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The Terminator 2 YouTube Version (Early Access) mp4


Amper Sand

Very well done cut you made for YT version from your original one, well balanced mix of movie sequences, sound and comments, great work!

Jamie Neill

Watched this one after the full version. Awesome. Both of Arnold’s Terminators are T-800’s, but they’re model 101, which is his face. Literally a rail of machines that look like him. Somewhere sometime a human Arnold was used as a model for a terminator. Another T-800 could look like Elvis & be the model 102. Forgot to suggest The Abyss (1989) by James Cameron. It goes under the radar. Amazing performances & the first insight into the special effects needed for the T-1000. After T2 Cameron has only made True Lies, Titanic and the Avatars but the success rate is insane. Hope you watch the others in order of release & come to your own conclusions. I wish they’d had more of the horror element of the original (Salvation tries). Thanks.


Thank you for pointing out what the model number meant! Also yes! The Abyss is on our list. Can't wait to check that one out. So far we've had a blast with Terminator! I believe we'll do the 3rd one as well as see how it goes from there 😄