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James Forrest

Hahaha :) At long last :) This is the kind of film I've been waiting for although I'd never seen Deadpool and enjoyed the Hell out of it :) But this is such a classic, such a masterpiece, that this will be an absolute pleasure to watch alongside you guys! It helps that I've got my work done for the day haha!


Hell yeah! Glad we got something that's right up your alley! Also it's fantastic to hear you've been watching some films for the first time as well. Hope you enjoy this one! We know you guys have been waiting for this ❤️

James Forrest

Yeah Deadpool was great, and I got a weird kick of it being a football writer and thus an avid watcher of Welcome To Wrexham, about the club Ryan Reynolds owns. (You guys should see that, it's fabulous and thoroughly entertaining.) I also loved - absolutely loved - The Impossible. In a year of cinema so abysmal I barely saw anything original I was blown away by that film, in every aspect. Love that you guys are putting up such a diverse bunch of stuff. I do gotta ask ... do you guys intend to go back and watch some of the New Hollywood movies such as Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Easy Rider, The French Connection and the likes? You've covered The Godfather and stuff from that era but some of the gems you've not seen are wonderful :)


For the life of me I tried two separate times to watch this film and I can't get past the first ten minutes which annoys me cause apparently its amazing lol I'ma give it one last shot with you two fine folks lol 🙏


We’ve got A LOT to get to and a lot of phenomenal movies that just keep getting added to our list. As you mentioned we try to keep it as diverse as possible but we absolutely have the intention of watching all of the big titles we missed regardless of the decade. All of the films you mentioned above are on our list so we will definitely cover them. Oh boy! If you liked “The Impossible” do we have something for you tomorrow!


FUCK YES please watch reservoir dogs too :) The brother of Travolta's character plays a huge role in that movie.

Matthias Fendl

I loved your reaction! It's my favorite movie of all time since i was 16 and it grows every time i see it! Thank you!

James Forrest

Tremendous reaction guys and really insightful comments. There are directors who in their careers will never make a truly challenging film, and there are some who do it over and over and over again and Tarantino long ago earned his standing as one of the geniues capable of constantly pushing boundaries and subverting your expectations. He has some gift not only as a writer but as a director. The thing I love above all about his work is how many little nods and winks and nudges there as to the extent of his knowledge about films both great and small. There's also a hint of a complete universe in everything he does ... many of the stories seem to connect and maybe even do. Take Reservoir Dogs. There is an obvious illusion with the unseen character mentioned by Keitel named Alabama; is she the chick from True Romance? Who knows, but she could be. Certainly Vic Vega in the movie IS the brother of Vincent from this movie, and Tarantino confirms that and actually wanted to do a movie about them which I'm sad he never did. The samurai sword hanging in the pawn shop? Is that where he got the idea for Bud's story in Kill Bill 2 when he claims to have pawned the Hitori Hanza sword? (We know he didn't because it's in the trailer when The Bride shows up ... but where does it go afterwards? Is it POSSIBLE that it ended up hanging on a wall in that hellish shop until Butch picked it up years later? Yeah, of course it is .... and that's all deliberate. Even the story of Fox Force Five ... doesn't that have echoes of the Deadly Viper Assasination Squd? There's a depth to these movies is amazing when you look at the scope of it. And the humour ... it's brilliant and subversive and always takes you by surprise. Stellar performances help sell the story. This movie is credited with resurrecting Travolta's career and he went on to make some fine, fine films afterwards (some of which are so good we can forgive him for the Gotti one). Samuel L. was launched into superstardom. Keitel was just reprising great roles from yesteryear but he did end up doing a shitty UK commercial for insurance as Mr Wolfe (I wish I was joking.) Uma was fabulous, Willis is superb, Ving Rhames rules and would not have such a great role until Dawn Of The Dead (although he's pretty decent in Con Air as well) ... I always wanted him to be the lead in a remake of The Beast Must Die lol ... I live in hope which I know will be forlorn lol. Even Walken in his little cameo is brilliant. Guys that was a sheer pleasure from start to finish :) Can't wait to see what's next!


