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Hey, guys!  How've you been doing?

It's nearing the end of January already and I wanted to find out what you guys wanted to see for next month!  This project I'm currently working on has been pretty ambitious, but it's been fun and I've been learning a good deal from it!

But feel free to drop a comment below and let me know what you're wanting me to make for February.  Thanks for your support, everyone!




Perhaps something with Samson Strong? :)


Hmm how about your barbarians in modern world and the only way home is by beating a modern opponent or zues summons 2 wrestlers for his entertainment the win goes home but the other remains zues sex servant


I’d like to see Zangief again! It’s been two years without our Russian bear in the ring


Alliance vs Horde tag team


Seeing some orcs and tauren wreck some puny humans would be amazing.

Darren F

Back to Muscle City!

James Armstrong

B. B. Wolf and the three pigs. / Goldilocks and the three bears.

Damion Andrew

I'm really never disappointed with your work so I'll take whatever but if you want suggestions: Darkseid getting a comeback would be great. Bane finally made it to Muscle City so seeing more of him would be great. Finally, anything a couple people mentioned Zangief and orcs. I would suggest combining the two. It'd make for some fun Crossovers. I am fan of all your work so I'll be happy with whatever. Can't wait to see what you make next 🥰🥰🥰


Wouldn’t mind seeing something featuring Samson Strong and Joey. Could be interesting. 😜

winter ace

Hm…. I’m wondering about a possible bar scene. Maybe like a tavern with orcs, or a regular bar fight with different human characters!


Tuskar is my favourite from your all characters and I should like to discover another part of his adventure in King Kugo's tribe wrestling by pure strength versus the blind wizard Wekesa. But it would be also interesting to present adventures in the West this time with American Native warriors wrestling each other or the son of the chief versus a young White cow-boy.


I’d like a visit to the World of the Defiant Prince or a Jungle Tale starring Korak or Kugo from The New Warriors 😁


Your comics are still THE BEST. I really enjoyed all the wrestling story arcs for Muscle City Wrestling and its wrestlers. Will there be a book or comic coming out?? Would love to see like a flowchart, links of timelines and wrestlers background.. More Alexi, Ryan etc. And Joey. But regardless, I am still going to enjoy anything you post. Hahaha

bob hope

Always love a good barbarian story, lol. Ignore me though, because that's just my preference for everything 🤤


Dreamboat, The twins, Mack, Brock! Haha just more of the other guys I love Ryan, Alexi, and Gorrilla but they're in the spotlight enough!


Another Greek one would be good with both Poseidon & Hades


Hercules going against Kugo or Bomani. Or a sequel to the Hercules beach brawl in which he meets Jabari. I would also like to see Nathan and Deshaun wrestling Gorilla and Goliath.


Wish we could see a stinkface match between the greek gods


Leaders of the pythons vs red scorpion final between them


Superman winning against darkseid


Ares challenging Zeus rule of Olympus