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My suggestion is John Carpenter's "Starman" (1984), a followup to "The Thing" with another alien shape shifter but a completely different plot where it has visited the Earth on a mission of peace but receives a hostile reception. Upon initial release, the film got a warm reception by fans and critics like Roger Ebert. Thanks for a great watchalong reaction to "The Thing". My first viewing was not in the theater but on VHS and it was so terrifying that my friends and I had to stop the movie to take a short intermission to compose ourselves.

Amper Sand

I just joined your channel because, thanks to your experience in filmmaking, your comments made me see the movies you presented from a different angle, seeing some details I missed - very enjoyable experience, thank you! Back to your comments regarding "The Thing" technique and build-up tension: I would suggest you to watch (not necessarily "react" here, but just watch for yourself) Spielberg's first featured movie, Duel (1971) - it's quite unique movie in its style, 1 hr30 mins two characters action, almost no soundtrack, and an amazing camera/lens work. For fun, I remember I watched this on cinema in 1985 with my then girlfriend, at 20 mins mark started a 5-mins sequence so tense she had to get out to throw-up (and she wasnt' pregnant, lol) Anyway, in case you decide to watch it, be sure you have a good bass sound and a big, wide screen, really worth it.


You know it’s scary when you have to pause! What a great film! Adding Starman to our list. Premise sounds interesting. Thank you for sharing! 😃


That means a lot to us! Thank you for watching these movies with us ❤️ Alright! Duel! We’ll check it out. Sounds like the kind of film we’d enjoy a lot 😄