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Blade Runner (1982) Movie Reaction (YouTube)


Phil Robinson

Awesome stuff guys - of course it goes without saying that BR:2049 is an absolute must watch, preferably soon while all this is still on your thoughts. You did the right thing in waiting to watch this first - BR:2049 is a triumph in my opinion - every inch as good as this and it also enriches this original even more.


We are definitely watching Blade Runner 2049! This was such an interesting watch and we have a feeling we will enjoy both the narrative of the sequel and seeing the technical advancements in order to depict this world.

Victor Barrera

i love your content!! i have a movie suggestion, A beautiful mind by Ron Howard, is amazing :D

Earl Grey

Stuning visuals and score, but is this movie so incredibly moody and slow or what. My word, that was both pleasurable and painful to watch at the same time. Great reactions, just the movie could do with faster pacing for me.