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All factions are represented in one ship sharing the same goal- How to stop the war. How do they stop this war?? Especially now when it seems as if Errinwright is acting untouchable?

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The Expanse 3x4 | Full Episode Watch Along

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T. Arnold Ferguson

I've wondered the same about the results of the "Eros Trial." however, they never said there was going to be a trial It was referred to as the "Eros Hearings." Not sure how that explains it, though with an imminent war, I assume some things got tabled for the time being. By the way, episodes 5 and 6 are the end of Book 2, and should preferably be watched together.

Deana DeWall

Chrisjen gave Holden a back channel to send the vid to Anna, so Errinwright wouldn't see it. Bobbie saves everyone and Drummer is back again, though briefly. Yay!