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After watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy and how much I enjoyed it I really wanted to pay Denise back for introducing me to such an incredible world. Gave it some thought and another trilogy came to mind that I know she hasn't seen and would absolutely love. Not only does it also star Andy Serkis and his amazing motion capture work but it is a tale that has some incredible deep themes worth talking about. The Planet of the Apes trilogy is coming to Patreon this month. For those who want to satisfy the itch for the epic genre Braveheart is coming this week and for all the monster lovers out there Shin Godzilla and Cloverfield are also on the roster! These and many more including our usual curveballs!


Stephen Caveney

Looking to of these, love 'em all. But I would like to pick on something you did earlier which I just researched- Lethal Weapon, their are still 3 other movies to view in this quadrilogy which are all equally brilliant. Messrs Gibson & Glover leave it all out their in movies 2,3 & 4. And they are still "too old for this shit". Please complete this wonderful quadrilogy, thanks.

Liam Kale

You can wait to Xmas time if you'd like or watch it now, definitely check out Violent Night

Stephen Caveney

Violent Night is super cool too.