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Every time I watch "T2:Judgment Day" I always enjoy how James Cameron didn't make Miles Dyson the stereotypical corporate villain but instead someone who came to realize that his decisions could be world-ending for humanity. Dyson didn't intend to sacrifice himself but when circumstances changed he knew what he had to do. Joe Morton was the title character in an indie film before "T2" called "The Brother From Another Planet", a sci-fi comedy where he received praise from Roger Ebert for his unique portrayal of a friendly alien who visits our planet and observes our odd human behavior.


Loved that about the film! We were expecting to see the classic guy who even when knowing what would happen was not gonna show any type of remorse. What a surprise to see that he immediately understood the gravity of the situation and rectified it. I love it when they treat characters like real people would. You could tell this was just a guy fascinated with the science and tech behind it all.

Jamie Neill

Huge fan of the franchise & in my list of favs since I was little (& too young to see them). My mum went to see T2 & didn’t know Arnold was the protector (no spoilers then). He was such a big star by then since the first movie. Great idea! I messaged R.Patrick on Twitter about his running training to be able to run fast without being tired. They all practiced with arms/ military people. He was awesome! Arnold was commended for his skills to use/ handle the firearms. Literally practising endlessly for Terminator to make it so slick & robotic. All the next sequels - T3, Salvation (Christian Bale is John), Genysis & Dark Fate are worth watching to follow the story. They all have cool chases, scenes & moments, but you’ll see how the first 2 are 2 of the best ever. Without Cameron directing his heart & soul into it, it’s hard to follow these 2. Lastly, Vasquez from Aliens was John’s foster mum & Dyson plays Cyborg’s Dad in DC’s Justice League - familiar faces. True Lies (James Cameron) & The Running Man are 2 more worthy Arnold movies! I think Predator & T2 are his 2 best. Hasta La Vista Baby.


Not knowing Arnold was the protector was such a great surprise! Love to hear when actors go above and beyond and train for their films. It really does add a layer of authenticity that helps the overall immersion! Thank you for your suggestions! Adding them to our list 😀