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Heya, guys.  How've you been doing?

I've been pretty well and feeling mostly back to normal again.  I had an MRI last Tuesday, just for a regular checkup, and will find out the results in a couple of days.  But I'm sure everything is fine. 😄  Thank you again for your well-wishes.  I always felt that they helped immensely.

But yeah!  I wanted to show Alexi's and Ryan's version 2 of their new models.  I drastically changed the faces and adjusted the hair some.  I'm really happy with how these look and hope you are, too.  I added in the previous versions behind them for comparison.

Also, coming in a week or so to the Gold tier, is a Halloween wrestling story starring a newcomer from a fairyland kingdom named Prince Charming facing off against my old orc OC, Gorg!  It was pretty fun to bring this arrogant powerhouse back with a fresh, new look.  I'd like to do another orc story sometime (along with a new jungle tale and another barbarian chronicle,) but I need to think of a good idea first. 😄

I have some time to do some extra stuff along with Monster City Wrestling, so stay tuned!

Thanks, everyone.  Take good care and I'll see you soon!



Steven Cross

Its great to hear you're feeling better and I've got everything crossed for the MRI results. And these look GREAT! Alexi and Ryan are sooo handsome and that Orc is stunning! That prince is in a loooooooot of big, sexy trouble!


I'm so glad you're doing well. This ordeal was intense but you pulled through. Anyway, I love the new models these 2 are my favorites and I can't wait to see those bulked orcs


Monsters are back! Glad you're doing well Lucky!

Damion Andrew

Glad to here your doing well Lucky. Gorg is back? The orc that puts the Gorg in Gorgeous. My loins are ready! Os the the official return of Supernatural elements returning to Muscle City? I can't wait!!

bob hope

They're looking good. I'm glad you're doing better!


Thank you. 🙂 The truly remarkable thing is that it seems like nothing happened to any of the rest of me, which I'm incredibly thankful for. I'll be thinking about how to use them going forward!


Thanks, Damion; I really appreciate it. I hope you guys are well, too. He is, indeed! The others are bursting at the seams to get back into action. And Halloween certainly does cast a spell over that place. 😄🎃