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We meet Timothy and see a wee bit of the life he left behind. Alex is putting himself in a risky situation, and an unknown is experimenting with the protomolecule. What else is new?

Strap up your boots and let's go!


The Expanse 5x2 | Full Episode Watch Along

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I am so confused with what is happening in the belt. Has everyone gone rouge now??


im not entirely sure how it really is in the show, but there are the belters working on Ceres, Tycho, Ganymede, Hygiea, on Pallas and so on, and then there are belter pirates picking on ships in the outer planets (preferably inners) who dont really care if "the belters" have a truce with the Inners. The official arms of the OPA (Fred, Dawes etc) can only control so much and cant really do much against the constant element of crime and black marcket things that go on in any nation/government/whatever. Also i think that inside the belter nation the belter Factions still exsist (like the ones that voted wheter or not to space Marco) and Drummer is now building her own faction. (more to be seen.) Thats my guess anyway. And of course now there is Marco stirring the pot...


Drummer has put together or joined what we call the Polyam fam! (Polyamorous family). This was a story line in the books and was so interesting to see! She is carving out her own fortune with two ships at the moment, the Mowteng and the DeWalt (which always makes me laugh when I see DeWalt equipment!) As you might imagine, Marco did not exactly broadcast what happened with Ashford but its been a long time since anyone heard from the Tynan so now she has discovered the ship. Let's see what happens next! And I LOVE the scenes with Monica in the shipping container!! That was some masterful filming there with all three dimensions in zero G. Fantastic story telling!


id say that the fam is a polyam is still a bit of a spoiler at this point hehe