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This show is so intense, I'm going gray!
Everyone is in danger (haha, what else is new) But they're really in danger and on their own. I need them back together, but how???

Buckle up, y'all. I need hugs.


The Expanse 5x6 | Full Episode Watch Along

Thank you Patrons!


T. Arnold Ferguson

Cara Gee (Drummer) and Keon Alexander (Marco) have been good friends for years, having grown up in the same town and attending the same high school. He was even at her wedding. We’ve previously mentioned that Cara was eight months pregnant when this season was filmed. Keon says that Car “plays dirty.” He says, when they filmed their face-to-face confrontation aboard the Pella, she kept running into him with her baby bump while he was trying to look menacing.

Tony Camas

The thing about Season 5 is that, while it moves at what many would consider a glacial pace, that pace affords extra time to really delve into the characters in this story, which I think are among its biggest strengths. Actually, I'm a "character first" kinda guy in general, so I am always in favor of slowing things down to spend more time with the personalities. Ironically, the book Season 5 is based on, "Nemesis Games," is widely regarded as one of the best books of the series, I think mainly because of this focus on character. I say "ironically" because Season 5 itself -- the TV version of Nemesis Games -- seems to be a bit polarizing. You could say that this is because it diverges from the book more than previous seasons have, and there is some truth to that, but I think it's more because it's harder to do character pieces in a visual medium, where your audience doesn't have the same direct access to what's going on in the characters' heads that they do with a written story. I also think that a lot of the core audience for TV "genre" material is conditioned to expect and appreciate action-packed adventure in the mode of Star Trek or Star Wars or any number of MCU stories, so it can be kind of risky to present more cerebral stuff (or political stuff, the other thing The Expanse likes to do) to that audience. There is plenty of audience for that sort of thing out there in TV Viewerland, but they are all watching different stuff; it's hard to convince them to watch a space show. If you can get them hooked, though, my experience is that people who don't generally like sci-fi often fall hard for this show. And why wouldn't they? It's so smart and well-written, I'd put it up against any show, mainstream or genre. The storytelling is top notch. The more I see (and rewatch) Season 5, the more I appreciate it. Hope you're enjoying it too, Anna.