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Strange Dogs

We're back and war has been raging with Marco coming out victorious more than once.

The new Roci crew are also dealing with the pressures of 187 days of constant conflict.

The is the final season! How do they wrap up all the threads?!?!

Let's go!


The Expanse 6x1 long

Thank you Patrons!


T. Arnold Ferguson

It was disappointing that Dawes never reappeared on the show after his initial appearances in the first two seasons. Jared Harris loved the show and would liked to have returned. The problem was that he’s such a good actor that he’s in high demand, and wasn’t able to fit it into his schedule. The producers thought they had a solution for him ittoo appear n S6. They wrote a scene in which Dawes would meet with Drummer. They planned to fly Harris into Toronto and shoot the scene in one day. Unfortunately this happened during the COVID epidemic when Canada was requiring a two-week quarantine for people entering the country…thereby killing a good plan. As far as wrapping up all the threads, remember this season ends with book 6.. There are 3 more novels in The Expanse story. So,... 🚀 And don't forget the bonus videos under the X-Ray content.

Heather Reasby

Regarding the question about the standard compliment of a ship of the Rocinante's class: The Rocinante's normal crew complement was well over a dozen navy personnel and officers, and on many missions the ship would also carry at least six marines. As a Corvette-class frigate, the ship was capable of housing thirty Martian officers and crew during its operation with the MCRN. Marco reminds me a lot of Robert Baratheon from Game of Thrones. He wanted the power and to "save" the kingdoms from the Mad King, but he doesn't understand that with that power comes the responsibility of taking care of the people and providing decent rulership. Dany was just starting to figure out what that looks like when the show went all character assassination on her... But, yeah. Marco doesn't want to be a leader. He wants to be the "strong man".

Heather Reasby

This is a deep dive a great Youtube channel did into the Roci that you might enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBVIq5zbAmc Also, I know there have been a few times that you've had questions about scale of ships in the show. This video from the same channel might help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERqBIsta_iE