Personally, I'm not a Tarantino fan, but I'm guessing from the comments that you both liked this one, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Regardless of my own feelings on a movie, I always still want people to watch it and decide for themselves. Every time someone watches a Tarantino movie, I always want to recommend "Desperado" with Antonio Bandaras. Quentin Tarantino was IN that movie, and because of that, I always want to say he directed or wrote it (he did neither). I have no idea why that's a recurring mistake I want to make every time Tarantino is mentioned... But still, it might be worth adding to your list, if some other patrons would be interested in watching it too. Or at least to watch in your spare time, if you don't think it would do well on the channel.


It was recently brought to my attention that the scene where Lance's wife talks about all her piercings and the idea that it should be done with a needle is more than just another random conversation. She was upset when Vincent brought Mia to her house. if you watch her face when she realized a huge needle needs to be plunged into Mia's heart to save her she becomes invested. Loves it. "That was f**cking trippy." I love learning new stuff after so many views.


Oof! There's always a bit of pressure when we cover a movie that a lot of people love. We wanna make sure we do these films and stories justice. Glad you enjoyed! Not a bad choice to have in the favorite pedestal!


Absolutely love the amount of passion Tarantino pours into each one of his projects. All directors love cinema but not many can transcend their own emotions through the screen and hit the audience with the efficiency that Tarantino demonstrates with consistency. It’s both inspiring and a pleasure to watch his films. Guy’s got an eye for some fantastic framing. And it’s great to watch this and learn from the very best. The amount of small deliberate easter eggs are phenomenal. They don’t affect the core story but man is it fun to catch them! Stellar performances, directed with precision and a cinematography that will make any filmmaker want to immediately pick up their camera. That’s passion. And when you can convey that passion into a fantastic film like this then you’re definitely doing what you were meant to do. Thank you for watching this with us and for the insight, we always appreciate reading your takes.


And that’s why cinema is so special. Like any other art it’s subjective. People got their own taste and interests. On that note! What’s your favorite director?


It’s always great watching these alongside all of you and getting to discuss these. Thank you for pointing out that little conversation! There’s definitely more to her than we assume at first!

Kristin D

Definitely a top Tarantino film, but a little too much for me. My favorite of Tarantino's is Inglorious Basterds. Just as brutal, and gross, but I'm able to engage with the story better than Pulp Fiction. Hopefully you will watch that some day? For an excellent Bruce Willis movie that simply does not get enough reaction love, definitely watch Fifth Element. Retro-futuristic space story at it's best. IT's a great story, but I think you personally would enjoy the vision the writer/director had while making it. I would love to see you two react to it. Even if you've seen it before, a revisit would be fun.

Josip Buretic

It's been a long time since I watched this great movie, I'm really excited to watch your reaction.


That's a tough question to answer. Directors like Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Ridley Scott, and Christopher Nolan have collectively directed so many movies I love. Ron Howard, Bryan Singer, Jon Favreau, Robert Zimeckis, Harold Ramis, Zack Snyder, Ivan Reitman, The Coen Brothers, Luc Besson, Frank Darabont, John Woo, John Hughes and John Carpenter are all responsible for some of my favorites. There are so many great directors to choose from, I really can't pick just one. If I put aside the major directors like Spielberg, Cameron, etc., and choose from the less widely known directors, I guess I have a soft spot for Guy Ritchie, John McTiernan, Angela Robinson, and Alice Wu. Do the two of you have favorite directors?


Are you guys still considering reacting to Yellowjackets on Showtime? 😊

Luis Martell

New here... just watched your reactions to Tarantinos films and Full metal jacket... and I find it fascinating of how well versed you guys are in film and and film technique, narrative, etc... but that you havent seen all of these masterpieces from around the world is pretty cool to watch someone discover these pieces of art for the first time

Luis Martell

I hope you guys keep reacting to interesting masterpieces... may I suggest 2001 a space odyssey, and "Mulholland Drive" by David Lynch

Kristin D

Not sure if you got your answer, it's my understanding that it's Marcellus' soul in the case. The bandaid on the back of his neck is an indicator of where it was pulled out.

Joseph Collier

I've seen a couple first reactions to Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill and no one has mentioned that "The Bride" in Kill Bill and Mia Wallace are both Uma Thurman.


Try opening Patreon on a browser instead of using the App. Sometimes the App has issues when either Vimeo or Patreon are being updated.

christian carrera

the date with vincent and mrs wallace was actually filmed at a old bowling alley in LA they made into the the diner