Update (Patreon)
Good morning, everyone
Firstly Thank you all for being amazing and keeping with me. I apologise for the lack of content this month; my brain hasn’t been with it because I just been trying to keep everything going where I live. Currently as you know I live in a campervan. This time of year is especially tough as its colder and painful to say the least, health is deteriorating too which isn’t good so I am looking into rental spots in a home so I can finally get my health in check and go back to rented accommodation until things start to clear up. This will also allow me to draw more and engage with people more too. Again, I am sorry for my problems I hope I don’t lose too many people as Patreon is going to help me find my next accommodation hopefully or at least some of it.
Thankyou all Sweet beans. Hopefully I am back to my normal giddy self soon