleur looked even more gorgeous that she had before, there was an overwhelming sense of euphoria along with a comfortable numbness that settled in over the edges.

“Woah! Your pupils are huge!” Nym's voice echoed inside his brain, both far away and extremely close at the same time.

Harry blinked as things kicked up a notch. Everything began to have its own glow. He looked into Fleur's eyes, deep oceans of blue that he felt himself falling into.

“Veela are magical creatures,” She said smugly, though Harry could hear how labored her breathing was, and her own pupils were massively dilated. “Our sex is not just normal sex. It is something much greater.”

Harry's cock did feel like it was melting, his entire body felt like it too. He thrust into her, and it was like he could visualize every mechanism, every single twitch of a muscle, from his heel up to his glutes and abdomen, every firing of a nerve ending that resulted in him driving his cock deep into Fleur's heavenly embrace.

Sex with a veela was not normal. Sex with a veela was a drug.

The only consolation for Harry was that whatever he was feeling, Fleur was feeling it too. Her eyes were twitching, lips hung open as the girls continued to taste her body. The girls were like zombies, whatever Fleur had triggered, it was affecting them. At a much lesser extent than him, but it still was.

“Fuck!” Lily groaned as she rubbed her face onto Fleur's folds, collecting droplets of dew into her open mouth, “This beats Flamel's Wine by a mile and a half.”

Harry stroked in and out of Fleur, and it was like his soul was threatening to fly off his body with each hammering blow. Fleur mewled and moaned, her voice music that exploded like fireworks of color into Harry's vision.

“I-I finally get to use this.” The blonde said through lidded eyes, sneaking her hand down her body until her fingers reached the tattoo right above her pelvis.

The mandala flower over her pubic mound.

Fleur tapped it with a dainty finger, and the tattoo began to glow.

Harry's world exploded. The slow train his consciousness had boarded while fucking Fleur suddenly zipped off into the stratosphere, bursting into outer space.

He suddenly found himself inside of a barn. He was sitting on an old stool. He could feel the rough wood up against his naked bum, his pants bunched up at his ankles. He heard the huffing and neighing of horses and could smell the slightest hint of dirt and something a bit less appealing.

But those were only background notes, because kneeling in front of him was a redheaded milk-maiden guzzling up his cock as she kneaded her massive tits.

Harry stared down at the meek little redhead who looked up at him with such loving eyes. He was the master's son, and he had taken advantage of his standing to seduce this milk maiden, and she had proven to be quite an enthusiastic lover.


She slobbered on his cock with great enthusiasm and love, pushing her tits up against his shaft. Harry would take her to his bed soon, fill her with his seed and put those tits to goo-

The music was pounding. Harry could barely hear his own thoughts over the thundering bass that made his teeth rattle.

A shot glass was shoved in his face and Harry threw it back. Everyone in the club cheered around them as he continued to pound the pink-haired girl with the mohawk from behind.

Blokes were slapping Harry on the back as the DJ turned the beat up, the bass so strong it shook their bodies, but Harry never stopped fucking the sexy punk girl who's skirt was hiked all the way up, revealing her succulent ass for all to see.

They could see, but only Harry could touch and feel her wonderful pussy. She grabbed a bottle from behind the bar and threw her head back as she chugged, though most of the alcohol missed her mouth, streaming down her face and neck and soaking her tight black shirt.

Harry reached out and squeezed one of her ripened tits.

He'd bee-

He'd be an idiot to say no, even if they'd just gotten done with an exhausting workout and her body was glistening with sweat.

They were under the bleachers and her joggers peeled off easily. Both hands went to her fat ass as he pulled her towards him and dived face first into her creamy pussy.

“Oh, yeah! Fuck yes!”

His friends would never believe him. The star of the track team, the most popular girl in school, had caught him staring at her ass during a meet. But instead of being disgusted, she had called him over, and now Harry was squeezing his crush's bum while he licked her all ov-

He was terrified for his life. He'd been caught, and the more he struggled the more tangled in her web he became.

“What a scrumptious meal.” The silky voice of the spider hissed as she approached him.

His eyes widened as her voluptuous body drew larger and larger. His traitorous body played right into her hands, and her violet eyes lit up with evil glee as she pounced on him.

He tried to scream, but his mouth was trapped behind the same silk prison as the rest of his body. She cackled as one of her spidery limbs punched through his binding and latched onto his crotch.

She began to stroke his traitorous hardness, her smile turning more and more malicious as pre-cum leaked from his glans. He struggled again for freedom, but her web was strong and secure.

Escape was impossible.

He gasped as she sank onto his cock, her many arms tearing through his silk prison and roaming all over his body.

She rode him for all he was worth, uncaring of his protests and his cries for mercy. She was desperate to milk his cock, her seductive voice sending chills down his spine.

“You will fertilize my eggs, oh yes you will. I will never let you go, you will remain in my web, breeding me unti-

He was in a warm, loving embrace.

“You've had a long day, honey. Just relax, let mommy take care of you.”

He buried his head in her lush red hair. She smelled so wonderful, so comforting, she smelled like security, like love, she smelled like home.

He moaned into her hair as she continued to jerk his cock. They were in the tub, the water to their chests. Her breasts were halfway submerged, allowing him to see the tops of her hard, pink nipples. He reached out and squeezed, reveling in his mother's moans.

“Mommy loves you, Harry.”

That was the last thing she said before dipping her head down and taking his cockhead into her mouth, Harry melted into her body as she nursed on hi-

He was sitting on a porch, smiling at the beautiful blue eyes of the woman in the rocking chair next to his.

In front of them lay a vast, verdant field. Their vision was not what it had been, but they could see the faint outlines of their great-grandchildren as they played and they frolicked. They could hear the laughted along with the cries over scraped knees and horseplay.

Their hands were clasped together. Hers were riddled with signs of age, spots and wrinkles and the frailty that only came after a long, eventful life. His hands were much the same.

Yet, through all the ravages of time, their love burned bright, brighter than it ever had, and his heart still thumped against his chest the same as it had all those decades ago when he saw her smiling face.

It had been a hundred years, time had taken its toll on both of them. They did not have much longer to go.

And yet, time was powerless against them. Because, when their foreheads touched and the tips of their noses rubbed, time stood still.

Harry felt tears well up in his eyes as his loving wife touched his face.



He snapped back to his body. The world looked as if it was settling in, merging back into itself. For a moment, he couldn't remember a single thing, not even his own name.

Then everything came crashing back, he was inside of Fleur, and the tattooed beauty's head was lolled off to the side. The girls were barely able to hold her up, all of them looking equally exhausted.

He had no clue what had just happened, couldn't even remember it, but he knew it was profound.

He glanced down at their crotches and blanched as he saw copious amounts his cum dripping from her pussy. He had ejaculated in her more than once, more than a few times, probably.

Fleur's mandala was still glowing, and he could see colours still flitting around in his vision. He focused on the sensation of her pussy as it squeezed his shaft, the feeling of his blazing rod ramming into her quivering lips. His cock was sensitive but Harry still wanted that final peak, he wanted to be aware as his balls churned and emptied their contents inside of the blonde.

He thrust one last time and managed it, shooting his seed deep inside of Fleur's pussy. The veela writhed against him and the girls, and they all just moaned and kissed languidly as they fell to the floor slowly.



Please don’t include Lavender… she’s so annoying