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Total Recall (1990) Full Length Movie Reaction - Watch Along



Greatly enjoyed the react on this. Great points about the miniature design, and the use of sound, there's also something about the blood packs they used in this era of film making. They always look really good and you don't see that, even in modern movies - whether its actually 'realistic' or not is another matter, but it conveys the impact, which I think is what matters visually for a visual format. The set design throughout this is insane - and rightfully blown away by the miniature sequence in his dream with kuato.. its amazing how they did this for 1990. Regarding dream or not - its a personal thing, you have to respect it either way, as always some ppl will get animated about these kind of details, same as the end of the Thing. For me personally, Ive always interpreted it as being in his mind. For several reasons. Primarily its the fact that when he goes to rekall, the agent actively tries to talk him out of going to Mars, Quaid insists, but its the AGENT who suggests the secret agent program, not Quaid. Later on when Cohagen explains the plan, he specifically notes that Quaid going to Rekall is not part of their plan. So why would the Rekall agent, suggest a secret agent program if its not part of Cohagens plan? Coincidence? its quite a stretch. Also when he is sitting down at Rekall they show two slides of alien artefacts that are almost identical to the alien reactor on Mars later. The doctor even says 'they date back a million years' - this is repeated by Cohagen later in the dream sequence that Quaid is meant to have heard for himself in reality - so how can this be in Rekall before his implant? Quaid sees this - and uses it later to create his adventure/delusion. Its far too big of a coincidence, and then of course Melina, we could allow that he did dream of her - and that he can describe her - but the photo fit in his rekall screen is LITERALLY her. Its not plausible to believe thats a coincidence - especially when remembering its not at all part of Cohagens plan. All the stuff at Rekall happens before his implant is triggered, and its nothing to do with Cohagen as he says himself. For me - as soon as we get the zoom in and sound drop from him being in the chair - thats the end of the real Quaid. Everything after that is his dream. The rest of the film even feels like a dream. Although the doctor who tries to talk him down drops a bead of sweat, the doctor himself says that Quaid himself is inventing and creating the story as he goes along - the bead of sweat is simply Quaids mind creating an excuse to remain in the dream. As for the cold and suspicious looks from his wife and work buddy at the beginning, I attribute these to just being the movie attempting to throw us off and maintain our curiosity early on. Anyway. Theres more things, but thats the crux of it for me :D


You are so right about the blood packs! The impact that they convey is what get's the message across. It didn't even cross our minds to consider them "unrealistic" because they look good. Love your take on the film! They did such an amazing job at inserting a lot of points here for both arguments! We are under the impression mars was a dream as well. But we'll never know for certain! Absolutely love movies that allow us to make up our minds on what it all means 😄Thank you for watching this with us! It was a joy to read your insight!

Earl Grey

This was so much fun to rewatch, together with my wife and you guys. It was a fun one. Arnie is great. And Sharon kicked some butts. And groins. Lol.


Starship Troopers when?