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Hey, everyone!  I wanna wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season!  Thanks to patron Ares for for the suggestion of Santa Samson and to my friend Sharlin for the term ringdeers!  And thanks to my friend, Perfect Slam, for his awesome Christmas wrestling ring!

And also a special thanks to you for your support and well-wishes and everything in this really trying year.  I'm very lucky to be well after everything I'd been through around this time last year and the months that followed.  You guys helped give me strength to get through that and I'm forever grateful.

Stay safe and may Santa give you everything you've wanted.

-Lucky 🎄🎅🏻

P.S.  --  I'll have December's Gold rewards ready to post soon.  One of which is a PDF adaptation (remastered images + alternate ending + new panels + text story pages) of Long Time Coming featuring Alexi and Samson and Hunter in the pic there.

I didn't have the time to change out Alexi's older model for the newer, but I think it still looks great and I'm really happy with how it looks.  I'm putting the finishing touches on it and one other thing I made.  I'll have more info on that soon! 🤠




Happy Holidays to you, be safe and enjoy 😉

Steven Cross

Merry Christmas, happy Holidays to you all, and we're honoured to support you Lucky <3 I hope you and yours (of everyone here) has a lovely day and stays safe <3