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Hey, everyone!  I've been working on this idea of doing an art pack dedicated to bearhugs for quite a while now.  Now that it's complete, I wanted to also share it with you guys here as my thanks for your support.

These images are non-canonical, not really fitting in with any stories in particular.  The images with Alexi and Ryan were originally going to have the Soviet hugging his Aussie rival, but I'm planning on making a "worlds collide" crossover soon with Gorilla, so I swapped him out for Ryan.  Those lovebirds hug quite frequently outside of the ring, so it's appropriate. :D

Also, I'd like to thank my friend, Perfect Slam, for contributing a few bearhugs of his own to this set.  You can find more of his works at his DA page here!

Thanks, you guys!  (Also, I have the PDF adaptation panels of Big Red in the Hood, including its rerenders and new panels complete.  I will be trying to get it out as soon as I can, but this month's new story will take priority for the moment!  Thanks for your patience.)

Attachment includes:

  • Art Pack Bearhugs #1 01-17
  • Art Pack Bearhugs #1 Alt 01-05
  • Art Pack Bearhugs #1 Perfect Slam 01-04




Can I save some of these for art refs I’ll credit you if I ever post em


Thank u

Steven Cross

Dear lord! This is great! THe dialogie, the poses, the muscle. All my yes! <3


Looking back I wonder if Talro and the king all related,might just be me that sees something there. Love that Ginger cop booty over the shoulder and Joeys like "can I come with?" Of course Conan and Hercules look good wet, especially Conans booty.