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Hey guys! Hope you enjoy! We had such an incredible experience with this one. Just so you know! While watching this we didn't have our subtitles on not knowing that most of the Sicilian parts wouldn't be translated automatically. Thankfully my knowledge of Spanish and Denise's Italian combined allowed us to understand pretty much everything that was going on with a few mistakes that were lost in translation here and there. I re recorded the film with subtitles post reaction so that the YT edit makes sense and that is the same file I used to sync the watch along. Anyways! Loved the movie and we hope you enjoy. This has been a long time coming!  





Let's go! This is an offer I can't refuse lol Two movies in one basically lol Not many directors can pull off two masterpieces in a row an Francis Ford Copolla did it, while I Still prefer the first one more (just by a split hair lol) this is arguably the best sequel ever made 🙏


Really wondering which version of third film you’ll watch. Coppola recently re-edited Godfather 3 and people say it’s a better film, still flawed, but tighter.


I'm glad y'all caught Michael's stare to Al Neri while he was hugging Fredo at momma Corleone's wake, most people miss that, what that stare means, on the surface he "forgives" Fredo but in reality he's telling Neri go ahead with taking out Fredo, if you notice the score also changes one score for him hugging Fredo a different score for when he's looking at Al Neri, just masterful on so many levels 🙏


Last thing you awesome people as far as the Godfather three, short answer..... Is it worth a reaction? Yes! Is it a good movie? Yes! (It has al Pacino and Francis ford Copolla as the director for God sakes lol) Is it as great as the first two.... That would be a No but that's ok, it's still well worth a reaction it's just hard to make a third masterpiece lol I hope you consider watching the third one and if you guys do please make sure it's "The Godfather Coda" it's a remastered/re-edited version from Francis Ford Copolla himself it's a lot better then the original theatrical release 🙏


This was fantastic! We thoroughly enjoyed it. We can't decide on which one is better because both of these films are absolutely masterfully executed!


Such a fantastic moment. Al Pacino's nuanced acting is one of our favorite elements in this film. And the score helping tell the story is just icing on the cake!


It's on paramount plus, it does have extra verbage on the title, you'll know when you see it, I didn't mention it here cause I didn't want it to feel like a spoiler but that's how FFC titled the movie oh well lol but you never know 🤷


It’s on showtime and paramount + and I believe it’s cheap to buy on vod.


I've always enjoyed Bruno Kirby's performance as the young Clemenza. I don't know if he actually spoke Italian although he and he father, actor Bruce Kirby, are of Italian descent. I was watching the entire "Columbo" series on disc with my folks and both Kirbys made appearances in different "Columbo" episodes. Bruno also appeared in the comedy, "The Freshman", as Marlon Brando's sidekick, with Brando playing a comedic version of his role in "The Godfather".

James Forrest

Absolutely amazing guys :) I knew you'd love it, and I've sent you a wee email with something special in it :) So, so pleased that you reviewed it and it was a complete pleasure watching your reactions to it today. Just superb.


This one is an experience! A movie that is able to immerse it's viewers for this long and make it feel like it's not that long of a movie is a huge accomplishment. There's so many elements to love about this film but our favorites are the acting and how this movie takes it's time to give us more context on the characters and their relationships essentially enhancing the viewing experience of the previous film. What a movie!