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Hi Guys

as you are paying to see me art you have a right to know whats going on <3

alot of things are changing, I am single, and well thats effected me, I am living in my van which has also effected me and I got a different job which hammers me 12-14 hours a day for 5 days monday to friday, so that has also changed me, unfortunately to keep up with debts and on going money situations I have had to take on very hard labour in order to succeed in making abit more funds to create a cushion incase things go south quickly here in the uk. I have decided to only do art on patreon now, I will no longer be uploading on FA so all you furs will get all the art I post, I will only be drawing stuff I want and patreon commissions that are overdue and upcoming. those who have commissions with me already know the plan :)

I feel more like I should be free artistically instead of a closed up artist having to do commissions to keep going. i prefer to have my own freedom when it comes to drawing and this is a big decision on my end. I have just got a huge bill of £320 to pay and I can finally get back to drawing more so I am going to work more and draw this weekend. then do some drawing in the evenings of next week for all you guys <3

thankyou for sticking with me

love ya



Don't worry about us! I know comissions are paid and stuff but you can't relay on comissions only these Days. Im Fine with waiting for my art as long as you are happy and Save. This might sound a bit selfish in some kind of twisted way but i support you so i can see more art in the future, doesn't need to be art every day, its even better if its not ever day i love suprises and every art i get noticed of is an big suprise for me and most times really cute and/or funny.


I’m so sorry to hear that :( and I hope that things start to improve for you! We’re here for you and we look forward to updates to hear that you’re doing better


You hang in there, we are all here for you!


I know this is an old post, but it's been sticking in my brain, make sure you don't totally stop posting on FA, that is how I found out you exist. I don't think any of us mind if some old stuff from Patreon eventually makes it on to FA as long as we get some exclusives and obviously earlier access :)