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Hey guys, just another little teaser update. This time we're talking about Esther, one of the main heroines of the game.

Originally, Esther was meant to be more of a background character who had one or two scenes to kind of spice things up while the protagonist progressed with the main heroine, Saphira, but I've decided to expand her role and give her a proper story of her own and her own routes.

Esther's general body proportions and everything else have stayed the same from the demo, but her outfit has had a bit of a rework to make it more thematic as well as make sense for some of the future scenes we're cooking up.

Going forward, Esther will act as the teacher character the player can interact with on a daily basis, which will give the player some helpful tutorials and lore about the world, but mostly so the player can advance her story with the main character and explore potential NTR routes with the various villains.

All the heroines will have one, two, or more villain routes they can progress through, and the player is free to initiate those routes at their leisure.

The main route for Esther at this stage is still the route with Uncle Albus, but it will be fleshed out more to give a better sense of progression from ice block to melted puddle, if you know what I mean.

And that's all for now. Thanks for your time and continued support. The next teaser update should be more about some of the planned changes to Saphira regarding her design and routes.




She looks awesome! Maybe one of the villains could be another student/bully type that goes for her.