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Hey guys! I was initially planning to deactivate my Patreon as I'm in my final year of uni and no longer have time to do Patreon exclusive content. After some thought and some very kind messages from patrons who've wanted to continue supporting me, I've decided to keep my patreon up as a sort of tip jar. 

I'd like to emphasise that there is no need to remain a patron if you don't want to, again there will be no exclusive content or extra perks for the near future, this page will simply be a way to support me and my work should you feel so inclined. Thank you so much for for your support thus far and to those who choose to remain patrons, thank you as well.

The Patreon really helps me to take care of myself financially while I'm unable to channel as much time into nsfw art. I hope you all are well and thanks again.

To continue viewing my new art please consider following me over on twitter: https://twitter.com/KiddeathxSmut

Also please let me know if you'd guys like me to continue posting my works over here as well for those who don't use twitter.

