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Triple Point

What is happening on the Agatha King??? And Strickland and Mao must be stopped! I could add more exclaimation points, but there's isn't enough time!!!

I hope you're all synced up. My cocktail is ready and the ice is melting, so let's go!



The Expanse 3x5 | Full Episode Watch Along

Thank you Patrons!



Hey Anna Alexander, how would you describe the show "The Expanse"? Anna Alexander: Tense!

Deana DeWall

You're the first reactor (that I've watched) that actually caught the reference "Triple Point" which is the title of this episode, "Intense emotion, Politics and Luck". Captain Kirino of the Hammurabi is the hero of this episode. RIP Souther (who wasn't on the Agatha King in the book, and didn't die).