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Daniel Karlsson

I just love this movie. The aesthetic is just fantastic, combining Luc Besson and Jean-Paul Gaultier is an insane idea but it works. Yes, it is not a perfect movie, but no Luc Besson films rarely are (some come close though). The tempo is insane but most Besson movies have that (Taxi is an excellent example). It is very french in it's way. I agree with you completely about Jovovich and Willis, their chemistry is great. Jovovich especially is really good in this. Of all I've seen of her this is my favorite performance from her. Oldman and Holm delivers as expected. If you want to experience more Besson (which you should) both "Leon, the professional" (1994) and "La Femme Nikita" (1990) are fantastic!


This is one of my dad's favorite movies, along with "Big Trouble" and "Big Trouble in Little China," so I've seen it quite a few times over the years. Every time we watch it, I get to see my dad jump out of his seat to do the entire sales pitch for the ZF-1, right down to the movements and accent. So, there's that. I liked the goofiness of this movie. But I can definitely see how it might not be for everyone. It's not perfect, but it can be a whole lot of fun if you don't mind the campy tone. And while I'm not an opera fan at all, I did like the Diva's song in this movie very much. I have two thoughts every single time I watch this movie: First, Milla Jovovich has the most gorgeous eyes. This isn't the only movie she's in where they include a close up shot of her eye, and I can see why. (Side Note: I am still waiting for someone to react to the movie "Kuffs" with Christian Slater and Mila Jovovich in what I think was her first big role. It's a fun movie that you may want to add to your list). Second, in the hotel/cruise ship in this movie, when the bomb is detected and the alarms go off, it shows little red siren lights popping out of the floor while the voice announces that the ship has to be evacuated. Wouldn't lights ON THE FLOOR be incredibly dangerous if people are running for the exits? I like a lot of the details they came up with for their vision of the future, but that may very well be the dumbest idea I have ever seen. Why not just have tripwires pop out in all the doors if you're trying to get people killed if they panic? ✌️🤓