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Hey, cultured gamers! We realized we haven't really made many mentions about the combat with these little teasers and updates, so we thought we'd throw a bone.

The combat has been reworked quite a bit, as there were a few problems with the previous combat system and it felt a bit overcomplicated, and while visually in game it was serviceable, under the hood it was quite a nightmare.

All of the lewd events during combat will play out as mini-scenes with a bit of dialogue using images similar to the one above, and we're looking for ways to add some interactivity for the player to respond based on whether they're going the NTR or NTS routes.

For the next few updates, the corruption system for combat is going to be unrestricted, so players can enjoy some of the lewder stuff as the main story and routes are being developed.

Anyway, that's all for now. The update is coming along at a slow and steady pace, and there'll be more news on that soon.

Once again, thank you all for your amazing support! - The Cultured Gamers




Wait, is the combat still like Karryn's Prison? because that's thats aspect of the game that I love the most!


Yeah it'll still be like that It's just karryn's prison system is great for when you are that one character but that system didn't quite work 100% when you have multiple characters which led to some problems.