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Daniel Karlsson

I feel this movie gets a bad rep. The script is good, the acting is great in places and the cinematography is fantastic at times. It is very Fincher, which is fine by me. I get that people get upset at the fact she lost everyone in the beginning, but honestly I don't think the rest of the movie would have worked with Newt or Hicks there. To me this movie brings back that claustrophobic feel of the first movie, which is fantastic. I do agree about the CGI though, it wasn't even great when it came out. Practical is always better, which the second half shows. Also, considering all the crap they went through in production, this turned out really well. Regarding Alien 4, that is a film with problems. The script went through about 900 re-writes by different writers and it shows so hard. It does look cool though. You should watch it, but be prepared that you might be disappointed. I always like to drop some recommendations, so here we go: Oldeuboi (2003) Ong-Bak Spirited Away Starship Troopers Stargate

Duarte Dunn

The better cut of the ending of this movie was cut out of the director's edition. The queen alien bursts out of Ripley's chest, screeching, as she is falling into the furnace in the theatrical version. Now we have to watch 'Alien Resurrection' (Aliens 4)


Totally agree, from our comment section on YT we genuinely expected a catastrophe and this was certainly not that! This film had so many fantastic elements, it's just that the beginning is such a tough pill to swallow, understandably. But you're right, the film would have become something entirely different with Hicks and Newt in it, and well, Fincher brought his own vision, so - we got what we got. We are definitely prepared for the 4th one, but are keeping an open mind! Thank you so much for your recommendations, added them to our list!


Ooooohhh, see that would have been so satisfying to see! Can't believe we were robbed of that visual haha, now we gotta check out the theatrical cut as well!

Raven Dark

I've listened to your before and afterthoughts on all three Alien reactions, and I saw that a lot of people told you not to watch this movie. I also saw in some of your replies that you don't like when people tell you or others to stop a franchise at a certain point. I understand this. Stopping a franchise that starts out great after a certain point robs you of the chance to see great moments the sequels in a franchise may have. You can end up missing things that, as writers and viewers who appreciate movies with a more meticulous eye than most, you really should have a chance to witness. But I wanted to take the opportunity to play Devil's advocate here. Reactors usually have to rely on their patrons (or subs on Youtube) to tell them if sequels in any particular franchise are worth it, and the thing is, for us as viewers of reaction channels, sometimes it's a bit of a catch 22. If a sequel to a well-loved series is widely disliked, those of us who tell you to stop at a certain point are usually doing it because of something that happens when a person watches a sequel that doesn't measure up. Sometimes sequels that have a wide consensus of dislike have something about the film that will sour the franchise or ruin the previous films in some way. You two seem to be able to put aside your love of a film, or films, in order to just enjoy a less loved installment for what it is, but many can't, and those of us who have to guess at how you'll react have no way of knowing whether you will be able to do that, or if an installment will ruin what came before. When a really good installment ends on a super high note (like Aliens or Terminator 2), the letdown of a less than stellar installment can leave people wishing they hadn't continued. I think most who told you to stop with this film were worried, especially when it comes to Ripley, how it would affect your enjoyment of the first two movies. If I were here at the time, I may have advised stopping, and if I had, that would be why. I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that, while I hate to rob reactors of something they'll like, if I think they'll run into something in a franchise that will ruin it for them, I will tell them to stop because once that bad taste is in the mouth it's hard to wash it out. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. I hope this makes sense. I'm going to watch all three reactions now. I haven't seen the third film in a long time, so this time, I want to really analyze it on it's own merit. Be warned, I may leave another long comment on this one after the reactions are done. LOL Love you guys.