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Hey guys I wanted to hear your guy's suggestions for any possible goals I should set for my page, I'm really unsure myself and want to be careful not to promise anything I can't deliver, but I'd love to hear what goals would interest you guys! (maybe setting a goal to help me finish a certain horror comic I've left on hiatus for a couple years???) Lemme hear your ideas!



horror comic page for months where you're good! maybe a goal of (1) RPG thief versus Patreon Monster Choice for months where things are tough :P


This is super no shade but I think you should switch to a bimonthly art pack. In the past you've gotten burnt out really quickly and keeping up with your patreon seems to be a proirity to you. So, rather than burn yourself out again trying to get a bunch of pieces done each month only to start all over again, you could try to get pieces done over two months time. You would be far less stressed i think. Plus if you find that you have more time on your hands you could also do commission streams. Just my two cents. You're mental health is important too!